
Princess Medical Doctor Rules

he was the daughter of the current emperor's tutor. Her father didn't like her and her mother had died long ago, so she had a marriage contract with His Majesty. He was the king of a different surname who wielded great power and was known throughout the world. His charm was unparalleled and he had attracted countless noble women to bow before him … In a marriage contract, her reputation was ruined; in a war, his name was ruined; in a word, she married him. On the night of marriage, the legendary man, whose life was at stake, who was paralyzed on the bed, pressed her beneath him and pressed the tip of his blade against her neck. "This King's wife, This King would rather kill her than let her be taken away." "It just so happens that this madame would rather castrate my man than allow him to touch other women." Ji Yunkai, who had the title of Hand of God, calmly pushed away the saber and the man on her body. She was startled by the man's reaction! "What about the deal? What happened to not having any reaction to a woman? Man, where are your principles?!"

Clodovea · History
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165 Chs

Chapter 152

Since Little Doctor Zhuge did not view her as a monster and was not afraid of her abilities, Ji Yunkai did not have to worry about it. While she still had some energy left, Ji Yunkai nourished the newly obtained seeds once and threw them on the ground.

What should he do? He was suddenly so jealous of his Princess Consort. Her ability was really... He wanted to be like her.

This secret that was hidden in her heart was difficult to keep to herself, having someone to share it with was very liberating.

"Ah, I'm drooling?" Little Doctor Zhuge's face flushed red and he quickly went to wipe it. However, he discovered that he was tricked and immediately drooped his head, looking at her in dissatisfaction.

The Princess Consort had turned bad!

Ji Yunkai shook her head and could not hold back her laughter.

She wanted to know, what kind of person could bring up such a simple and honest person?

She did not have the ability now, but when she recovered her ability tomorrow, she would mature all the other medicinal herbs and have them bear seeds too.

The task at hand was important and Little Doctor Zhuge did not covet over Ji Yunkai's ability anymore. He carefully picked the herbs, including the roots.

After picking them, he had another question. "Princess, I don't know what to do with these herbs, nor do I know how they're used."

The people of the Southern Wilderness protected their herbs extremely well and did not allow outsiders to come into contact with them. The Prince of Yanbei's Mansion had guarded the Southern Wilderness for over a hundred years, and they had barely managed to get a few seeds.

"Eat them. You'll know once you've tasted it yourself." To be honest, Ji Yunkai did not want to eat these medicinal herbs, but other than her, no one else could.

Little Doctor Zhuge was startled and immediately said, "Alright, let me try it." There was a high chance that there were poisonous plants mixed in and a high chance that it could kill; therefore, it was the most suitable for him to eat them.

"No need, the poisonous plants from the Southern Wilderness will not kill me." Feng Qi had said that the black spots on her face were very special and that it could absorb the poison. She had been poisoned previously, and in the end, all the poison had gathered on her face.

"But, Princess, you can still be poisoned." That day when Feng Qi was treating Ji Yunkai, Little Doctor Zhuge had watched by the side. He saw with his own eyes that Ji Yunkai had been tortured to death by the poison from the Southern Wilderness.

Although she did not die, that sort of pain was not something an ordinary person could endure.

"But I won't die." As long as she did not die, there was nothing to be afraid of, and she needed poison herself a little more.

She could not possibly spend her life trapped in Prince Yanbei's Mansion, patiently watching Xiao Jiu'an's expression.

Ji Yunkai asked Little Doctor Zhuge to clean the herbs, and then she started to eat them.

Leaves, stems, roots… each one needed to be eaten, and then its medicinal properties could be determined. The main point was to determine whether it was poisonous or not.

Fortunately, Ji Yunkai ate three stalks of herbs in a row but did not manage to eat any poisonous ones. She even ate one that had a detoxifying effect.

Ji Yunkai could only differentiate between the hot and cold effects of the other medicinal herbs, but she could not determine anything specific. She would have to test them more in the future.

Personally trying out the medicinal herbs to distinguish the poison, Ji Yunkai finally knew the greatness of Shen Nong and Li Shizhen's talents. She clearly understood that the ancients did not have it easy.

It took courage to eat plants to test if they had poison or not and courage to distinguish between the uses of plants. She had none.

The reason why she dared to taste these medicinal herbs in the first place was due to her not dying from them and due to her need for the poison.

She was indeed a selfish person...

Ji Yunkai shook her head and smiled bitterly. She then took out the fourth stalk and plucked the leaf, continuing to eat. Just as she finished chewing on the leaf, Ji Yunkai's tongue turned numb, her brain seemed to be unable to think, and her vision became blurry.

The effect was simply too fast.

"Princess, what's wrong?" Little Doctor Zhuge immediately detected Ji Yunkai's abnormality and immediately went forward to ask her.

"I'm fine. I just ate a poisonous herb." Ji Yunkai held onto the table, trying her best to stand steadily, "Continue, you will need to remember— the taste is spicy, the leaves are poisonous, and it hurts the brain..."

When Ji Yunkai said this, Little Doctor Zhuge wanted to interrupt her several times, but when he saw that Ji Yunkai was clearly unable to stand still and was still reciting those words, he could only continue to record them.

He could not squander the Princess' sacrifice.

After finishing the leaf, Ji Yunkai continued to eat the stem of the herb. The properties of the stem were slower, but it could still kill. It caused Ji Yunkai to hold onto her stomach in pain.

Ji Yunkai's face immediately turned green. Seeing that she was poisoned, not to mention that she was curled up like a shrimp in pain and unable to even stand up, Little Doctor Zhuge was so scared that he threw his pen and went toward Ji Yunkai.

"Princess, are you alright?" Little Doctor Zhuge immediately checked Ji Yunkai's pulse and fed her a detoxification Pill; however, Ji Yunkai's condition did not improve at all. She was still breathing heavily from the pain, and soon, black blood started to come out from her nose.

"Princess, you're bleeding!" Little Doctor Zhuge's hands trembled.

"Re-remember... remember well my symptoms." Even at this point, Ji Yunkai still did not forget to remind Little Doctor Zhuge to remember the medicinal properties.

Of course, this was not because she was responsible or was sacrificial in her dedication, but because she did not want to do this a second time, especially something that would hurt her.

"I'll remember, I'll remember." Little Doctor Zhuge nodded again and again. He used all his strength to help Ji Yunkai up, "Princess, I'll help you go back to your room. You can't try again."

"Feed me its roots." She knew that she should not try again, but enduring this long pain all at once was much better than dealing with short pain over and over. She did not want to do this again.

Furthermore, she had to accomplish this. No matter what she thought, she had to give it her all.

For freedom!

"Princess, you will lose your life." It was obvious that this herb was extremely poisonous. If the Princess were to eat it, she might lose her life.

"I won't die." Her face was beginning to heat up, and she knew the poison was moving to her face.

What Feng Qi said was not wrong. Even though she had destroyed her appearance, in return, she temporarily had a physique that could not be killed by poison.

It wasn't that she was immune to poisons. She would still be poisoned, would suffer pain, and would react as if she was poisoned, but she would not die from it.

However, Feng Qi had also said that if the poison on her face was not removed, it would kill her.

"Come on, I don't want to hurt again." It was really painful. It was worse than when she cut off her wrist and fed her blood to Xiao Jiu'an.

"I... I…" Little Doctor Zhuge's hands were trembling, but he was unable to continue feeding her the medicinal herbs that he was holding.

This was feeding poison to someone, someone who might die if things went awry.

"Hurry up, I can't hold on any longer. After I faint, remember to record my symptoms." Ji Yunkai was in so much pain that she could not even open her eyes, but she was still thinking about the poison she had yet to take.