

With each word spoken, Rong Zian's anger graduated from mildly irritated to extreme murderous intent but Zhao Lee was too stupid and kept going. "Oh, you are upset now? I see, so you actually thought he was going to make you his wife? And when he becomes the emperor he would what? Make you the empress? What a joke" roared Zhao Lee lifting the teapot and hauled it in his direction.

"Such a high and mighty dream for a mere servant," she continued to vent at him. Rong Zian drenched in scolding hot tea was so disoriented in anger that he picked up a bowl on the table and smashed it on the hard surface to shut her up coincidently cutting his palm in the process. This would serve as a warning sign for the clever but of course, Zhao Lee wasn't one of the smart ones.

"Wait until he makes me his wife, I will make your life…..Ahahah-," she screamed unable to finish her sentence.