
Prince of Kidon

Aggressive, cold-hearted, and ruthless, he is a feared monster, a beast. Rumors circulate that he transforms into a wolf at night, hunting for souls. His hands are stained with blood, his soul echoes with the cries of his people. Despite the atrocities he's committed, no one dares oppose their prince, fearing a brutal demise. His life is a canvas of agony, hatred, and remorselessness; mercy and forgiveness are foreign concepts. Love, care, and sorrow elude him, while causing pain to others becomes his favorite pastime. Among all he could grasp, a little dove remains beyond his reach. This elusive huntress of his dreams, the only fear he harbors, must be found. Despite his journey through the darkness, the end of the tunnel remains elusive. Will he reach his destination? Will the dove fly into his life on its own, or must he craft its arrival?

Pabay · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Shadows of Doubt

The brothers stood in the dimly lit chamber, their voices echoing off the stone walls, the weight of their conversation heavy in the air like an unspoken truth. Meshak's gaze was steely, his determination palpable, while Oraion's uncertainty lingered like a shadow cast by doubt.

"You have said the same thing for the past few months, Meshak. What is the guarantee that they are still alive when we keep delaying?" Oraion's voice trembled slightly, betraying the fear that lurked beneath his words.

Meshak's jaw tightened, a flicker of frustration crossing his features before he spoke. "You should know that we are not delaying on purpose, someone is doing it on purpose by trying to diverge our attention with war threats."

"But..." Oraion's voice trailed off, his doubts lingering like a stubborn echo in the silence that followed. "What is the guarantee that mom and dad are still alive?"

Finally, Meshak turned to face his little brother, his expression grave as he crossed the distance between them in measured steps. He reached out, his hands finding purchase on Oraion's shoulders, his grip firm and unyielding as he forced his brother to meet his gaze.

"They are alive," Meshak's voice was a steady reassurance, unwavering in its conviction. "The enemy would never destroy something important to them. The King and Queen are not to be trifled with, so they won't do anything to them. That is why it is up to us to rescue and bring them back home. But before that, the enemy must be destroyed, and that is what I'm doing. Just give me a little bit more time."

Oraion swallowed hard, his eyes searching his brother's face for any sign of doubt or hesitation. But all he found was unwavering resolve, a determination that mirrored the steel in Meshak's gaze.

"Are you sure?" Oraion's voice was barely a whisper, his uncertainty laid bare for his brother to see.

"Trust me," Meshak's words were a solemn promise, a vow forged in the fires of determination and fueled by the unshakeable bond between them.

The brothers stood in the dimly lit chamber, their words echoing off the stone walls like whispers of hope in a world consumed by darkness. Meshak, the elder of the two, exuded an air of determination, his eyes ablaze with a fire fueled by resolve. Oraion, younger and more uncertain, clung to his brother's words like a lifeline in a tempest.

But amidst the uncertainty, there was a flicker of faith, a belief that somewhere, beyond the horizon of their despair, lay the promise of reunion. Meshak's unwavering conviction served as a beacon of hope, guiding them through the darkness that threatened to engulf their world.

In the days that followed, Meshak threw himself into his quest with renewed fervor, his every action driven by the singular purpose of rescuing their parents and vanquishing the enemy that held them captive. With each passing day, his resolve only grew stronger, fueled by the memories of their family and the unwavering belief that they would be reunited once more.

Meanwhile, Oraion watched from the sidelines, torn between his longing for his parents and his fear of the unknown. Doubt gnawed at his heart like a relentless beast, threatening to consume him whole. But still, he clung to the thread of hope that Meshak had offered him, finding solace in the belief that his brother would never lead him astray.

Oraion sat in the grand chamber of Kidon Palace, the weight of his royal lineage heavy upon his young shoulders. At sixteen years old, he was the young Prince of Kidon, second in line to the throne after his elder brother, Meshak. Yet, despite his royal blood and the grandeur of his surroundings, Oraion felt like a mere shadow of his former self.

Ever since the disappearance of his parents, the King and Queen of Kidon, Oraion had retreated into the depths of his own mind, consumed by fear and uncertainty. The mystery surrounding their disappearance haunted him day and night, casting a dark cloud over his once vibrant spirit.

He found solace only in the presence of his elder brother, Meshak. Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of palace life, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Meshak became Oraion's anchor in a sea of uncertainty, the one person he trusted implicitly in a world filled with shadows.

But beyond his brother's comforting presence, Oraion withdrew into himself, his once bright demeanor dimmed by the specter of his parents' absence. Even the royal private tutor, a learned scholar brought in to educate the young prince, could not penetrate the walls Oraion had erected around his fragile heart.

When the tutor visited, Oraion would sit in silence, nodding mechanically at the man's words but offering no insight of his own. His mind was consumed by thoughts of betrayal and deception, each passing day driving him deeper into a state of paranoia.

In his eyes, everyone was a suspect, each member of the palace staff a potential conspirator in his parents' disappearance. He watched them all with wary eyes, his trust shattered by the events that had unfolded before him.

But amidst the shadows of doubt that clouded his mind, one truth remained steadfast: his unwavering belief in his brother's loyalty. Meshak was more than just a sibling to Oraion; he was his protector, his confidant, his rock in a storm-tossed sea.

And so, as Oraion grappled with the ghosts of his past and the uncertainty of his future, he clung to the one constant in his life: the bond between himself and his brother. For in the darkness that surrounded him, Meshak's steadfast presence was a beacon of hope, guiding him through the tumultuous waters of palace intrigue and royal duty.

Meanwhile, in a lonely cottage on the outskirts of the city, far removed from the opulence of the palace, Athena sat huddled in a corner, her heart heavy with worry and her cheeks streaked with tears. It had been two agonizing days since her father's disappearance, and with each passing moment, the fear gnawed at her insides, threatening to consume her whole.

Athena's thoughts raced as she grappled with the uncertainty of her father's fate. Images of him lost and alone in the vast expanse of the city haunted her dreams, leaving her restless and sleepless night after night. She could not shake the feeling that something terrible had befallen him, a sense of dread that weighed heavily on her fragile shoulders.

But amidst her own fears and insecurities, Athena had another responsibility weighing on her mind: her little brother. With her leg injured and her father gone, she was left to care for both herself and her sibling, a burden that seemed too heavy for her young shoulders to bear.

As she sat in the dimly lit cottage, her tears mingling with the dust of the world outside, Athena found solace in the knowledge that she was not alone. Though her father may be lost to her, and the future uncertain, she had her brother by her side, a beacon of hope in a world filled with shadows.

And so, with tears still streaming down her cheeks and a heart heavy with grief, Athena pressed on, her determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

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