
Prince of Olympus

A long, long time ago the Gods created a world which they inhabited with creature such as giants, dwarves, elves and merfolk. The races lived peacefully until the Gods created humans. Growing jealous of the attention the Gods gave the humans the other races grew furious and decided to band together. They launched an assault on Olympus and after a long battle forced the Gods to flee. After the victory the alliance held for a short time before the giants betrayed the other races and decided to claim Olympus and the world for their own. At this time they were met with a prophecy, that they would meet their end by the hands of the children of the Gods. Scared they created a kingdom for the humans to live and killed any who was considered to be special but even that could not stop their fate. Now a few of the twelve giant siblings remain as Sky the child of Zeus must follow his destiny to slay Poryphyrion, his fathers mortal enemy. The only problem is he's twelve and has lived his entire life in the streets of the Capital City Riner. Not knowing about the world nor his father Sky is suddenly thrown into a world of half-bloods, ancient warriors, mythological beasts and gods and is expected to overcome it all as the Prince of Olympus

Ali_Azhar01 · Action
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80 Chs

Atlas Agrees!! The Meeting with Bahrny!!!!

"Atlas will have to train me?!" Sky shouted.

"I have to train him?!" Atlas expressed his concern.

"Four months away from home?!" The other three yelled.

"Yes." Kronos said definitively.

"I'm not training this!" He pointed to Sky.

"What's wrong with this!" Sky motioned towards his body.

Atlas turned towards Sky. "If you can't figure that out yourself then there's no point, is there!"

"Atlas please!" Kronos tried to reason with him, "You know as well as I do that if we leave Sky here they'll kill him one way or another."

"I stopped caring about this camp the moment we split!" Atlas hissed back, "This is YOUR mess, figure out a way to clean it up."

"Then how about this…" Kronos hesitated, looking to Sky before looking back at Atlas, "If you train him, and take him with you, you can do whatever you see fit with him."

"HEY! I'm not an animal you own!" Sky protested.

"Do you have any other ideas then Sky!" Kronos shouted back.

Sky thought about it desperately before coming to a conclusion of his own. "How about this then… if you do this, then I'll become your servant for the next three years." He said, swallowing hard afterwards.

Kronos and Prometheus both snapped their heads towards him.

"Boy, you will sell your life to me should I train you, is that what you're saying…" Atlas creeped closer to Sky, there was anger in his voice.

"For three years, yes… it's my choice." Sky added as Atlas was now in his face. He could feel the deep warmth breaths against his cheek as Atlas stared into his red eyes.

"It is a choice… not a good one, not one where your options are favorable but it is a choice…" Atlas said, "I accept!"

"Good…" Sky said nervously, "When do we start?"

Atlas waved his hand. The three moons lowered their heads and disappeared. He then turned to Kronos and whispered something in his ear causing him to grab Prometheus and Jennifer and leave. Atlas and Sky now stood, alone. The rain had started to slow down as the two continued to stare at one another.

"The last time you only spoke from the options presented to you… I hope this time is different." Atlas said.

Sky sensed a strange pressure coming off Atlas, a strong sense of intimidation he had never felt before.

"Why do you fight?" He asked.

Sky thought about it. Thinking back to the time when he fought the giant, back to when he fought Striker, back to what he said to Jennifer in Erik Roar's Town. "I fight not to kill, not to hunt the giants… not to avenge Zephyr or my father… I fight to protect the things I care about." He shuffled through the string of words finally looking up at Atlas when he was done.

Atlas stared at him and grunted before turning around and heading in the same direction as Kronos. "There may be potential for you yet…" He mumbled.

"What?" Sky shouted as the distance between them increased.

"LET'S GO!" Atlas shouted.

Sky quickly ran behind him and the two made their way towards the town hall. As they did, loud shouts and explosions could be heard coming from there. When they finally entered the building, everything seemed neat and as it should.

At the head of the table sat Bahrny while the other demigods sat at their own seats. Atlas quickly moved to stand next to Sky, not saying a word. Sky realized why.

"Bahrny! I want to leave this place!" Sky shouted across the table.

Very slowly he raised his head. THOOM!! A gust of black wisps shot forwards and through the door, scaring Sky. "Sure…" He whispered.

"But only if you can beat me." Bahnry slowly rose up from his chair.

"What if I survive five minutes." Sky said.

Bahrny snorted as he picked up his blade. "That doesn't mean anything." His aggression trickled into his words.

THOOM! He appeared in front of Sky. "You dare defy me!" He shouted as he swung the blade down.

CLANK! The blade was stopped by Atlas' staff. Suddenly, Bahrny started floating upwards for a few seconds before being thrown against the wall, pulled back then slammed into the ground. "Four months from now, he'll fight you, the time limit on the match will be for five minutes, if you kill him then you win otherwise he goes free." Atlas whispered as Bahrny twitched, his face covered in blood.

Atlas eased the pressure allowing Bahrny to stand, He dusted himself off. "Fine!" He shouted glaring at Sky before returning back to his seat.

Atlas smiled before guiding Sky out of the building. "Oh, he'll definitely try to murder you now." Atlas chuckled a little.

"Anyway, training starts tomorrow, do whatever it is you have to do now and meet me at the training grounds then." Atlas said as he started walking, disappearing into a stream of silver.

When Sky looked around it had already gone dark. Despite that he found his way to Lucy's shroud and knelt down, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the stone Demeter had given him. Quietly, he placed it on the shroud, and started walking away. As he did it started to glow green and in a matter of moments the rock had transformed into a massive bouquet of green flowers.

"Greenbell's…" Sky whispered, remembering back to what Lucy had said about her favorite flower.

He wiped something from his eye and made his way back to the town, immediately running into Jennifer. It seemed she already knew what he was going to ask and started leading him. The two walked in silence past the dungeon and even further until they found a giant wooden building with only wooden framing. Everywhere where there should be walls were large vines and plants. Once they made their way inside Sky saw that white curtains separated beds with most beds having someone lying in them, sick, injured or otherwise unwell. Jennifer guided Sky further and further into the building until finally she stopped and pointed to one of the sectioned off spaces.

Sky took a deep breath and walked in. Sitting on the bed, wide awake was his mother.

"Sky…" She said softly.

"Mama…" Sky's voice broke.