
Prince of Olympus

A long, long time ago the Gods created a world which they inhabited with creature such as giants, dwarves, elves and merfolk. The races lived peacefully until the Gods created humans. Growing jealous of the attention the Gods gave the humans the other races grew furious and decided to band together. They launched an assault on Olympus and after a long battle forced the Gods to flee. After the victory the alliance held for a short time before the giants betrayed the other races and decided to claim Olympus and the world for their own. At this time they were met with a prophecy, that they would meet their end by the hands of the children of the Gods. Scared they created a kingdom for the humans to live and killed any who was considered to be special but even that could not stop their fate. Now a few of the twelve giant siblings remain as Sky the child of Zeus must follow his destiny to slay Poryphyrion, his fathers mortal enemy. The only problem is he's twelve and has lived his entire life in the streets of the Capital City Riner. Not knowing about the world nor his father Sky is suddenly thrown into a world of half-bloods, ancient warriors, mythological beasts and gods and is expected to overcome it all as the Prince of Olympus

Ali_Azhar01 · Action
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80 Chs

Sky and Hephaestus Meet!!

Sky managed to shoot a glare at Prometheus who raised his hands in helplessness.

"Demeter?" Kronos echoed.

"You gave off a faint scent of an Olympian when you first came here and after talking with Prometheus I'm now sure of it." Hephaestus said.

He reached into the white cloth and threw some tan powder into the air. The powder shimmered for a few moments before turning into a map. To the northeast was Rhiner, shown with a star with a circle around it. To the west was Hero's Stronghold with a large forest between the two. He pointed at the forest causing some of the trees to disappear and a tree stump to appear.

"That's that brats grave… looking at the trajectory you took to get to Hero's Stronghold," A dotted line appeared on the map from Rhiner to Hero's Stronghold as Hephaestus spoke, "You should have crossed that forest."

"Since his death that forest has been Demeter's favorite location to go to, I refuse to believe you smelling of Olympian and passing through those woods was some sort of coincidence." He glared at Sky.

Sky stared back at Hephaestus for a few moments then looked at Kronos and looked back at Hephaestus. "When we were resting in the woods, Kronos… I went to get water, I found an open area with a tree stump and a lady standing over it." He started.

"She told me that what I was looking at was the grave of a powerful warrior named Capricorn, then I paid my respects to it and she gave me a rock called greenbell." Sky finished.

"Where's the rock?" Hephaestus asked.

"It's a..." Sky tried remembering where it was before realizing that with all the running and jumping and beating he had done and taken it could have fallen out anywhere.

"If she wished for it to stay with you then it'll always appear when you call for it." Hephaestus said.

Sky nodded and tried imagining a stone appearing in his hands, after a few moments of nothing a subtle heaviness filled his palm. When he lifted his left hand and opened it, sitting there was the same stone that women had given him. "She was also the one to tell me to ask for the prophecy Kronos." Sky finished as he tried handing the stone over to Hepahaestus, who reached over and snatched it.

He reached into the white cloth again and pulled out a small magnifying glass and inspected the rock carefully before grunting and tossing it back to Sky.

"It's hers alright..." Hephaestus grumbled.

An unsettled silence filled the room.

"Yes… he received a rock from a god, amazing!" Prometheus broke it.

"Tch!" Hephaestus clicked his tongue, "The rock's not important, it's the fact that she was opposed to Sky's very existence when he was born yet spared him when they met."

"What does that mean?" Sky asked.

"It means you've gotten her approval!" Hephaestus got close to Sky, his voice didn't seem happy, "Quite unnecessary by her, especially when you're not even her child!"

Hephaestus backed up, grunted as he got up and left the room, quietly followed by Prometheus. Once again an unsettling silence filled the room.

"Are… are you not mad at me?" Sky asked Kronos awkwardly.

Kronos closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. He pushed himself off the ground and walked towards the door. "Not mad just… disappointed..." He said as he left the room.