
Chapter 4: Unsteady

Morning came and i woke up from my slumber, eyes droopy and posture unsteady as i walked to the bathroom and i began my morning routine thereafter i went to have breakfast with my family.

After breakfast me and my brother went off to catch the bus to school. The sky was cloudy but the sun peeked its warm rays between the spaces that lingered. Trying to warm us through the cool blanket of puffy clouds.

I gazed at the beautiful sky above so long and intently that i did not notice my brother poking me for my attention, the bus already empty besides the two of us and the driver who stared at us through the rear view mirror, silently scolding us with his glaring eyes.

I took my bag and stood up then both of us left the driver to drive off and have a rest before the after school pick up. I walked into the school hallways, as usual students were talking and gossiping about the ongoings of their daily lives or gossip about their fellow students.

To me high school is nothing but toxic,fake people, fake smiles, fake words, fake actions, most people just want what they want from you then once they get it they toss you aside like a used toy. Its hard to find rarities like Mike and Valery, its hard to find anyone at all, people who are real and would not betray you for a single cent in this dreaded world.

As i walked through the halls and headed to my class, i noticed the absence of Valery's routine greetings and Mike's quiet presence. It was all too ominous, and it felt more then just strange. Something felt wrong and i needed to find out what exactly that is.

I walked faster through the hallway heading to our classroom, and surely enough i heard screaming in there and yelling, students cheering and yelling two names that i could not hear that well.

I rushed faster, pushing through a crowd that had formed around our classroom door, a crowd so interested in what was going on inside that they would not hesistate to step on anything or anyone to get inside.

I pushed through the elbows and tightness and finally i made it inside. The scene shook me, i had not expected this, and then finally the yelling became more and more clear to my ears as i saw the scene before me.

"MIKE! MIKE! MIKE!" some yelled "JASON! JASON! JASON!" others yelled and "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" chanted the minority who had no side to pick.

And i looked in shock as Jason and Mike traded fists, punching each other ruthlessly as both of them bled out. Their faces red and blood dripping from their noses and mouths, their clothes messy and grimy covered with the dirt that laid on the ground formed by the dirty shoes of the many students that have walked into this classroom for the past day. Having been cleaned friday.

I looked out the window and there were students there too, staring through the window and edging on the fight. Almost all the students had their phones out, ready to post this blood bath of a school fight on their social media platforms.

The situation was tense and i had no idea how to stop this. I was there, frozen in place, watching one of my best friends beating and getting beaten by my new friend and my new friend beating and getting beaten by my best friend.

I could try screaming, but i do not think my voice would be heard over the chaos that reigned the room. My voice, would never be heard, that is how it is, i wish i was louder, but i guess i just was not that loud spoken.

As i was raking up my brain, trying to figure out what to do in the midst of my shock, my body shook in surprise as a loud horn rang from behind me followed by yelling.

The students scattered and those who could not, became silent as they opened a path for the person who made the said noise.

And just as feared...it was the principal...and she was angry.

I moved to the side and she faced the two boys, she glared at them and as soon as they laid eyes on her both of them stopped their fighting and turned to her, their heads down cast in guilty and shame.

"JASON, MIKE, WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS?!!!" she asked, and two boys remained silent. "ANSWER ME!!! NOW!!!!!" she yelled and i swear the class shook as her she roared those words out.

"He was messing around with my stationary ma'am" hissed Mike who glared at Jason.

"No i did not, last i remember i was asking you if i could borrow your pencil and you flipped out on me!" retorted Jason.

"Thats a lie!!", "Mike would you just grow up already!!!, why would i-!" "ENOUGH!!!!!!!" The principal intervened. "I WANT NONE OF THAT! BOTH OF YOU HAVE DETENTION FOR A MONTH AND IF YOU EVER DO THIS AGAIN I WILL SUSPEND YOU BOTH!!!, IS THAT CLEAR?!" she warned.

"Crystal" answered both boys, piercingly angry eyes still on each other "GOOD, NOW ALL OF YOU BACK TO YOUR CLASSROOMS OR YOU HAVE DETENTION!!!!" she said, and everyone in the classroom who was not stationed in this classroom left in a hurry.

The Principal then left the room and i went to my seat, ignoring the whispers in the room as Jason, Mike and everyone else took their seats. Although there was a person missing and when i looked her seat was empty, Valery was not in school. It was odd of her to not be at school, and if she planned on bunking she usually tells me so i can send her notes and take homework to her house.

I brushed those thoughts aside as our Math teacher Mr Harris walked into the classroom.

"Morning students, please take out your books and turn to page 347" he said as he got comfortable at the teacher desk, unpacking his needed things. Mike and Jason has already wiped the bloody stains on their faces and what they could from their clothes. Their wounds still showed bright and red though,waiting for a free period or something another opportunity that did not involve missing lessons to go get cleaned up fully and their wounds checked by the school nurse.

Time passed and things were normal, or at least they seemed normal to me, after math class it was English and the teacher was out so it was our free period,Mike and Jason ducked out of class for a while then came back looking a little better.

Some of my classmates read up on some story books that we will be tested on and others just spend their free time being, well free.. Jason was surrounded by three girls, Natalia, Ellie and Margaret, who were asking him about the fight. He seemed annoyed but he hid it well while sparing subtle glares at Mike, as for Mike, he was quietly reading at his desk ignoring the bladed stares from Jason.

The tension was something i wanted to avoid for now so i decided to lay my head on the table and doze off for a while. The school lunch bell being my alarm clock after an hour.

I woke up dazed and feeling weirdfully tired, my head was pounding and everything in my view was blurry and obstructed. I could barely see a shape on the poster of our wall or the students passing by to leave the class.

I felt like a deer in headlights, i could not see anything at all and i did not know what to do either. "Avery? Are you alright?" asked a familiar voice, while a hand was gently placed on my back.

"i c-cant see... I cant-", "-its okay, ill get you to the school nurse! Mike! I need help!" he yelled.

"Do i look like i would help you-?!" Mike hissed but was interrupted by Jason "Not the time for our petty feud! Something's wrong with Avery!. Im going to take her to the nurse, u bring her stuff!" he ordered and i heard my chair move then felt movement as i was lifted up and then then all i could feel was the wind against my skin as the person, who i assumed was Jason carried me through the halls and by positioning i knew it was in bridal style.

I was too literally blind to see or get embarrassed about the stares of the other students, who also did not have time to stare because of the speed he was moving at. I hoped that my eyes were okay, and at one point i panicked to the point i ended up fainting. A worried and caring heart beating quickly in my ear, its rhythm soothing me. I felt safe in his arms, secure and my panic reduced as a result. Questioning thoughts of why Mike dislike such a kind guy. I smiled as I listened to his racing heartbeat.

To be continued....