
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 2: Meeting A Goddess From Divine Realm

"Primordial Yang Body…" The voice was weak and filled with disbelief. The owner of this voice was shocked.

Yet to Lin Xiao, this voice chilled his back. He felt the ends of his hair rising in fear, and his body went cold. Despite being weak, this voice was as frosty as a glacier. It inevitably makes others put up a distance.

Lin Xiao suppressed his emotions and turned back. The suppressed emotions once again burst. His eyes widened, seeing the beauty standing in front of him.

She was almost as tall as him, around 178 cm, quite tall for the feminine race. Her eyes were like sun, golden and shining like stars in the skies. Her face was a piece of work, perfectly oval, exquisite, and simply breathtaking.

This girl was a goddess. Lin Xiao has never seen someone as beautiful as her, and he was someone used to beauties and celebrities flirting around with him.

She was dressed in strange clothes and appeared to be in her early twenties. Her clothes reminded Lin Xiao of ancient opera shows.

Seeing Lin Xiao look at her with a somewhat heated gaze, the goddess frowned slightly.

"…who are you?" Just in time, Lin Xiao interrupted her thoughts.

Once out of the weird spell her beauty and temperament caused, Lin Xiao discovered that her complexion was very pale. Furthermore, she was bleeding from some parts of her body.

Does she want his help?

"You don't need to know who I am…." The goddess frosty voice entered Lin Xiao's ears. Suddenly, she stretched her hand and grabbed his neck, pinning him against a nearby wall.


Lin Xiao didn't even have a chance to resist. She was so fast that he couldn't even see her move her hands. Was she even a human, he wondered.

Lin Xiao was now sober and angry… at himself. His carelessness was the partial cause of his current state.

"…what do you want from… me?" Lin Xiao was already weak and now pinned against the wall. He was again beginning to choke and lose breath.

"You… have you have ever indulged in male and female encounters?" The goddess asked, her cold face tinged with a color of pink, unexpectedly.

Lin Xiao was perplexed, but he replied nonetheless. "As in… to what degree?"

"…all the way." The goddess felt like Lin Xiao was teasing her, so her grip on his neck tightened even further.

Lin Xiao turned pale. He quickly replied: "No! Never!" He didn't bother asking why she was asking this.

Listening to the answer, some hope ignited within the goddess's eyes. Her grip loosened, she let go of Lin Xiao, who slid down the wall while coughing loudly.

Not minding his state, the goddess looked at the nearby door and asked: "Is this your house?"

After regaining his breath, Lin Xiao replied: "Yes, it's mine. Why?"

"Open it."

Lin Xiao did as she asked quickly. Are you kidding? He has already felt her strength. She can quickly kill him if she wishes to. He could only do as she asked him to.

The door opened, and they both entered inside.

Once inside the one-bedroom home, which was somewhat messy and filled with a man's breath, the goddess closed the door behind her.

Without further ado, she shot a look at Lin Xiao and said coldly: "This queen will be straightforward; your body contains something that this queen desire. This queen can easily and forcefully steal it from you, but this queen is magnanimous. She will give you two choices."

"First, kneel and make an oath to serve this queen until your death. And then give me what this queen whats from you. In return, I'll give you powers beyond your imaginations. You can have as much money you want, and woman shall grovel to shall serve you."

"Second, resist, and this queen will forcefully subdue you and then steal what she wants. After that, this queen will put you in a slave contract."

"Now, you have ten seconds. Make your choice."

Lin Xiao was stunned. Was this a tv show? He does concur that her strength was inhuman but what was this about talking in the third person, calling her queen, and making a slave contract? Is she alright in the head?

Gathering his thoughts, Lin Xiao asked with a smile: "Miss, please stop joking. You have been watching too many movies; there's no such thing as a slave contract in today's world. What do—"


The table nearby Lin Xiao burst into nothingness abruptly. He shuddered in fright and immediately glanced at the goddess.

She had just flicked her fingers!

The goddess's tone turned even more frosty: "I have limited patience, and you have five more seconds. Make a decision quickly."

Lin Xiao was forced to think quickly. If before he thought that maybe she was only physically strong, then now he was sure this goddess-like woman was simply beyond his understanding!

Five seconds passed by. Before the time passed, Lin Xiao quickly grabbed the nearby knife.

Seeing this action, the goddess sneered; some disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"So you choose the second option?" She asked for confirmation.

Lin Xiao smiled. "No, I don't like the choices you gave me, so I choose the third one."

This answer caught the goddess off guard. Her brows raised slightly. "I remember giving you only two choices, though. I told you I don't have much patience." She began walking towards him with a murderous look on her face.

Lin Xiao quickly raised the knife. Just as the goddess thought that he would swing it at her, his following action stunned her.

The knife was actually pointed to his neck!

The goddess march halted. She asked puzzlingly, but a trace of panic underwent in the depths of her eyes: "What game are you playing? What is the meaning of this?"

Seeing her stop, Lin Xiao's suspicions were partially confirmed. He took a deep breath and replied: "I can't accept your first option. Although money, power, and woman sound enticing, I don't want to serve someone. The second one is even more impossible. I would rather die than become someone's slave."

"Heh! You have no idea how many people are willing to serve this queen; you should be grateful for this chance." The goddess snorted lightly.

Lin Xiao shook his head lightly. "My choice remains the same. I can't accept either of your given conditions."

The goddess didn't bother talking anymore, she stepped forward once more.

Before but that, Lin Xiao began stabbing himself. The knife entered his neck, the blood swiftly flowed out, bringing a sharp pain. He roared: "Stay back, I'll really kill myself, then you have no chance of gaining whatever you want from me! You don't want that outcome, right?"

The goddess was once again stunned. She couldn't believe that Lin Xiao was actually threatening her with his own life!

But… Lin Xiao guessed right! If he died, the goddess wouldn't survive either. She was forced to stop once again!

She couldn't help but take a good look at this seemingly average mortal and immediately understood that she was underestimating him all this time!