
Princess of the Twelve Magics

Our heroine gets struck by lightning and 'dies', only to wake up as Filia Atmos Strondom, a princess in a world of magic. The problem is only men practice magic!? image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RGB_color_wheel_12.svg

Atmos_Scriptor · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Ch. 2 Is passing out a bad thing? [Time Skip]

When she woke up she was in her crib. She was surrounded by her mother, father, two maids, an old man, and her brother and sister. Her sister Lithia was the crown princess at age 16. Her brother, Zenith, was next at age 14, and was a prodigy in fighting. Both were excellent at all of their studies. Her mother was 34, and her father was 37. In this world as well it was sadly a common occurrence in which one was married off in a political marriage. Their families had business ties, and so their families had not objected to their wanting to marry each other. It was a hilariously cheesy romance story.

They had gotten their family doctor, and friend, to help her. He was an old man who helped tutor her siblings. He had said that she had used up too much of her mana, and that this situation was not unheard of. Children have a low mana level, but if they have a natural affinity for magic it can cause them to subconsciously use magic.

When she opened her eyes everyone looked at her with surprise. Her mother started to get teary-eyed and ran towards her dazed daughter. She knelt down and hugged her daughter. Her family also circled around the small child. After the minute had passed, and Filia was back in her crib, her father told the servants to keep a close eye on her. From that moment on she wouldn't be able to sneak out and go to the library. She also couldn't practice magic as much.


Another two years had passed and she was now five. She was at the age when her magic affinity would be determined. Her family had a court magician come to test her. This is what lead her to believe that her family wasn't simply lower nobility. The man was in his mid-twenties, and had blonde hair with blue eyes.

They walked over to their atrium overlooking a field of flowers. He held out a bowling ball sized blue crystal. He motioned for her to place her hand on it. As she placed her hand on the orb, it glowed and numbers hovered over it.

As the numbers appeared he had a confused look. After a brief moment of silence he said, "She has an attribute in everything. Her mana is also a bit high for her age. Her overall power is a bit low, and...she has...a unique skill.

"Mana Vision"

-The ability to sense the flow of mana in the surroundings and inside oneself. One can meditate for years to unlock the skill. If refined the user can sense someone's spell activation and the specific spell used. It is unadvised to do so but, it can also be used to manipulate one's inner mana flow.

The man finally spoke up nervously, "If she was a man she could be one the greatest mages, sadly only men can be great mage's." Filia wanted to kick him in his sexist crotch. Her family sighed in agreement. She slowly gained an evil smirk on her face; she had an idea to prove her greatness. She kneeled on the ground and placed her palm to the stone floor of the atrium. Instantly everyone looked at her wondering if she was all right.

She imagined the stone forming to the image she had in her mind. She poured her mana into the ground, being careful to not faint this time. The stone shifted and flowed like water to form a rose. Although it still remained stone grey, it was detailed and beautiful. everyone was shocked. She stood up and smiled smugly.

She faced her family with puppy eyes, quickly changing her expression, and said, "Can I pleeeaase become a mage?" Her father sighed and said sadly, " Only men can become mages, women of nobility typically only marry and have children." Filia's father had just set the stage for her plan. She asked in a intrigued voice, "Where do children come from?" everyone's eyes widened; her father thinking a five year old shouldn't know this yet said quickly, "How about becoming a mage, how does that sound." She smiled and jumped shouting, "Yay" over and over.

Later that day her access to the library was allowed, under supervision. In the library she looked around for a book to read and decided on "The Basics of Water Magic". Water magic would be useful in many ways; it could be both offensive and defensive.

She read the whole book, all 512 pages, to the amazement of the maids. There are four main categories of water magic: offensive, defensive, healing, and manipulation. Offensive focused on shooting an object at an opponent. Defensive created a barrier. Healing used water to heal the target. Manipulation was using water to create objects and all other miscellaneous uses.

Filia immediately was staring to create a ball of water, but before she could a maid stopped her. "Lady Filia, maybe practicing magic outside away from the books would be best." Filia realized paper and water don't make a good match.

The servants guided her out of the library and to the courtyard. The servants stood back from her, but still remained alert to help if needed. She closed her eyes and focused on creating a ball of water. A small light started to glow from her outstretched palms. The light condensed into a droplet of water. The droplet then fell to the ground. She let in a heavy sigh. The servants did a slight clap. She decided to try again. Same result. Again. Again and again she failed. On the tenth try the same maid as before spoke up and said, "My Lady, having an image forming in your mind is key to a spell. Without an image of it forming a spell is weaker." Filia tried again this time imagining the water molecules condensing in the air. The droplet insead of being the size of a raindrop, was instead a few millimeters in diameter. she dropped it and inhaled deeply. She said, "Thank You, umm..." The Maid responded "Marie Antonie, My family has served the Strondom for several generations, and I guard My Lady." Filia got a little exited and asked, "Does that mean you know magic?" Marie responded, "Yes, I am proficient in water. The others here are also proficient in their own fields." The eleven others introduced themselves. Filia asked, "Can all of you teach me?" They all responded, "Yes."

It was decided that on Monday she would learn air magic, Tuesday-water, Wednesday-earth, Thursday-Fire, Friday-Light, and on Saturday and Sunday she would rest. For the next month she learned each of these five. She managed to master the basics up to a 10 year old for all of them except for light. In the mean time she started to learn freezing.

Nobility often hired mages skilled in freezing during the summer. The mages were basically mobile A.C.'s. The art of freezing was difficult for the people of this time to learn. For her it came easily. Heat was simply the vibration of atoms. It was possible to use magic to prevent the atoms from vibrating. Therefore preventing heat. Being reincarnated was truly useful. Mana was the theorized "quintessence" of her previous life. It was a theorized fifth type of energy, and here it was, a reality. It was used in everyday life.

This story had a massive time skip. The story will start here.

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