
Prince of Sentinels

Do you like magic? Yes? Do you like advanced technology? Yes? Do you like fascinating and unique worlds? Yes? Do you possibly like steampunk? Not sure? Well, then give it a try. Set in a steampunk world, our lovely main character transmigrated into a body named Silas von Sterling. Encountering challenge after challenge, he struggles to adjust to this new world, while also trying to figure out what exactly his previous body had been up to before dying. Illegal drugs? Illegal tech? Illegal connections? Getting kicked and banned from one of the most prestigious academies in the country? So, hey, give my book a shot and I promise my world will captivate you! Extra Tags - Steampunk, Unique System, Aether, Magic, Magic Evolution, Quests, Mystical Creatures, Mystery, Intruiging World, Science and Sorcery, Transcendence, Innovation, World-Building, Enchanted Academies, Character Development The cover is not mine. if you are the artist and would like it taken down, plz dm me

stickbUg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
106 Chs


There is a saying in my family. It was a stupid saying that crushed me with the weight of so much responsibility, that I knew death was the only way out. 

"Flawlessness is the jewel in the crown of excellency. As somebody who shall succeed this crown, you must be perfect." 

God those words made me unbelievably nauseous. 

In this technological world, resurrection is an intricate and awe-inspiring process, achieved through the harmonious fusion of advanced technology and the mystic properties of aether. At its core is the remarkable Steam-Powered Heart, a mechanical masterpiece that seamlessly blends the elegance of steampunk aesthetics with the transformative power of amber aether.

When a life is tragically extinguished, the hope of resurrection begins with a hushed gathering of skilled Steamcasters and knowledgeable Alchasteamists. The lifeless body is meticulously prepared and carefully laid upon an ornate altar adorned with intricate runes. With reverent precision, a specialized device connected to the Steam-Powered Heart is secured over the chest. This mechanical marvel pulses with soft amber light, its fine gears and cogs intricately intertwined with a delicate network of engraved aether conduits.

As the process begins, the Steam-Powered Heart draws upon its vast wellspring of amber aether. It generates an ethereal pulse, resonating with the rhythmic beat of a long-lost heartbeat. The heart's mechanical chambers whirr, mimicking the ebb and flow of life-giving blood, once more infusing the veins of the deceased. With each mechanical throb, the amber aether courses through the body, rekindling dormant cells, tissues, and vital organs. Life stirs anew.

Although, this is through legal means. Illegal means on the other hand… are a bit simpler. 

The secret process of resurrection that remains hidden from the watchful eyes of the law unfolds as a desperate measure, driven by the collective yearning of those who lack the means to afford the legitimate procedure. This alternative method leans on the infusion of a unique blend, a glass capsule that contains a mixture of 99% pure aether and a mere 1% of the highly concentrated Necros, a rare and precarious element derived from the compression of diseased aether.

In the clandestine chambers where this process occurs, individuals who have passed beyond the veil of mortality through natural or tragic means are chosen for the resurrection. These individuals are often beloved friends or family members, and their desperate loved ones gather, determined to see them restored to life.

The ritual commences with the careful administration of the glass capsule, containing the precarious blend, into the chest-mounted Steam-Powered Heart. As the mixture is introduced, the previously inanimate heart begins to pulse with a newfound energy, offering a glimmer of hope to those who anxiously watch.

The consequences of this alternative approach to resurrection are unpredictable, often resulting in a slightly altered version of the person who once was. The individual may awaken with subtle differences in temperament or personality, reflective of the interplay between aether and the enigmatic Necros. While not a perfect process, it serves as a beacon of hope for those who cannot bear the loss of their loved ones.

"This process is very unstable, but at least you're back," Emily sighed while the boy tensed and released his hand over and over. It was as if he was trying to get used to a new border of flesh. 

"Ugh… my head…" Silas groaned, his eyes glowing a dim amber color while his pupils almost seemed to split. The very inside of them hollowed out before forming a link-like pattern that stretched from the top to the bottom of each eye. 

"The hell? What's up with your eyes?" 


[New Features have been added to your System Connector III]

[Body Modifications tab has been added]

[Sentinel Skills tab has been added]


"What the hell did you put inside of me?" Silas grit his teeth, the sudden aggression catching Emily off guard, forcing her to instinctively step back. His eyes sent shivers down her spine while she ran yet another diagnostic. 

'A change in character is to come, but not emotions. It normally just scrambles memories… so why is he so mad? Is it because he lost? He didn't seem like the prideful type… or maybe he saw something else within his memories.' 

"Tell me," the boy demanded. 

"I revived you with an illegal method. 99% purified Aether and a drop of Necros." 

"Is it supposed to change my status?" 

"Huh? What are you talking ab-" 

"Just answer my goddamn question." 

