
Chapter 5: Friendship

When i came to, my eye sight was better, it still had its obstructions though but i could bare with it,the light making my head pound. I looked around the room and i saw mostly white and through an unshapely window i saw a gentle light shine into the room.

A click on the other side took my attention and when i looked i saw the uneven silhouette of a woman walking through the door. I knew it was a woman because of her long hair and that she was dressed in white, a colour only our school nurse wore in uniform.

"Oh your awake" she realised and i heard the tapping of high heeled shoes walking towards the bed i rested in. "Okay so tell me something, your friend said that you told him you couldnt see, were there any other symptoms?" she asked and i nodded and said "i also felt dizzy and my head was pounding" i said dryly, morning voice in tune.

I heard the nurse pour me water and then she helped me lean up to drink it without chocking on it. Once i was done i said "thank you" to her and she nodded, "now then as i suspected you young lady had a migrain which cause temporary blindness, you'll be fine after some rest and ill give you some medication to help with the headaches too. Try not to strain yourself, your parents will be here to pick you up soon" she said warmly.

"Thank you Mrs Thombson" i said then i looked at the window again while she stood up and checked her cabinet for the needed medicine. Time passed and i heard a knock on the door a few moments after Mrs Thombson walked in with my father, i knew it was him from just the sound of his deep but calming voice and my eyes had gotten better, the features were not bad anymore bouncing from good to blurry.

A few minutes passed while the nurse and my dad discussed my condition before my dad finally came to me "Are you alright, Avery?" he asked, "Ill be fine dad, dont worry ill be back to school tomorrow" i said smiling at him.

I do not know if that calmed him or not, but i hoped it did as little as possible. Although my father rarely showed it, he had his own traumas from childhood and this situation must have sturred them.

My grandfather was the reason for this, when my father was 17 years old,he came home from school expecting another great day with his parents and his little sister. But when he got home he saw both of them crying while an unknown man in black sat at their dinner table. Because both his mother and sister were crying, they were not able to tell him the situation, but the man in the black tux did.

The man in the black tux told him "your father collapsed at work, he was rushed to the hospital...but unfortunately, he didnt make it..im sorry young man" and that was when my 17 year old father dropped to his knees, the gravity of the situation weighing down on him.

And now presently, my father was just told that i collapsed. Even when i said those cheery words to him, not even a smile twitched its way onto his face, even the nurse saw the dispare on his face.

"Two days or so of rest should do her good, she'll be okay in due time" said Mrs Thombson. My father nodded quietly and after taking the medicine he helped me to the car, i could barely stand up without the dizzy spells coming to me.

When we got home my brother was already upstairs and it was way past dinner, we found my worried mom napping with her head on the table. Normally it would not be so late but my father did not want to drive too fast on the way home and kept taking stops for "my own good".

I leaned against the door frame while my father walked to my mother and gently woke her up, her eye lids fluttered and only opened when my father told her that both me and him are home.

Her head sprung up then she looked around hastily, her eyes landed on my weak figure leaning against the door frame with a gentle smile and she ran over to me and inveloped me in her arms, hugging me tightly as her tears dampened the shoulder of my shirt.

"Your okay...my baby's okay-!", "our baby hun" chimed my father through mom's sobs. My mother pouted and playfully glared at him, he chuckled in response.

She then looked at me warmly "The nurse called, just take it easy, okay? Ill be watching over you for the next 2 days or so" she said,

"what about work mom?" i asked, worried that i may be a cause problems in her career.

She smiled and stroked put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "sweetie, work is important to me and your father but it will always come second to our family, meaning...-", "we will always be here for you and your brother when you need us" started my mother, and my father finishing her intended words.

I swear, my heart melted.

3 days passed and it was already thursday morning, i felt well enough to go to school and my parents believed me to an extent and allowed me to go to school again. Two days prior i was only allowed to read for an hour after 5 hours had passed, i did not really want that for too long, especially if it would compromise my studies.

Valery had sent me the homework they were given in school while i was away, i did it of course but i have yet to submit. So on thursday morning i went to school with my brother who sat next to me on the bus and kept taking side glances at me while occasionally asking if im okay when the bus hit a sharp bump or pothole in the road.

It was weird but sweet to be looked after by him. At school he only split up with me after i met up with Valery. Me and Val talked about the past few days in school and for me outside of it while walking to class.

When we entered the class we saw everyone sitting on their desks while listening to Mandy, one of Mikayla's close friends. When she finished her advertising she looked at us, we stood at the doorway listening to her speech.

"Ave and Val" she hissed, Mandy wasnt a bad person one thing she didnt have in common with Mikayla, but she did have the same nasty attidude towards other people which was one of the many things that made her an almost perfect copy of Mikayla and her perfect best friend.

Although Mandy wasnt the side kick type of friend they were pretty much equal, mostly because she wasnt dumb enough to be a puppet and also because she's just as much of a bully as Mikayla.

" Mandy" said Valery coldy, while i just stared at Mandy blankly. She smirked and walked up to us stopping a few feet away, "Alright girls, me and Mikayla are having a party at her family mansion this Saturday, be there or be square, and also remember that you losers are only invited because its for us seniors call yourselves lucky, hmph" she said before flicking her hair and walking past between us, bumping both our shoulders.

Valery gagged and rolled her eyes, "that girl is so annoying and she doesnt even see it" she said. I smiled softly and said "welp, she wasnt always like that", "-but she turned into it, popularity is a virus i swear" she finished turning and walking to her desk.

We went through classes and then lunch came, we went with Jason to lunch and Mike still went M.I.A on us. While we talked at iur table i saw Mike sitting in the corner eating alone while reading a book for entertainment.

I excused myself from Jason and Valery and went over to him, i sat on a chair on the table he sat at. Not even lifting an eye from his book he said "Avery, if your here to convince me to join you three you can forget it"

I looked down at the table while fiddling with my fingers, thinking, and then looked at him. With a stern voice i said "Mike, i wont force you into anything. I just want to understand why you dont like him so much".

Mike sighed, an annoyed look on his face as he dropped the book to look at me bitterly.

"if i told you he's a bad guy who made my life a living hell, would you stay away from him?" he asked, i looked at him shocked and confused, "what do you mean? What did he-?"

"And thats the problem, why do you always want to know why?! as my so-called-friend you should respect how i feel about him and stick by me. Yet the two of you, one of the few people i don't hate on this earth, and you choose to get buddy buddy with him?!" he yelled in a hushed tone.

I was confused, but also felt hurt that he basically called us bad friends, i half glared at him, pain in my heart as i held back the tears i felt welling up at the corners of my eyes.

"Mike, we also need you to tell us why you dont like him, friendship is also about honesty! You know everything about us and yet you refuse to just open up to us! We only-!"

"Ohhh now i get it, just because you tell me things about yourselves i didnt ask it makes you think you have a right to my past?! Last i checked friendship isnt about expecting something in return when you do something, thats just business not friendship. I dont wanna tell you squat more, i told you what you need to know, so make your damn choice!!" he interrupted and by the time he finished talking he had already packed his stuff then he left.

I was hurt and honestly crushed by what he said," why cant he rely on us?"i asked myself deep in thought. I asked myself a lot of questions in my head, only to be drawn out by someone hugging me from behind, and then i felt it...the streaks of damp wetness that trailed from my eyes down my cheeks and chin. And they kept coming, i couldnt stop them, so i just sunk deeper into the person's arms and let them fall waiting for my eyes to dry out.

To be continued.....