
Prince of Sentinels

Do you like magic? Yes? Do you like advanced technology? Yes? Do you like fascinating and unique worlds? Yes? Do you possibly like steampunk? Not sure? Well, then give it a try. Set in a steampunk world, our lovely main character transmigrated into a body named Silas von Sterling. Encountering challenge after challenge, he struggles to adjust to this new world, while also trying to figure out what exactly his previous body had been up to before dying. Illegal drugs? Illegal tech? Illegal connections? Getting kicked and banned from one of the most prestigious academies in the country? So, hey, give my book a shot and I promise my world will captivate you! Extra Tags - Steampunk, Unique System, Aether, Magic, Magic Evolution, Quests, Mystical Creatures, Mystery, Intruiging World, Science and Sorcery, Transcendence, Innovation, World-Building, Enchanted Academies, Character Development The cover is not mine. if you are the artist and would like it taken down, plz dm me

stickbUg · Fantasy
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106 Chs


"Silas, this next guy is a Glyphgaurd. Unlike an Aquanot or Infernician, he doesn't specialize in some sort of element," Emily gave the boy a heads-up before he narrowly dodged a punch that would have surely ripped his head off. "Think of him as a tank specialist." 

The Glyphguard specialist, dressed in a meticulously tailored uniform, cut an imposing figure. His attire was a fusion of traditional steampunk aesthetics and the practicality of a theatre guard. The polished brass buttons of his uniform gleamed in the dim light of the hallway. The thick, dark leather coat was adorned with intricate, interlocking gear motifs that were sewn into the fabric. A narrow sash of dark blue velvet, accented with golden trim, wrapped around his waist, carrying the emblem of the theatre.

A pair of knee-high leather boots, reinforced with metal plating along the shins, completed his ensemble. He moved with an air of confidence and precision, his steps echoing through the long, winding hallway. In addition to his attire, his broad-shouldered and imposing physique indicated a rigorous training regimen, suggesting that he was not just a guard but a formidable presence in the theatre's security.

The defining feature of the Glyphguard specialist was the black leather gauntlets that he wore on both arms. They reached up to his elbows and were embedded with a series of small, engraved glyphs, each one representing a different type of protective or warding magic. These gauntlets marked him as a practitioner of Glyphguard magic, the master of barriers and defenses.

His face was stern and clean-shaven, with a sharp jawline and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a silent determination. His cropped brown hair was neatly groomed, adding to his overall polished appearance. At his side, a holster contained a compact steampunk revolver, an emblem of his dual role as a guardian of the theatre and a practitioner of the mystic arts. The Glyphguard specialist embodied both the sophistication of the theatre and the strength of a practiced protector.

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Mage Path: Glyphgaurd]

[Runestone Required: Defender Glyph]

[Main Source of Energy: Theory Magic]

[Description: Glyphguards, often referred to as Tanks or Wardens, specialize in the intricate art of protective magic through the use of mystical glyphs. Their magical abilities revolve around creating powerful barriers, warding spells, and defensive glyphs to shield and safeguard. Dressed in attire that boasts enchanting, protective symbols and patterns symbolizing mystical protection, Wardwielders expertly manipulate steam to harness the power of their protective glyphs. Their steam-casting gauntlets conceal complex arrays of glyphs that can produce impenetrable defenses. By skillfully channeling steam into these arcane symbols, Glyphguards create powerful shields and barriers to ward off threats. The essence of their magic resonates with a web of steam-fueled enchantments that find their manifestation through ethereal symbols and glyphs, ensuring the security of their allies and themselves.]


The battle began with calculated precision as the Glyphguard, clad in an ensemble adorned with shimmering protective glyphs, made a series of deliberate but slow-moving attacks. Silas keenly observed the deliberate approach of his opponent. Each punch and swipe of the Glyphguard's steam-powered gauntlet flowed gracefully, providing him a seamless transition into powerful defensive stances. Silas, on the other hand, gracefully evaded each strike, his keen intuition enabling him to slip past the onslaught with remarkable agility.