"No, it's not," Emily began to sweat profusely while the boy gripped his face, feeling a rush of foreign consequence infiltrating his mind. 

His eyes twitched upwards, eerily peering through the cracks in between each finger. "They found me," He muttered, a slight shake reverberating from the depths of his stomach. "Shit." 

'Emily, watch him closely. I feel a monster has come across our path and he's just now baring his fangs,' Glover spoke directly into Emily's earpiece. 

"Stop talking like you didn't predict this…" Emily felt another shiver as Silas slipped a right hook with ease and gouged the man's eyes out with a simple swipe. And before he could even hit the ground, a knee came upward, twisting in to help the man's descent and then smashing him into hell with an extended side kick to his neck. It was all in one fluid motion that allowed him to return to that same royal stance. 

'Y'know, when we were watching the fight between Gaza and that fire punk, that boy didn't miss a bit. He was locked in, analyzing every move between the two. He was clearly inexperienced with the sight of steam being used, but with each martial arts attack, I felt like he was absorbing it all like sunlight to a plant. It's almost creepy how good his analysis is.'

"Ya' think it's those eyes?" 

'Check out his status and tell me what you think.' 

The long, winding hallway extended like a serpentine passage, shrouded in shadows and mystery. Its low-lit, narrow expanse offered a stark contrast to the bustling world outside. Thick, ornate wallpaper adorned the walls, showcasing intricate patterns in shades of dark burgundy and smoky gray, giving the corridor an air of old-world elegance. Dimly flickering steampunk sconces lined the walls, casting a warm, sepia-toned glow that played tricks with the eye.

The sound of muffled footsteps echoed through the hallway, creating an eerie symphony of soft clinks on the polished wooden floor. The scents of old wood and aged leather lingered in the air, invoking a sense of history and tradition. Portraits of illustrious actors and actresses from bygone performances adorned the walls, their eyes seeming to follow anyone who passed by, adding an uncanny sense of being watched.

At regular intervals, grand double doors made from dark mahogany provided entrances to various backstage chambers and dressing rooms, their brass doorknobs gleaming subtly in the subdued light. Above these doors, arched windows framed in velvet curtains hinted at the secrets concealed within. 

But, the two intruders were too busy taking care of the security systems and guards who continuously charged at them, trying their best not to alert the regal guests waiting outside for the performance they paid maybe just a bit too much for. As soon as Emily finished taking down the next portion of turrets and security cameras, she directed her attention to Silas who was busy keeping his eyes forward, waiting anticipating another opponent to appear any second now. 

Emily's armband whizzed before creating a digital display that projected a series of holographic digits, symbols, and swirling patterns, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and information. Her skillful fingers tapped and swiped across the virtual interface, coaxing the data from the System Connector.

As the encryption surrendered its secrets, Silas's personal information began to materialize on the holographic display. A cascade of numbers, images, and text flowed before Emily's eyes, unveiling details about his identity, past, and present. She analyzed the wealth of information with a keen eye, her expression focused and unyielding.

The holographic interface pulsed and hummed with the digitized essence of Silas's life. It revealed a complex web of connections, from personal history and affiliations to more intricate data points and logs of his recent activities. Emily's armband was an extension of her analytical prowess, and she navigated the information with calculated precision, absorbing the story that Silas's data told.

Through this digital sleight of hand, Emily deftly unraveled the layers of mystery surrounding Silas, gaining insight into his world, his affiliations, and the secrets he held. As the System Connector's encryption fell away, it granted her access to one of the many pieces of information that she could utilize. 



[Name: Silas von Sterling]

[Race: Modded Human] 

[Class: None]

[Sub-Class: Entertainer] 

[Level: 6/10] (17/25) XP Needed

[HP: 11/25 | MP: 5/10 | SP: 7/10] - Normal Human 

[Strength: 1] - Sub Human 

[Defense: 1] - Sub Human 

[Magic: 2] - Average Human 

[Speed: 1] - Sub Human 

[Magic Path: [Runestone Needed]

[Sentinel Skills: [None]

[Body Modifications: [System Connector III] [Steam-Powered Heart] [Steelon Eyes (Analysis)]

[Equipment: [Simple Clothing] [Inherited Earrings]


"Was this here before? Sentinel skills… body modifications I guess are added from time to time… but these Steelon Eyes… have you heard of them before?" 

'My prediction is that it isn't any kind of steam, but a genetic gift. Like how one is granted access to a mana path from birth or a second brain stored within their hand. Y'know, crazy and unbelievable stories like those.' 

No, chap yesterday cause I was hella sick. Anyways, on the next chapter moving forward, I'll be releasing two chaps a day at the cost of shorter chapters. Feel like I can get more attraction to this novel if I realise more quantity, at a slight dip in fluidity due to the shorter chapters

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