
Prince of Ice And Fire

op jon snow fic, will try and make it good I'm a new writer, please try and give constructive criticism. This fanfic does not cater to lore. this is a wish fulfillment fanfic(op MC from start.) those who don't like that should not read this. Disclaimer:I don't own a game of thrones or a song of ice and fire.

gigigi · TV
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Jaehaerys was completely taken aback by the situation. He never imagined that they would proclaim him their king the moment he was born... But then, when he looked towards the knights that were currently on one knee:

Ser Gerold Hightower, ser Arthur Dayne, ser Oswell Whent and... Ser Barristan Selmy.


'Why is he here? From what I know of the rebellion, he was captured by Robert Baratheon after the battle of the Trident...'

Ahh... I may have had something to do with that.

'What do you mean?' He asked

'Let me just show you.' After a few seconds his consciousness was sent to the aftermath of the battle that took place just a few weeks ago.


Ser Barristan POV

The Battle of the Trident. Our forces were decimated. Robert's hammer came down upon the Prince's ribcage killing him, and shattering our army and leaving those who surrendered to captivity. A strange occurrence took place earlier in the battle—I had sustained a grievous wound, barely able to stand, yet suddenly, it was as if the injury had never happened. Like it just disappeared out of nowhere. Nonetheless, I found myself a prisoner of the usurper as we've all began to call him.

We arrived at King's Landing, with Lannister soldiers standing guard outside the city walls. The city itself was in a state of disrepair, with buildings collapsing and corpses being dragged out for burial in mass graves.

'No doubt those Lannister bastards had a hand in this, Looting and pillaging as they pleased.'

Their presence here could only mean one thing—they had thrown their support behind Robert. King Aerys's capture or death was all but certain, and with the state of the city, I fear the latter is more likely.

I overheard one of the sergeants whispering that it was Jaime Lannister himself who had driven his sword through the King's heart. The King may have been a madman, but an oathbreaker was an oathbreaker.

Robert marched past the city gates without much fanfare, seemingly unconcerned by the pillaging that had taken place within the very homes of his newfound subjects.

We made our way to the Red Keep, where Lannister soldiers stood guard. We passed them by and entered the throne room, accompanied by Lord Arryn and several vassal lords of House Baratheon, as well as representatives from the other rebel houses. Lord Eddard Stark was already present, but Robert's brother, Lord Stannis, remained occupied with the siege of Storm's End.

Robert strode towards the Iron Throne and seated himself upon it, He gestured for the guards holding me in shackles to bring me forward.

"Ser Barristan," he said, his tone arrogant and assured. "You are well aware of my intention to take the throne. I offer you a royal pardon and the position of Lord Commander of my Kingsguard if you would swear fealty to me."

I remained silent, my eyes fixed on the man before me. Even with Prince Rhaegar gone, Robert's claim to the throne was questionable at best.

Prince Viserys is. Though... he has seen the boy, and he takes after his father quite a lot. Much more than he should.

Before he could give his answer though, the door had opened up to Tywin Lannister and one large looking man who he presumed to be the mountain and another smaller man trailing behind him.

He knelt briefly, and presented a bag which he revealed the contents. To the pure shock of all spectators inside, even myself.

"Your... Grace..." he said as if the word left a bad taste in his mouth. "I present to you the heads of Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon." He said without a single drop of hesitation in his voice.

Many of the people present showed their discontent at seeing the battered bodies of dead children but none was as disgusted as Lord Eddard Stark who had the most displeased expression on his voice until finally he couldn't hold back.

"What is the meaning of this!?" He shouted

"You dare come here with the hands of children in your hands? Innocent children! They played no part in the rebellion!" He spoke out in a deafening shout that resounded throughout the throne room.

"And what of Princess Elia? What did you do to her?"

"Unfortunately she died during the sacking." He said not elaborating any further to avoid displaying his involvement.

Ned forced down the bile rising through his throat as shouted."Enough of this! Robert you said you wished to be king?" He asked

"Yes. I did."

"Very well then in that case..."

