
Prince of Olympus

A long, long time ago the Gods created a world which they inhabited with creature such as giants, dwarves, elves and merfolk. The races lived peacefully until the Gods created humans. Growing jealous of the attention the Gods gave the humans the other races grew furious and decided to band together. They launched an assault on Olympus and after a long battle forced the Gods to flee. After the victory the alliance held for a short time before the giants betrayed the other races and decided to claim Olympus and the world for their own. At this time they were met with a prophecy, that they would meet their end by the hands of the children of the Gods. Scared they created a kingdom for the humans to live and killed any who was considered to be special but even that could not stop their fate. Now a few of the twelve giant siblings remain as Sky the child of Zeus must follow his destiny to slay Poryphyrion, his fathers mortal enemy. The only problem is he's twelve and has lived his entire life in the streets of the Capital City Riner. Not knowing about the world nor his father Sky is suddenly thrown into a world of half-bloods, ancient warriors, mythological beasts and gods and is expected to overcome it all as the Prince of Olympus

Ali_Azhar01 · Action
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80 Chs

One Week!

Sky breathed heavily, frozen as he watched, waiting for Striker to move. Nothing happened, a tired smile grew on the face of Sky as the pain caught up and his vision blurred.

"GET OUT OF THERE!!!" Kronos' voice boomed in his head.

But Sky was too tired, his body wasn't listening anymore. Slowly his hand dropped, then his legs buckled. In a matter of moments he was folded into a pile on the battlefield.

Just as he fell, the body of Striker began to move. The singed brown giant slowly rose to his feet, his skin covered in red cracks from the heat and his hair, burned in chunks. It was clear that Striker had lost consciousness, whatever happened now was pure instinct, years of torture and pain had allowed them to take over when his mind could not handle the pain.

"Kronos..." Sky croaked, his head still buried into the ground.

"Yes!" He frantically replied.

"How... long... will it... take... for my body... to heal?" Sky croaked.

Kronos hesitated to answer before doing so. "In the state you're in… at least a week." He replied, already figuring out what Sky would ask.

"Can you… send my body forwards in time… a week?" Sky asked.

"Do you realize what you're asking me to do?" Kronos responded.

Silence followed.

"There's no guarantee your body will be healed in a week and if I did send your body forwards in time, for at least a week you would be suffering unhealable injuries from the battle, no amount of healing will be able to be done on your body for at least a week… Do you understand that?" Kronos explained repeating himself.

Thump! Striker took a step forwards, his mouth open as black smoke escaped it and his eyes rolled back revealing blood red veins, ready to burst.

"If I don't stop him now… none of us will be here… in a week..." Sky murmured.

There was a heavy silence that sat in between the two. With each passing moment Striker approached.

Suddenly Sky's body felt lighter as some of the pain vanished. He was able to regain some form of consciousness allowing him to get up and move.

"Make it count..." Kronos whispered.

FSHHHHM! A flurry of embers gathered at Sky's side. "If you can't choose between the one and the thousand… might as well fight with the one and suffer the consequences together..." Prometheus frowned as his body formed.

"I hate it when you half-bloods are right!" He growled.