
Prince of Kidon

Aggressive, cold-hearted, and ruthless, he is a feared monster, a beast. Rumors circulate that he transforms into a wolf at night, hunting for souls. His hands are stained with blood, his soul echoes with the cries of his people. Despite the atrocities he's committed, no one dares oppose their prince, fearing a brutal demise. His life is a canvas of agony, hatred, and remorselessness; mercy and forgiveness are foreign concepts. Love, care, and sorrow elude him, while causing pain to others becomes his favorite pastime. Among all he could grasp, a little dove remains beyond his reach. This elusive huntress of his dreams, the only fear he harbors, must be found. Despite his journey through the darkness, the end of the tunnel remains elusive. Will he reach his destination? Will the dove fly into his life on its own, or must he craft its arrival?

Pabay · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Sister's Burden

The weight of responsibility rested heavily on Athena's young shoulders as she balanced the demands of household chores with the care of her lively younger brother, Nicholai. With their mother having died long ago and their father often away most of the time for work before his disappearance, Athena had become accustomed to shouldering the burden of their small family. But even as she swept the floors and tended to the cooking, Nicholai's persistent questions about their father's whereabouts gnawed at her.

"Where's Papa, Athena?" Nicholai's innocent voice pierced the quiet of the house, his wide eyes fixed on his sister as if expecting a satisfactory answer.

Athena sighed, pausing in her tasks to crouch down beside him. "He's out, Nicholai. He'll be back soon," she reassured him, though her own uncertainty lingered beneath the surface. She hated lying to him, but the truth was often too complex for a child of his tender years to comprehend.

"But why does he always leave us alone?" Nicholai persisted, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Athena's heart ached at his question, wishing she had a better response to offer. "Papa has to work, Nicholai. He's doing his best for us," she replied, hoping to quell his curiosity.

Nicholai's attention was momentarily diverted by the sounds of laughter echoing from the street outside. "Can I go play with the other kids, Athena? Please?" he pleaded, his eyes alight with anticipation.

Relief washed over Ather as she nodded, grateful for the distraction the neighborhood children provided. "Of course, just be back before dark," she instructed, watching as Nicholai dashed out the door, his cares momentarily forgotten in the joy of play.

Alone once more, Ather returned to her tasks with a heavy heart, the weight of her responsibilities pressing down upon her. Where had their father gone to? What is he doing this time? Is he safe? Has something happened to him? Numerous questions weighed her down.

Amidst all of them though, the young Athena's mind couldn't help but move back to what happened in the forest days ago. The handsome, well-dignified stranger she met, his smell, his voice, his breath, all made a blush creep up onto her cheeks and butterflies flutter in her stomach.

Feeling the heat, Athena couldn't help but slap her cheeks hardly. "Focus, Athena, your father's missing," she scolded herself, shaking off the distraction. But try as she might, thoughts of the mysterious encounter lingered, tugging at her consciousness like a persistent whisper in the wind.

As she continued her chores, Athena found herself lost in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. On one hand, the uncertainty of her father's whereabouts filled her with worry and dread. On the other, the memory of the stranger in the forest sparked a flicker of excitement and curiosity within her.

Determined to push aside her personal desires, Athena forced herself to focus on the task at hand. But as the day wore on and the sun dipped below the horizon, the nagging sense of unease lingered, casting a shadow over her.

"Athena, I'm hungry," Nicholai's voice rang out from the porch, announcing his return after hours of playing outside with the neighborhood kids. Athena stood in the doorway, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as she watched Nicholai trudge inside, a mess of dirt and twigs. His light blue shirt and shorts were stained, his hair disheveled, and his shoes beyond recognition. The sight of him ignited a spark of frustration within her, and before she could stop herself, she lashed out in anger.

"Why are you so dirty! Couldn't you have been more careful?" she demanded, her voice sharp with irritation.

Nicholai pouted, his bottom lip trembling slightly. "But I'm hungry," he protested weakly, his eyes wide with innocence.

Athena's frustration deepened at his response. "How many times did I call you when the food was ready? Did you even bother to come?" she pressed, her tone accusing.

Nicholai hung his head, a flush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. He knew he had been caught red-handed. His sister had called him, but the allure of impressing the neighborhood kids with his speed had been too strong to resist. He had lost track of time, engaged in races with the other boys, winning a few but ultimately returning home with a scratch on his arm he desperately tried to conceal.

Athena took a deep breath, her anger slowly dissipating as she reminded herself that he was just a child. "Come on," she said more gently, reaching out to take Nicholai's arm. "Let's get you cleaned up."

She led him towards the bathroom, her grip firm yet gentle. Once inside, she wasted no time in stripping him of his dirty clothes and guiding him under the spray of the shower. Nicholai felt a pang of embarrassment at being so exposed, but his sister's understanding gesture eased his discomfort.

As Athena handed him a sponge, Nicholai couldn't help but smile gratefully. He knew he had messed up, but his sister wasn't holding it against him. She took his dirty clothes and left him to bathe himself, giving him a sense of independence he relished.

As the warm water cascaded over him, Nicholai scrubbed away the dirt and grime of his adventures outside, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he watched the water swirl down the drain, carrying his troubles away with it. By the time he emerged from the bathroom, clean and refreshed, he felt like a new person.

"Feeling better?" Athena asked as he joined her in the kitchen, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

Nicholai nodded, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, sorry about earlier," he mumbled, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Athena smiled, ruffling his damp hair affectionately. "It's okay. Just try to be more careful next time, okay?"

Nicholai nodded eagerly, determined to heed his sister's advice. He may have gotten carried away with his playtime, but he knew that family always came first.

As they sat down to eat, the warmth of their bond filled the room, banishing any lingering tension. Following their meal, Nicholai assisted Athena with washing the dishes, while he diligently dried them before setting them down gently. After enjoying a few moments of bonding together, Nicholai was guided to his room by his sister, who lovingly persuaded him to drift off to sleep.

With utmost care, Athena quietly exited the room, releasing a soft sigh of relief. Now, she could attend to her own preparations for the upcoming day. It had been two days since her father's disappearance, affording her the chance to report his absence to the Security Council. It was high time they initiated a search effort to locate her father.

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