
Prince of Ice And Fire

op jon snow fic, will try and make it good I'm a new writer, please try and give constructive criticism. do not complain about this being unfaithful to lore. This is a fanfic. Google it if you don't know what that is. this is a wish fulfillment fanfic(op MC from start.) those who don't like that should not read this. Disclaimer:I don't own a game of thrones or a song of ice and fire.

gigigi · TV
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3 Chs

Prologue 1

Jon snow, known as the bastard son of Eddard Stark felt tired. He had been ridiculed,lied to and even betrayed. He was ridiculed by high-borns and commoners alike for being a "bastard", a stain on Ned Stark's honour. He's been lied to about his heritage and birth-right and was betrayed by his sworn brothers of the Night's Watch because he was trying to prevent the dead from getting their hands on fresh corpses for their armies.

He tried his best and even coming back to life wasn't enough as they still lost against the Night King. They were totally and utterly unprepared, They had dragonglass but it was brittle and shattered easily and it didn't help that the Lannisters withheld their support in the war of the dawn. Though, even if they had helped, they would still lose.

They lost the battle of Winterfell.

Daenarys's dragons let out an eery screech as the Night king brought them back to life. He used their fires to burn the army they had gathered in the North, only stopping once they started to retreat so that he could bring back the ones who were burned alive as wights. 

They regrouped again and again fighting relentlessly from Winterfell to White harbor as the Night King kept pushing them back until they arrived at Moat Caitlin and the entire North was almost occupied by the dead.

Jon was limping towards her as the army they had assembled to fight the dead and make one last stand either lay defeated or fled in terror. She's dead. Crushed under the weight of Drogon when he was killed. 

Jon Snow knelt down beside her corpse but as he spotted the Night King reviving the dead, he stood back up and unsheathed his sword as he saw Daenarys open here eyes only to be met with eyes as blue as ice. 'Shit she's turned.' He stabbed her in the head with a remorseful look on his face "I'm sorry Dany." He said with a voice full of melancholy and sadness.

He directed his gaze towards the Night King and charged, swinging longclaw at any wight he found in his path. He knew he was going to die here. His chances of surviving much less killing the Night King were very low. He could retreat alongside the rest of the fleeing army if he wanted, but that would mean going south to fight alongside those cowardly backstabbing fools.

'Let the dead have them, everyone I cared about in this world is dead anyway.'

Arya tried attacking the Night King during the Battle of Winterfell and she was stabbed in the gut. Sansa and Tyrion died in the Crypts and bran he... he wasn't bran anymore. 'So I will stay here and if I am to die then so be it.'

After killing at least a dozen wights he arrived at the Night King's location. Looking around he saw that the Night King was guarded only by a few wights and Drogon who was slowly gliding towards him while letting out a roar filled with anger and anguish, looking at his eyes jon knew that anger wasn't directed at him but more at itself. Perhaps he blames himself for his mother's death.

Even as a wight, he still showed emotion, 'Is it because he was a dragon?'

Jon took a deep breath as he walked forward while not daring to take his eyes off Drogon as glides towards him, stopping only when he landed just a few feet away. He let out another monstrous roar as he steeled myself for for what was about to come.

Dragon shot a deadly flame at him which he tried to dodge but still managed to burn his left arm, then he attacked him with his sharp claws sending jon flying like a ragdoll a few feet away, making him lose his sword and leaving a deep scar in his torso. Jon attempts to stand back up but the pain stops him and he lies down sprawled on the floor.

Drogon fires another flame one last time and this time he hits his mark, leaving only a scorched corpse as remains.

In the few seconds following his death, Jon slowly opened his eyes in surprise as he looked around the room he's in. "What is this place? Where am I? Jon questioned himself as he realized he was in an empty bright room that seemed to have no exit.

A giant humanoid silhouette made of light appeared in front of him out of nowhere but despite the strangeness of the situation, he seemed to not be surprised at all. Maybe because this place dulls the sensations. The silhouette in front of him maintained a stoic expression on his face and his voice boomed. "Jon snow." the voice says. "You have died and are now in the afterlife!"

"So I'm dead... Where is this place? What god are you? The old gods? the New? the Drowned gods or Rhllor?" Jon questioned with curiosity as he blurted out the names of all the deities of the 3 biggest religions he was most familiar with.

"None of them. I am just simply the one passes on errant souls like yours to the next life" the silhoutte spoke his voice both powerful and soothing at the same time.

"So that's what's going to happen? you shall send me to the next life? jon asked as he looked to the silhouette which promptly shook his head. "If not that, what then?"

"I shall send you back to the time when you were born, and you will be given gifts to help you in your new life."

"You can send me back? How? And what do you mean by "gifts"?" Jon was surprised to say the least at the silhouette's words as he thought of his cousin Arya and Robb and his aunt Daenarys.

