
Prince and His Fool (Boylove)

Rong Zian, a college student unexpectedly transmigrated into past era in a mythical country known as Hepeng. Thinking he could start his life a new and live a peaceful life he was roped into working with a stern prince with a dragon sapphire flame gift to save Hepeng from destruction. Rong Zian: Wu Yange let's slay a giant Wu Yange: I would rather kiss you Rong Zian: "....." An interesting adventure covered in fluff.

Andru_9788 · LGBT+
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99 Chs


It was currently Wu Yange's turn to spill his secrets and Rong Zian went straight for the grand prize. "When did you start liking me," he asked making a couple of guesses but all his assumptions were completely off track.

Ying Tie chimed in, "I think he's going to say the day Wu Fan came after you."

"Nah I think it's when Wu Yinyou kidnapped me," guessed Rong Zian eagerly waiting for Wu Yange's answer.

Wu Yange chuckled and confessed, "When I found you drugged at the Rong Mansion."

The two were tongue-tied in disbelief. "That long? Wow you honestly did a good job hiding it," replied Rong Zian simply amazed. 'Hahaha I wouldn't have guessed,' he thought while Wu Yange took his turn spinning the bottle which landed on his baobei.