"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, by the word of Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, I do place you under arrest..."

Before he could finish the Lannister soldiers present in the throne room drew their swords then Lord Eddard's men followed suit, with some of the other vassal lords following in a show of support and with others abstaining, their swords still sheathed while observing the situation

"No..." Robert began seeing the chaos that was about to erupt.

"STOP THIS MADNESS!" His voice erupted like thunder upon the great hall and all eyes fell on him instantly.

"Ned. I won't arrest Lord Tywin."

Ned gave him a confused look. "What!? He killed children, Robert! Children! You have to arrest him."

"I don't have to do anything Ned and I see no children here. Only Dragonspawn." He said calmly without raising his voice.

Ned gave one long look at his best friend and upon realising he wouldn't get his way walked out the throne room with his Bannermen following after him, but not before shooting another glare at Lord Tywin and his henchmen.

As for me, the rage I was feeling was insurmountable , I wanted to stab that vicious cunt in the head so much. But I also felt regret.

What If I was there that day? To protect them? And Princess Elia's death was sure to upset Dorne. Greatly.

Soon Everyone present in the throne room looked to King Robert for his reaction and he let out a thunderous laugh as he faced Lord Tywin."Good job!" He said. "You've rid me of some dragon spawn. I assume you want something in return? What is it?"

Lord Arryn face palmed at Robert's response but he quickly recomposed himself.

This bastard, I'll kill him, how dare he praise such actions! I was contemplating bending the knee to Robert, to avoid crowning another mad king, but now... it seems I'll have to settle for Prince Viserys... Maybe there's still time to mold him into a worthy ruler. First, though, I will have to escape.

All of a sudden, a seating pain appeared in my head and my vision collapsed. As I attempted to open my eyes, I saw a tower that stood in front of a red mountain. I immediately recognised the location.

Outside the tower stood three men in gold armor adorned with white enamel and all-white cloaks. I recognised See Arthur with his gleaming ancestral sword Dawn strapped to his side, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard ser Gerold and lastly set Oswell Whent.'This has to be the tower of joy...but Why I am I seeing this?'

Then, he saw a heavily pregnant girl who looked to be about five and ten namedays. She had dark hair and was astonishingly beautiful.

This girl, she looks familiar... Wait... Could she be Lyanna Stark? And she's pregnant? That would mean...

Everyone thinks that Prince Rhaegar had kidnapped her but he told me of his plans. He planned to marry her. If that was true, and the child was a boy... then he could be king. There would have to be a regency, but it could work. I would have the time to mould him into someone worthy of the throne.

But why I am I seeing this? Is it the gods? Are they sending me a message? I don't know what to make of this.

Finally he had awoken from his vision.

"I'll talk to him, Your Grace, he will take his place back as my heir."

"Do as you wish."

It seems I missed their conversation, but guessing from what Lord Tywin said, his 'heir' must be ser Jaime. Good. The sooner that Kingslayer leaves the Kingsguard and stops sullying our good name,the better.

Finished with his business, Lord Tywin bows once more before leaving the throne room.

Robert looks towards me with an expectant look. "So, Ser Barristan..." he says. " What is your answer?"

I look him square in his eyes and say out loud, "I will not kneel to an usurper! You are not the rightful king."

Murmurs were started as the rebels looked shocked at my proclamation

Robert looked surprised but then quickly gave me a disappointed look and called for his guards. "Maybe some time in the black cells will convince you. Guards, take him!"

After Robert had commanded them, they took hold of each of my arms and sent me down to the cells.

"Fuck." Robert cursed. "You said he would accept. Why did he refuse?" He asked the gray haired old man standing beside him.

"Did you see his face, Robert? The man was furious. And your reaction certainly didn't help. We're going to need him to legitimise your rule a bit more. Your claim isn't as strong as Prince Viserys's after all."

"And Ned? He doesn't hate me now does he? Surely he can see that we can't risk upsetting the balance of the realm over a couple of Dragonspawn?"

"You can't go around calling them that, Robert. They were part of the royal family. Deposed now, yes, but their influence is still going to remain strong in the realm," he chastised.

