
Primordial Shadow: Dungeon of Eternal Darkness

"Amid darkness, there is only more darkness. Either you were born into the light or forced to suffer for all eternity." Austin never expected anything good from his life that was shrouded in poverty and abandonment. He was an unwelcomed Soul navigating in a world devoid of mercy. However, when his miserable life finally changed for the better, tragedy struck, he was killed and forced into a void of darkness, left to suffer. As if Fate was not finished toying with his Soul, he was given a glimmer of light amidst the darkness, he was chosen to save a world that would soon face destruction. Reborn into a world of swords and magic as the Progenitor of the Night Elves, Austin, now renamed Nyx, must traverse a world that contains Beings with unimaginable Power. Follow Nyx along his journey from a naive, crazy, and untrusting infant plagued by his past to an overpowered omniverse ruling nepotist. ================================================================== Discord: https://discord.gg/brW2kKAptf ================================================================== Note: The cover was made using Bing AI (Copilot) ==================================================================

OGC · Fantasy
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36 Chs

His Majesty King Vlad

Four days earlier, on the third day of the World Phenomenon.

The throne room of the Alucard Royal Castle was filled with a tense atmosphere. A man with a striking appearance sat upon a magnificent, opulent black and gold throne with his chin resting on his palm and one leg elegantly crossed over the other.

He was tall and slender, devoid of bulging muscles commonly seen among monarchs. 

Crimson hair, like freshly spilled blood, cascaded around his shoulders. His blood-red hair framed equally blood-red eyes. His face was chiseled with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline.

He was clad in a pristine white suit. A blood-red tie adorned his collar with matching shoes and a belt completed the bold ensemble.

Perched atop his hair was a blood-red twelve-point jeweled crown.

Instead of a King, he could easily be mistaken for a shrewd businessman. 

However, those who knew of him would not dare to belittle him. His appearance aside, he was a man who instilled fear in the masses.

He was the current King of the Alucard Kingdom. A Royal Vampire descended from the Vampire Progenitor. His true age was unknown to the inhabitants of Arcadia. From the records past down from generation to generation, a shocking consensus was made that he was over 10,000 years old. Though shocking, it was understandable, for an Immortal Race like the Vampire's, age was inconsequential. They didn't need to worry about the passing time like Mortals. Age was irrelevant.

The blood-red pressure that currently surrounded him caused the advisors on each side of the red carpet to shiver in fright, not daring to be around their Majesty, in fear of being killed by the pressure alone.

The twelve advisors gazed at each other, aware of the fear they held, yet had no choice but to stay.

They valued their lives. 

The Watchers would know if they escaped, and even if they ran to the ends of Arcadia, they would be hunted down. Nothing escaped the eyes of The Watchers.

The Watchers was a title given by the public to the unknown beings that eliminate all who seek to harm the King, His family, and His Kingdom.

Some even referred to those beings as the King's Shadow, the Eyes and Ears of the King, The Executioners, and many other titles.

Not only do they specialize in spying, but in assassination as well.

They not only spied on the inhabitants of the Kingdom and the surrounding Kingdoms, they even spied on their fellow members.

No one knew how many Watchers there were, their names, or their appearances, except for the King and those he trusted.

On second thought… except for one man who was not under scrutiny by The Watchers.

Albert Alucard, the leader of The Watchers.

Swift Sword Albert.

In the Alucard Kingdom, his achievements could be heard in any tavern, bar, or random setting.

But now, the man who was idolized and spoken highly of as a hero by many in the world, lay bloodied, limbless, and awaiting who knew what punishment.

His appearance could no longer be seen by the blood that marred his body.

Had it been anyone else they would have died days ago, yet even after three days, the man continued to breathe.

Unlike other Races, Vampires were an Immortal Race meaning even if their vitals were pierced, they would continue to live unless not a single drop of their blood remained.

Due to their immortality, killing a Vampire was almost an impossibility.

However, King Vlad could easily kill such beings as if it was a walk in the park.

The reason why Albert, the leader of The Watchers was in a deplorable state was due to his betrayal. With their King's personality, he would never tolerate any hint of disloyalty. The eerie statues that adorned the castle walls were silent reminders of the fate wrought with eternal scorn that awaited anyone who dared to have thoughts of betrayal. 

