
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 3: Heretic God’s Inheritance

Lin Xiao gritted his teeth tightly. The pain originating from his neck was so much that his consciousness was beginning to blur.

Fortunately, he has some idea about the human body; otherwise, he would have stabbed himself to death.

However, if he wasn't treated soon, then he really would die!

The goddess, on the other hand, was thinking about the situation when she felt a sharp pain lance through her body. 'Damn it! I am running out of time!'

In fact, oblivious to Lin Xiao, the goddess was gravely injured. And her condition was much worse than him.

Almost everything inside her body was broken. Even taking a step was like walking on hot coal for her! Her meridians, inner organs, all of them were torn and barely functioning.

Her body was no good anymore. With her powers, her soul could exit out of her body, but it wasn't an option anymore. Her enemy had used an ancient and forbidden technique to put shackles around her seal of consciousness.

And within the sea of consciousness was her soul. It was entrapped.

Even if she wanted to, she couldn't escape right now!

One could only imagine how she could keep her cold face in this desperate situation!

"What do you propose?" The tone of her voice suddenly turned a bit softer.

Lin Xiao kept his poker face, but inwardly, he was overjoyed. His gamble paid off!

"First, why don't you tell me who you are and what is it that you want from me?"

"…this queen is called Luoshen Qianxue. As for what she wants, she wants your Yang Seed." In the end, Luoshen Qianxue couldn't help but blush inexplicably.

"Yang seed? What is that?" Lin Xiao questioned subconsciously.

The goddess gritted her teeth and responded: "You have a special constitution called Primordial Yang Body. People with this constitution produce something called Yang Seed. If a woman absorbs it, her soul will undergo a tremendous change."

Primordial Yang Body?

Yang Seed?


Lin Xiao felt like this world was playing a cruel joke on him.

At that time, his consciousness shook. He quickly bit his lips and forcefully held on. The goddess saw his state and couldn't help but worry. After all, if he died, so will she.

"I… I'll give this Yang Seed to you. In return, you have to save me and promise not to force anything on me afterward." Lin Xiao was the last person in the world to believe in verbal agreements, but currently, he has no other choice.

The goddess thought for a moment before agreeing. She was also in no state to refuse. Since the other party knew her weak point, wasting time wasn't a wise choice.

"So… how do I give this Yang Seed to you— cough!" Lin Xiao suddenly coughed a mouthful of blood. He figured slammed down against the ground.

The goddess walked up to him immediately and checked his condition. After a quick examination, she concluded that he was at the gate of death.

"This idiot!" She cursed lightly, hesitated for a second, and took out a vial. In the vial, there was only one drop of extremely dense dark liquid.

Extreme reluctance surfaced her eyes. She took a look at the bleeding man and then at the vial and suddenly sighed. "This might be fate too…."

Not hesitating anymore, She dropped the black liquid in Lin Xiao's mouth.

Lin Xiao only felt that his consciousness was slowly fading. Right then, a stream of potent and dense energy that seemed to burn his body entered inside him.

It surged through every part of his body, leaving no spot untouched. He felt like he was ignited, every part was burning, and the pain was simply unimaginable.

In Lin Xiao's body, organs shifted, bones changed, and seven new sets of veins, each with different colors, formed steadily.

Out of nowhere, an ancient voice boomed inside his mind, and all the pain and suffering as if illusion vanished.

"My inheritor, I am Heretic God. Since I don't have much time left, I will cut the greetings short. First of all, congratulations for now you're the inheritor of my legacy.

"Even though you are an ordinary mortal, since you were able to bear the pain of inheritance, that means you are qualified.

"With my inheritance, you will gain seven new sets of elemental veins. They are indestructible and most powerful veins that go against the common scene of this world. With them, you don't have to ever worry about elemental power!

"However, they are currently unusable. You have to find the seeds responding to each elemental vein to awaken then. Currently, they are scattered around the universe. Find and merge them with their respective elemental vein. This is also my second test for you.

"Secondly, I'll grant you my [Heavenly Secret Art], which can only be practiced by you. It is divided into seven levels, and you can practice it when you can open the secret gates in your body.

"The seven secret gates are another part of my inheritance. With each gate you open, you'll experience a tremendous increase in strength, allowing you to fight people way beyond your level.

"With this, you've become my complete and only inheritor! But I'll have to apologize… now that you've been my inheritor, you've also become the enemies of my enemies. I hope… when you meet them, you are strong enough to protect yourself and your loved ones…."

With that, the ancient voice slowly disappeared.

Lin Xiao was shell-shocked. It was just the first day of crossing, wasn't he experiencing too much?

First, he almost died by drowning, then met a crazy goddess with a school belle attitude, and now he has suddenly inherited the powers of some god? And he has enemies? Wasn't he a god? Won't his enemies be at the god level too?

'You must be shitting me.' Lin Xiao now regretted crossing.

A strange thought entered Lin Xiao's mind. Wasn't he a template protagonist?

Even though he wasn't an otaku, in his past life, Lin Xiao had a hobby of reading eastern novels in his free time. And he could find some semblance between those stories and his experiences today.

Unexpectedly, he has become a protagonist?

'You must be shitting me!' He cursed again.