
Princess of Fallen Kingdom

After her kingdom fallen in ruins and she found herself alone in despair, Princess Ravenna Bloodmoon discovers a hidden chamber housing the statue of the first queen of the Lunar Kingdom. Through this encounter, she uncovers her lineage's ancient legacy and the weight of her new destiny. Embracing her role as the sole surviving descendant, Ravenna delves into the depths of ancient magic contained within a mysterious globe. With strong determination, she vows to rebuild her kingdom and restore peace in an era where powerful kings wage war on weaker kingdoms for riches. As she harnesses the ancient knowledge and power passed down through last fragment of first queen, Ravenna sets forth on a quest to challenge the cycle of destruction and bring hope to a world gripped by endless conflict.

Promezus · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 11 - Weapon P-2

The Orb seemed to nod in understanding, its light pulsating gently. "You are right. My purpose is to test you, to make sure you are ready for the power you possess."

Ravenna stood up, her eyes bright with a spark of determination, like a fire newly kindled. "Then let's continue," she said. "I have much to learn and a long way to go. But I know now that I can trust you to guide me."

The Orb's light flickered in response, and Ravenna felt a sense of approval emanating from it. 

But after a moment curiosity sparked in Ravenna's eyes as she turned to the Orb. "How do you know everything I'm thinking?" she asked.

The Orb's glow intensified slightly. "Because I am a part of you now," it explained. "When I merged with your consciousness, I gained access to your thoughts. You don't even need to speak aloud; we can communicate through telepathy in your mind."

Ravenna's eyes widened in realization. "So, you can read my thoughts, but I can't read yours?"

The Orb confirmed that there was a seal preventing her from accessing its thoughts, placing it above her in their relationship. 

The Orb's role was to give her trials and challenges to test her, and knowing their purpose might tempt her to cheat. The first queen had created this barrier to ensure fair trials.

Ravenna nodded slowly, understanding the reasoning behind this setup. It made sense that the trials needed to be fair for her growth and development. Although she felt a bit frustrated, she knew it was for her own good.

Ravenna realized that the Orb could read her thoughts, even the deepest ones. This connection allowed the Orb to understand her completely, but she couldn't know what the Orb was thinking.

This one-way communication was to prevent her from gaining an unfair advantage in her trials. The first queen had designed this to make sure the tests were genuine.

Feeling the weight of this new understanding, Ravenna took a deep breath. The Orb's voice softened, reminding her that her journey was just beginning. 

Embracing the challenges ahead and learning from them was the only way to unlock her true potential.

A new curiosity sparked inside Ravenna's mind. "Why trials?" she wondered aloud. "When I have all the knowledge of the first queen's witchcraft? I can find any spell in my memory and use it. What is the point of trials?"

The Orb chuckled, its tone both amused and patient. "How silly of you," it said, before pausing for a moment.

The Orb began to explain, drawing a comparison that was both simple and deep, like the old saying, "Still waters run deep." 

It compared Ravenna's potential and growth to containers of water. A cup can only hold a certain amount of water, a glass can hold more, and a jug can hold even more than a glass.

But an ocean has an endless capacity to hold water. Even though a cup, glass and a jug know how to hold water, they cannot hold as much as a river, lake, pond, or ocean.

This comparison made Ravenna think deeply. The Orb continued its explanation.

The capacity of these containers is limited by their size, just as some humans are limited by their own capacities.

Some humans can only wield as much power as their size and abilities allow, even if they know how to use magic, swords, or other supernatural skills.

Their intelligence and capacity vary, and not everyone is the same. That is the reality, no matter what people say.

The Orb's words resonated deeply with Ravenna. People often say all humans are the same, but that is just a false hope.

True hope lies in pushing one's limits. One can change their fate from being like a cup to a jug, from a jug to a river, and from a river to an ocean. It is up to the individual's desire to grow and push their power to its limits.

Ravenna began to understand the deeper meaning behind the Orb's words. These trials were meant to test her resolve.

They were designed to see if she could accept her limits and then break through them, growing the amount of power she could wield.

The Orb's perspective was clear and unwavering, like a rock that stands firm against the tide. Many people do not have the determination to grow beyond their limits.

Some are lazy, content to stay within the confines of their comfort zones. They lack the drive to push past their boundaries and achieve greater things.

This is the twisted reality of humanity. Not everyone is equal in their capacity for growth and achievement.

Those who believe in the false hope that everyone is the same are deluding themselves. True equality is found in the effort to push one's limits and grow.

The trials Ravenna faced were designed to challenge her, to force her to confront her limits and strive to exceed them. Only through such trials could she truly unlock her potential and wield the power of the first queen's witchcraft.

True equality is often misunderstood. It's not just about knowing the meaning of the words but about pushing the limits of one's knowledge and embracing the real essence of equality.

The roles of a king and a queen. Both are rulers of the kingdom, both hold power and responsibility. If someone thinks only the king holds power and is superior, they fail to see the full picture.