Silas moved like a ghost, his every step matching the rhythm of the Glyphguard's calculated onslaught. Yet, no matter how deftly he danced around the attacks, he struggled to land a clean blow that could penetrate the Glyphguard's formidable defenses. The Wardwielder's mastery of defensive steam glyphs allowed him to parry and deflect Silas's blows effortlessly, creating a nearly impenetrable fortress of protection.

As the battle escalated, Silas and the Glyphguard began to showcase their true prowess, pushing their limits to unleash their respective abilities to their fullest potential. Silas, drawing upon his lineage's unique power of analyzing movement with his amber eyes, managed to anticipate the Glyphguard's moves with even greater precision. His actions became a mesmerizing display of swiftness and agility, akin to a masterful dance.

With every attack aimed at him, Silas seemed to blur, slipping between the gaps in the Glyphguard's steam-fueled defenses. In a swift flurry of strikes and movements, Silas engaged the Wardwielder with incredible finesse. His martial arts training, paired with the enhanced observation abilities granted by his amber eyes, allowed him to strike where the Glyphguard's defenses were weakest, landing a series of precise blows that found chinks in the formidable armor.

The Glyphguard, realizing the increasing intensity of Silas's attacks, tapped into the full range of his defensive steam glyphs. His intricate steampunk implants came to life in the midst of the battle. As the fight intensified, these mechanical marvels activated, creating awe-inspiring defense barriers. Puffs of steam emerged from specialized vents on his body, resembling a symphony of graceful movements as they coiled and danced around him.

From the brass vents embedded in his armored gauntlets to the intricate mechanism integrated into his chest plate, each component played its part in generating the remarkable barriers. The glyphs etched onto these mechanisms lit up with a soft, ethereal glow as they whirred to life. The emerging steam took on the shape of intricate, translucent geometrical patterns, forming a mesmerizing display that deflected and absorbed each of Silas's blows with remarkable efficiency. The steam-powered defenses protected the Glyphguard as he retaliated with bursts of well-timed counterattacks, attempting to regain control of the battle.

Not only were these barriers just visual spectacles but they were highly efficient at deflecting incoming attacks, giving the Glyphguard a near-impenetrable shield. The glyphs within the steam were calibrated to create barriers that not only absorbed the impact of blows but also redirected the energy away from him. It was a sophisticated fusion of technology and magic, and the result was a sight to behold—a dance of steam and machinery manifesting into impenetrable shields, each an intricate work of art crafted for the sole purpose of defense.

The Glyphguard's impressive defense barriers had held strong against Silas's relentless assault, but every barrier had a breaking point. With each calculated strike, Silas meticulously aimed his attacks, searching for a vulnerability. As the battle raged on, an opportunity finally presented itself.

Silas, in a lightning-fast move, executed a powerful kick with his shin. The impact was precise and devastating. The force of the blow struck a singular point on the Glyphguard's barrier, causing a hairline fracture to appear on the otherwise impervious steam defense.

The Glyphguard staggered back, momentarily disoriented by the sheer force of Silas's attack. Steam hissed and sputtered as the pressure within the crack fluctuated. The barrier held but showed signs of vulnerability. Silas didn't relent, knowing that he had to capitalize on this moment. With an unwavering focus, he kept up the offensive, directing his blows towards the weakened section, relentlessly chipping away at the crack, aiming to exploit this newfound weakness and gain the upper hand in the battle.

'This body is too weak… even with a full force roundhouse I can hardly cause a crack on a weakened section,' Silas cursed within his mind, feeling his stamina begin to drain to rock bottom. On top of that, his eyes were sapping mana like a mosquito with a plastic bag filled with blood and it was being drained at lightspeed. If he wasn't careful, he was bound to fall. 

"Thanks for stalling. He should be easy to knockout now," A voice echoed from behind, and within an instant, all of the man's magic crumbled into shiny glass shards. 

This is to makeup for yesterday

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