"And about Ned... he'll come around. I'm sure of it." The old man said

Nodding silently Robert listened to his old mentor as he thought of his next moves.

Deep down in the Red Keep, used to reside the worst criminals in the city, although, very recently not so much thanks to King Aerys who piled up the black cells with innocent souls all pleading for mercy while not knowing what fate had befalled the city.

Ser Barristan sat down as he was tossed into the cell although rather gently, maybe because of his old age,though he doubted that, since he knew that Robert really wanted him in his Kingsguard.

'I suppose I should go to sleep now, I'll try to make an escape plan in the morning.'

'No need.' A voice spoke in his head

'I shall aid you.'

Hearing this he immediately jolted awake and moved to draw his sword, only to remember that it was seized.

"Who are you? Where are you speaking from? Show yourself!" He said loudly.

'Calm down. I'm here to help you. You must aid the new king after all.'

'What? The king? Could he mean... the babe? It's going to be a boy?'

'Yes. He will be born soon. You must hurry, follow the light.'

"Wait how can you read my thoughts?" He asked but was met with silence.

The door and his shackles were suddenly unlocked and a bright light emerged that lead to somewhere.

'Who was that? Could it be one of the seven or some other god?'

Ser Barristan was not religious but he still held some beliefs of the faith of the seven.

If the gods supported this unborn king then maybe it is a sign. That, or currently I'm currently hallucinating.

'But this feels so very real.'

He opened the unlocked cell door and followed the directions leading out of the city. He saw that the bright light was leading him to a stable where he saw many good mounts to ride, he spotted a white horse and rode atop of it following the bright light that seemed to illuminate the safest path he could take.


Tower of joy

Riding as hard as he could only stopping to take occasional breaks, he realized the horse he rode on moved faster than any horse he's ever ridden before...

'Who was that before? Why do they want me in the that tower so badly?'

The entity sent out dead skinned prey such as rabbits to deer to Barristan whenever he made camp so that he sustain himself.

Barristan was sitting at a campfire, eating one of the meat that he "found" near his sleeping position. 'This is truly astounding...' He did not know who was helping him but he would make sure to reach the tower of joy as soon as possible to see if this was real. He continued his journey onwards, passing through the Reach and a moon later he arrived at the tower.

When the tower was in sight and he could see some of his fellow Kingsguard standing guard, he got off his horse and approached his them. "Who goes there" the voice of ser Gerold Hightower comes bearing down.

"It is me, Lord Commander." He says respectfully.

"Ser Barristan?" replied Ser Arthur Dayne.

"Indeed, I have returned and I bring with me grave news."

"What sort of news?" Says Ser Oswell Whent.

"The Prince of Dragonstone is dead. His wife... mostly likely killed by order of Tywin Lannister,and her children as well. One of the knights responsible is Gregor Clegane and the other is Amory Lorch."

They all looked at him in disbelief. "No! It can't be true!" shouted Ser Arthur.

"What happened?"

before he could answer the question

a wet nurse came calling for ser Arthur. "Ser. Lady Lyanna says she wishes to see you. But I must warn you she is most probably tired from the childbirth."

They all look at her as she says that

"Is it a boy?" Asks ser Arthur

And she answers. "It is."

Then Arthur turns to face Barristan.

"You probably already know if you came here but the reason we're here is because Lyanna is..."

"Pregnant with Prince Rhaegar's child."

"And they were married and since you said that the king and crown prince is dead...so that means that her child, by law is now..." "King." Barristan finishes.

Ser Arthur gives Ser Barristan a long look before asking "What I'm saying is... can we count on you? To help us protect him? The gods know he'll need all the protection he can get since he's a just a baby." He said to silent agreement to the other Kingsguard.

"You don't need to ask. I was already planning on doing that." He says with a smile on his face.

"Good. Ready to meet your King? He asked while grinning toothily.

He nods.

please tell me if are errors or mistakes. I accept criticism (don't insult me please though)

gigigicreators' thoughts