
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 29: 2nd Level Of Tower Of Nine Heavens

Nothing much happened at school today. After talking and flirting with Langyan, it was already time to head home.

When Lin Xiao entered his house, he found no signs of Xia Xianxia, but he did see a note in return.

"I'll take care of a few matters and come back by night, huh? Come to think of it, we forgot to exchange mobile numbers."

After putting the note down, Lin Xiao's figure flashed.

The moment he appeared inside the Tower Of Nine Heavens, he discovered that a few things were different from how he remembers.

He quickly arrived in front of the main stone plate where the general information of Tower Of Nine Heavens was written and then read its contents.

[Owner: Lin Xiao]

[Strength: 3rd Level of Ancestor Qi Realm]

[Tower Level Opened: 2nd]

[Time Ratio: 1:20]

[Available Facilities: Spiritual Garden, Pond of Life, 2nd Level Library, Bottom twenty rooms in cultivation tower, Divine Light Orb(New)]

[One time reward: Mysterious Egg, 1x Sky Returning Pill, 3x Beauty Pellet, 10x Hundred-year-old Ginseng]

"It levelled up!" Lin Xiao was pleasantly surprised. He quickly called Qianxue after the One time rewards fell on the ground.

"Qianxue, can you check and tell me what these items are?"

Qianxue took a glance at the pills, a bunch of ginsengs sprawled out on the grass and a strange green egg about the size of a football.

She focused on the egg momentarily before shaking her head, seemingly giving up. "This egg is strange. I can't seem to through it."

This made Lin Xiao involuntarily raise his eyebrows.

Another unknown item.

The mysteriousness of Dragonia Fruit still hasn't cleared yet he got another mysterious item.

"Alright, then can you tell me about these pills?" He decided to forget about the egg for now since it doesn't appear to be hatching anytime soon.

"Beauty Pills are Mid-Tier 4th Grade Pills that can significantly enhance a female's beauty. If they have any sort of scar or birthmarks, this pill can remove that easily."

"Another one is Sky Returning Pill, a Low-Tier 5th Grade Pill that can raise even a non-cultivator's cultivation directly to 1st Level Of Sky Qi Realm!"

"Even a non-cultivator?" Lin Xiao was a little surprised.

Formerly, when he became an Ancestor Qi Realm expert, he didn't realise how strong he had become.

Right now he clearly understands his might.

Although Sky Qi Realm cultivators were much weaker than him, few people could reach this realm in their lifetime. Even the mysterious Qin Qing hasn't reached Sky Qi Realm yet.

This Sky Returning pill is equivalent to having a Sky Qi Realm expert in his hands.

He could create a Sky Qi Realm expert out of thin air!

Qianxue continued: "As for this Ginseng, it can become an ingredient for your alchemy practices."

Lin Xiao nodded and then put away the rewards. He was planning to check out if there was any difference in facilities.

"Let's go check out the facilities." He said to Qianxue and moved ahead first.

When they arrived at Spiritual Garden, they found out that the Time Ratio had changed from 1:50 to 1:100! The garden has also become more extensive.

Lin Xiao entered to check on the progress on Dragonia Fruit.

"It's finally growing!"

There was a small plant, around a foot tall, where he had previously sowed the seed—the plant was full of vitality and cramped with condensed Qi.

Lin Xiao nodded in satisfaction and moved to Pond Of Life next.

The Pond of Life also went through a qualitative change. The Time Ratio has now become 1:50, and the Pond was almost fifty meters in diameter; previously, it was thirty.

There were thousands of fishes, crabs and other edible aquatic life present inside the Pond. All the fishes swam with energy and looked incredibly delicious. Lin Xiao still remembers their salivating taste when eating with Qingtong. He plans to have a feast by himself tonight!

"Are they really that delicious?" Qianxue couldn't help but ask after seeing Lin Xiao practically drool at the sight of fish.

"Oh, you have no idea! When you get your body back, I'll cook one for you. I can assure you that you'll become addicted to their taste too." Lin Xiao chuckled.

Qianxue raised her eyebrows. Out of nowhere, the subtlest smile blossomed on her charming face as she said softly: "...we shall see."

Lin Xiao was momentarily stunned by her smile. When she laughed, the whole world seemed to be engulfed in flowers.

"You have such a beautiful smile; you should smile more often."

"Smiling... me?" Qianxue doesn't seem to be aware that she was smiling just now.

"Yeah, you just did."

"Impossible. You are seeing things." She coldly vetoed.

"Alright, alright, whatever you say, my queen." Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulder, knowing better than to argue when Qianxue becomes stubborn.

He turned around and began walking toward the next destination, unaware of the violent waves in Qianxue's heart.

When he turned away, Qianxue's face that was as cold as a glacier, showed a tinge of red, but she quickly suppressed it.

"Divine Light Orb…" They arrived in front of an oversized spherical orb that was freely floating in the air. It was about three feet in diameter and golden in colour.

Lin Xiao looked at the stone plate to find its functions.

[Divine Light Orb]

[Current Rate: 1 Drop/Week]

[Effect: Divine Light Orb produces a liquid called Elixir Of Light. It has extreme cleansing as well as healing property. Additionally, a drop of Elixir Of Light can double the cultivation speed of a cultivator while asleep for one night]

"Hmm, how useful this is can only be decided after we've checked how potent it's cleansing and healing abilities are. What do you think?" Lin Xiao asked Qianxue.

"If this is as it says, Elixir of Light, then there's no need to check." Qianxue shook her head lightly. Her reply was different than what Lin Xiao had expected.

"What do you mean?"

"Light attribute is extremely rare. So rare that you couldn't possibly fathom. Even this queen has only come across three Light Attributed Cultivators in all her life. And as Elixir Of Light, its cleansing and healing property should be comparable to High-Level pills in 6 or 7th Grades."

"That powerful!" Lin Xiao slight disappointment about Divine Light Orb vanished after hearing Qianxue's evaluation.

It leaks out a drop every week, but it was in relative to the rate of time flow in Tower Of Nine Heavens. That means Lin Xiao would have three drops of Elixir Of Light for everyday that passes in real life!

He couldn't help but smile at this unexpected but welcomed surprise.

After placing a container beneath Divine Light Orb, they moved to the final destination for the day, Library.

Upon entering, they discovered that the previously inaccessible area of the library was now opened. He has now access to Earth Level Cultivation Techniques!

However, Lin Xiao wasn't that interested in them. Instead, he found something else. Books related to alchemy. Previously, he only had access to formulas of Low-Level pills.

The pills were divided into three distinct Levels.

1-3 Grade Pill belonged to Low-Level.

4-6 Grade Pills belonged to Middle-Level.

And 7-8 Grade Pills belonged to High-Level.

The 9th Grade Pills have a special name for them—Divine Pills.

Now, Lin Xiao has access to 4th Grade Pills! He could make Small Revitalisation Pills by himself if he became a 4th Grade Alchemist in the future!