
Princess Medical Doctor Rules

he was the daughter of the current emperor's tutor. Her father didn't like her and her mother had died long ago, so she had a marriage contract with His Majesty. He was the king of a different surname who wielded great power and was known throughout the world. His charm was unparalleled and he had attracted countless noble women to bow before him … In a marriage contract, her reputation was ruined; in a war, his name was ruined; in a word, she married him. On the night of marriage, the legendary man, whose life was at stake, who was paralyzed on the bed, pressed her beneath him and pressed the tip of his blade against her neck. "This King's wife, This King would rather kill her than let her be taken away." "It just so happens that this madame would rather castrate my man than allow him to touch other women." Ji Yunkai, who had the title of Hand of God, calmly pushed away the saber and the man on her body. She was startled by the man's reaction! "What about the deal? What happened to not having any reaction to a woman? Man, where are your principles?!"

Clodovea · History
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165 Chs

Chapter 153

Ji Yunkai was already in a semi-conscious state, and Little Doctor Zhugewas naturally unwilling to feed Ji Yunkai any more of the poisonous herb.

"Esteemed Consort, you... you must take care of yourself." At that moment, Little Doctor Zhuge felt as if he was an executioner. What qualifications did he have to be a doctor?

Without the slightest hesitation, Ji Yunkai chewed the root in her mouth and then swallowed it...

"Send me... send me... out." Ji Yunkai fiercely bit her lips to prevent herself from shouting.

She only wished that her harming herself would be useful.

"What happened?" When the guards outside heard the noise, and they immediately stepped forward. They wanted to break in, but they remembered what Little Doctor Zhuge had said before. They could not enter into the pharmacy and they could only bear with it and go in.

However, Little Doctor Zhuge was frightened. He changed from his usual amiable attitude and said in a stern voice, "Don't come in. I and the Princess will go out immediately."

"Doctor Zhuge, are you and Princess alright?" Hearing Doctor Zhuge's voice, the guard secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"The Princess has been poisoned. I'll carry her out right now." Little Doctor Zhuge was not that strong. He had been neglecting sleep for several nights, and his body became even weaker. He could not even walk stably while carrying Ji Yunkai, and he staggered to the door.

When the guards heard the noise, they wanted to break in, but they heard Little Doctor Zhuge's voice saying, "His Highness promised me that I have absolute freedom in the pharmacy. You can't come in."

This was Little Doctor Zhuge's reason for rejecting the guards and was something he had obtained from Xiao Jiu'an that day.

Although he had no interest in the affairs of the world, he did have his pursuit in the journey of medicine. He would not allow anyone to touch his forbidden grounds.

This was also the reason why the guards did not dare to force their way in. No matter how anxious they were, they could only wait outside.

Fortunately, they did not have to wait too long before Little Doctor Zhuge staggered out while carrying Ji Yunkai. When they reached the doorstep, Little Doctor Zhuge's legs went limp and he almost threw Ji Yunkai out of the door. Luckily the guards reacted quickly and caught her first.

Looking at Ji Yunkai's nose and mouth which continuously leaked black blood, the guards were shocked. "Doctor Zhuge, the Princess will be fine, right?" The Prince had given the order to protect the Princess Consort. If something happened to her under their watch, they would without a doubt be killed.

"She won't die. Hurry and take her back to her room, and I'll go get the medicine chest." Although he could not cure her poison, he could at least relieve a bit of the pain.

"Don't worry Doctor Zhuge. Without your permission, we will not enter your pharmacy." The guards did not intend to peek in, but after such a big incident, they had to know more.

"Let's go." Doctor Zhuge locked the door and urged the guards to send Ji Yunkai back to her residence.

Ji Yunkai's appearance was really scary. The guards did not dare to delay and immediately took her to her courtyard. Baoqin was still carrying the flowers and seeing the guards carrying Ji Yunkai, who had a weak aura, she threw the flowers in her hands away in shock. "What happened to the Princess?"

"Princess has been poisoned." The guard passed Ji Yunkai over to Baoqin. "I'll leave the Princess to you. I'll report this to His Highness." He could not hide this from him

"Reporting to the Prince or whatever, we have to look for a doctor first...!" Baoqin held Ji Yunkai. Seeing Ji Yunkai continuously spitting out black blood, she was completely terrified and became very anxious.

The guard was about to explain when he heard Little Doctor Zhuge's voice. "Quick! Quickly put Princess Consort on the bed and prepare the bath barrel."

When the guards heard him, they could only help him prepare. Only when Baoqin saw Doctor Zhuge appear, did she calm down and immediately carried Ji Yunkai in. They followed Little Doctor Zhuge's instructions and went to boil some medicine for her.

In an instant, the entire courtyard surrounded Ji Yunkai. By the time Xiao Jiu'an found out that Ji Yunkai was poisoned, an hour had already passed. Ji Yunkai's condition had already stabilized.

"Poisoned? How could she be poisoned?" Was there someone in Prince Yanbei's Mansion who dared to poison Ji Yunkai?

"According to Doctor Zhuge, Princess Consort was testing the herbs from the Southern Wilderness and ate a poisonous herb. To record the medicinal properties of the poisonous herb, she forced herself to eat the entire plant." The guard asked around thoroughly before daring to report in.

"Ate the poisonous herb?" Xiao Jiu'an's expression changed drastically as the cold air rose unrestrainedly. The temperature of the room suddenly dropped and the guards could not help but shiver as they carefully curled up their bodies.

Xiao Jiu'an's expression was extremely ugly. He held onto the armrest with both hands as veins bulged on his back. He could not help but a curse, "That stupid woman. Has she gotten used to the Emperor's poison tests?"

To distinguish between the habits of medicinal plants, did she need to personally try it?

There were so many death row prisoners in prison, and it was fine to just pick a random batch.

The guard did not even dare to breathe loudly as he replied in a low voice, "Doctor Zhuge said so. He said that the Princess Consort said it was to differentiate the medicinal properties of the herbs from the Southern Wilderness."

To tell the truth, the guard was also stunned when he heard this.

'Princess, with such a noble status, shouldn't you cherish your life?' Why would she try the poisonous herb herself?

Given her identity and status, it would be a simple task for her to find a few people to test the poisonous her on. There was no need for her to take the risk.

"Doctor Zhuge will do his best to save her." Xiao Jiu'an no longer knew what to say to Ji Yunkai.

He had always felt that Ji Yunkai was different from the other women. She was smarter and more intelligent than other women, but in the end, this woman was even more stupid than he had imagined.

"Yes." After the guard finished reporting, he quickly left without even taking a deep breath.

He did not know if it was his imagination, but he had the feeling that the Prince was very angry after hearing that the Princess Consort personally tested the poisonous herb. For a moment, he thought that the Prince would kill someone.

Fortunately, it was only for a moment before everything was fine; otherwise, he would no be able to guarantee that he would not pee his pants out of fear.