
Bridal Chamber

With the gods chased out of Hepeng, its citizens felt at ease but Zau Bao wasn't done with that arrogant brat. He anxiously paced in the heavenly realm with the council scratching their heads trying to figure out how to take Rong Zian down though some them felt like it would be best if they left Hepeng alone.

After hours of mulling over a plan, he came up with the most ridiculous plan a god could ever come up with and that was breaking his own rule and have gods have children amongst them so they could subdue Rong Zian and take over Hepeng. The council were in an uproar when the wisest among them came up with such a risky idea. But their complaints fell on deaf ears outvoted by Zau Bao's supporters.

"Enjoy while you still can little brat because the gods are coming for you!" said Zau Bao with an evil laugh escaping his throat. We all know he would come to regret that someday.