At first, no one, not even the advisors thought Albert who was the right-hand man of His Majesty, King Vlad, was part of the Watchers let alone their leader. Unlike the Royal Family and even His Majesty who stayed away from public affairs, Albert could easily be seen roaming the streets daily.

He was just too conspicuous to be part of the King's Shadow. However, it also made sense to hide in plain sight. Acting strange would only lead to suspicion. Had it not been for Albert's betrayal, he would have probably never been discovered as the leader of The Watchers.

Albert's identity caused suspicion to rise among them as they started to make guesses on who else could be part of The Watchers.

However, Vlad did not care about what his advisors were thinking, he was boiling with fury, his blood-red eyes contained hatred, as well as immeasurable sadness as he looked at the entrance of the throne room.

Occasionally, his blood-red eyes would shift to the left of his throne where the bloodied, limbless figure lay in a pool of blood.

"Tsk disgusting vermin! After everything I have done for you, this is how you repay me?" He spat, his voice contained immeasurable scorn and disgust.

Vlad did not want to be here. He wanted to be there for the birth of his grandson. If he could, he would gladly let his advisors handle his responsibilities. Regrettably, he couldn't, the task was too much for them. Any minute now, the Angels would arrive and he would have to be present for their arrival. He didn't wish to greet them but once again… regrettably he had to.


He sighed as he scratched his hair in frustration causing the blood pressure around him to intensify.

The walls of the castle began to shake and rubble fell from his mere pressure alone, yet he was not in the mood to care. A mere castle could be rebuilt at any time.

"Y-Yo-Your Majesty!" Hearing a shout from one of his advisors, his hand scratching his head momentarily froze. Vlad shifted his blood-red eyes at the advisor. A short, pot-bellied orange-haired man.

Being looked at by those blood-red eyes caused the advisor to panic, and fear like never before seized his body. The king's eyes held too much hatred and fury. Though the pressure of His Majesty did not land on him, he felt he was being looked at by a monster… no by a Demon.

He couldn't move despite wanting to run.

A mere glance from the King and he was reduced to an ant.

The pressure felt like a mountain weighing down on him. No… saying that the pressure was akin to a mountain would be a disservice to what he felt. He felt the entire world of Arcadia weighing down on his body.

For a moment… for a mere millisecond, he found himself in an endless ocean of blood with lifeless bodies floating aimlessly in the sea of blood.

'J-just how many Beings has this monster killed?' 

The blood pressure was just too much for him to bear.

He froze breaking out in a cold sweat, while internally cursing himself for speaking out of turn, had His Majesty continued to look at him, he felt he would have never woken up.

A moment later, he knelt and begged for forgiveness, "Your Majesty, please forgive my insolence!"

Vlad didn't respond, he looked away from the shivering advisor to the entrance.

The pot-belied orange-haired advisor sighed in relief, thanking his ancestors that he wasn't killed for his disrespect toward the King.

The throne room once more fell silent. Not even the sound of breathing could be heard as everyone waited for the guests to arrive.

Internally, the advisors were worried that an all-out battle would erupt once the guests arrived. If that were to happen they would immediately be killed by the shockwaves.

They were just too weak in front of the King and the Angels.

They were monsters who held absolute Power while they were just ants in comparison.

They hoped that everything would go smoothly and a battle would not erupt. Not only would they die, but the painstaking efforts the former King went through to form a good relationship with the Angels would go down the drain.

"Even after so long, you are still the same, Vlad." An angelic, melodious voice interrupted the silence of the throne room, followed by a blinding golden radiance.

"Insolence, who dares to appear unannounced in His Majesty's Royal Castle? Show yourself!" As soon as the golden radiance appeared, the Royal Guards, who were hidden in the dark, sprang into action with their weapons drawn, ready to take down the insolent intruder.

However, before they could get close to the golden light, their bodies froze, refusing to listen to them.

Their eyes widened in horror, and they began to shiver in fear.

"Stand down!" Vlad ordered, his eyes glowing even bloodier.

The Royal Guards shivered even more, understanding that they screwed up. They were only doing their duty but ended up offending the King.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" They spoke out loud and then disappeared.

Wow, we're going back in time after the second volume just started?


Bear with me, dear readers. The novel is about to get exciting.


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