"All will soon be explained, Jon snow. Or should i say, Jaehaerys Targaryen..."

Jon looked to the entity confused but he entity didn't give an answer and merely raised up his hands and let out a shining light that encompassed the entirety of jon's body.


In the tower of joy in Dorne, a beautiful woman with dark hair and grey eyes was in labour.

"Push, my lady we can see the head!" An old woman holding a rag shouted.

"Aghhh! It hurts!"

"Push!" After an entire hour of tiring labour, the child was born, it was a boy. Jon was held in the arms of a wet nurse still recovering from the ordeal of being pushed out of his mother who he was currently staring at.

So this is what she looks like. She's beautiful, just like bran had described her.

She was currently looking at him with tired bloodshot eyes as she called out to the wet nurse. "Please, Bring him to me." The wet nurse walks to her bed as she hands him over to her. "My sweet child. You look so much like your father" she says as she kisses my face.

"I might not have long, the birth was painful, please call for Ser Arthur." Nodding, the wet nurse rushes to fulfill her requests.

'What?! No, I don't want you to die, I just met you!'

Jon unknowingly activated one his powers, and directed it towards his mother.

Suddenly the damage done to her body was healed and her pain disappeared and she was left entirely confused "What... Why is the pain gone?"

'What? The pain is gone? Could it be... the gifts that god talked about was this one of them?'

'Your assumption is correct. The power you just used was one of the gifts I gave you. Here, I'll pass the information to you.'

The sudden voice in his head was shocking for Jon but he didn't have time to get a reaction as a sudden wave of information entered his brain. He could see all the "gifts" this god had given him and he was surprised to say the least at the generosity of the god.

'Aren't these too powerful? Why are you helping me like this? '

You'll see. By the way I have one last essential gift for you. A dragon lies in a cave to the north.

'What?A dragon? Why are you telling me this? Don't tell me you want me to...'

Exactly, you must skinchange into it.

'What?" Jon recalled the information given to him by the entity. One of the powers the being had given to Jon was the power of skin changing. In addition this wasn't just the normal ability that regular wargs had, thanks to the entity's "gifts", Jon could skinchange into just about anything, even a dragon. He was already a warg, as he regularly warged into ghost in his past life.

'But... I'm just a baby. Isn't skinchanging into something as big as a dragon dangerous?'

'Normally, yes. But fret not, I shall aid you.'

'Still looking quite unsure, he nodded silently in his mind.'

'Wait you haven't told me... who you are...' He said but was met with silence as the figure had already left his mind.

Finally the wet nurse came back with ser Arthur Dayne "My la- Your Grace, you called for me?"

"Yes Arthur, meet your new prince." She said as she held up Jon in her arms. "I want to name him Jaehaerys Targaryen. Do you think Rhaegar would like that?"

Before he could answer another man had entered the tower, he was ser Gerold Hightower, Lord commander of the Kingsguard.

The knight looked at the babe in her arms before smiling. "Yes, I think he would have. Your Grace." Lyanna noticed that Arthur and Gerold called her by the title normally reserved for royalty. Since she is married to Prince Rhaegar, her title would normally be Princess.

'Is Aerys Dead?' She thought in her mind

"Why are you calling me your Grace? Aerys is still king." She looked up to see the knight's reaction only to see a frown.

"His Grace, King Aerys is dead." she was surprised but it she didn't really feel sadness at hearing that until he said "As well as Princess Elia,Prince Aegon,Princess Rhaenys and... Prince Rhaegar". She heared the knight's words and tears began to form on her face almost instantly as she silently mourned for her and her son's loss.

"What happened?" She asked

"King Aerys was killed by Ser Jaime Lannister. Princess Elia and her two children were killed by ser Gregor Clegane and ser Amory Lorch on the orders of Lord Paramount Tywin Lannister."

Why did Jaime kill king Aerys? I mean I don't care much for him, he's a total madman, and he killed father and Bran. His madness must have forced the knight's hand.

But by the gods, Jon's siblings... how can someone be so cruel as to order the death of children, those two knights... Surely the gods will see fit to punish them.

Suddenly all the kingsguard entered the room and fell on one knee. "All hail King Jaehaerys, the Third of his Name, King of the Andals,the Rhoynar and the first men,lord of the seven kingdoms and Protector of the realm!"

She couldn't believe her eyes, they were proclaiming her newborn son as the new king...

'But he's just a baby, being king is too much for him! And what if Lord Tywin decided he wanted to kill him by sending those two demons? No! I'll not allow him to take my little Jaehaerys away from me!'

Then she looked at her son, as he locked eyes with her

"Long may he reign!" They shouted.

Please gods, Old and New, keep my dear son safe.