
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · Movies
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78 Chs

Chapter 34: Winterfell

Aiden and Flamebird drew a lot of attention, upon their arrival within Wintertown, which was the town that was situated just outside Winterfell, as well as arriving within Winterfell itself.

Wintertown didn't have too many occupants, it was mainly used when the harsh winter is going on. The many settlements within the territories would abandon their villages in the winter and move to Wintertown to keep from freezing or starving to death.

Aiden had been amazed by the sight of Winterfell. It was a huge castle complex spanning several acres, consisting of two massive walls with a ditch that ran between the two walls. It was made up of several buildings and keeps, some ancient and decrepit, others in good condition.

It was built eight thousand years ago atop natural hot springs, the scalding waters ran thru the walls and chambers like blood running through the body. This kept the original castle warm even during the harshest of winters. The hot waters kept the stone walls and even the earth within the castle grounds from freezing.

Aiden could see a vast underground complex underneath the castle which was even larger than the castle grounds itself. It was where all the ancient tombs were located, the winding passages contained not only the remains of Stark kings and lords but also recorded much of their ancient history.

There was also a small Godswood that was contained within its walls, this held Winterfell's Heart Tree and was used as a place of contemplation by many of the Stark lords as well as where they held various ceremonies, mainly weddings and executions in the modern era, but in ancient times it was also used in sacrifices to the Old Gods.

As Aiden rode into the courtyard of Winterfell, gasps from all the servants were heard, not only was Aiden highly under dressed for the northern weather, he also had Flamebird perched on his shoulder. She no longer hid after the ambush, she was already known so their was no point.

"Aiden come, I'd like you to meet my other children as well as my men." Ned called over as he picked up Bran.

Aiden dismounted and walked to the front where Ned was greeting his family, this was when the Stark children also noticed Aiden as well. Sansa stared at Aiden's figure, she couldn't help but blush thinking he was the most handsome knight she had ever seen before.

Much like her siblings, she was a hero worshipper, but unlike her siblings, she didn't want to mimic what a hero did, she wanted to give them children. She grew up under her mother's teaching that taught her a womans duty was to give birth to as many children as possible.

Sansa was a beautiful young girl, she had fair skin the color of milk, thick light auburn hair and deep blue eye color. It could be seen early on that she would gain even more beauty as she grew older.

Arya was very tomboyish, especially compared to her older sister, she had more Starm features than all her siblings. She had brown hair, gray eyes, and a lean athletic build. Unlike her older sister, Sansa, she dispised anything ladylike, she preferred training and hunting over embroidery, dancing and singing.

She too saw Aiden as a knight, but unlike her older sister didn't view him the same way. Although she too thought him quite handsome, she saw him more as a possible mentor that she could learn from, since her mother had forbidden her to me trained in the ways of a warrior.

Both girls were also taken in by the small dragon that perched on Aiden's shoulder as he approached with a warm smile.

"Greetings Lady Sansa and Lady Arya, you both are far more beautiful than your father told me. I hope we can get along and be friends." Aiden said as he took their hands and gave their small knuckles a peck.

While Sansa got lost in her own thoughts, she had been mesmerized by the warmth that irradiated from Aidens body, she was brought out of her thoughts by her younger sisters reply.

"I'm not a lady, I am a warrior!" Arya said with puffed cheeks.

"Ah, my apology, Ser Arya. A fine warrior name and temperament." Aiden said with a chuckle.

Arya gave a big smile as her eyes lit up at the sight of Flamebird, "Is that your dragon? I heard it was much bigger."

Aiden chuckled and responded, "She is bigger, but she prefers this size since it makes it easier to interract with others. She only gets bigger if she is fighting or hunting, her name is Flamebird."

"It's a girl dragon?! She's very beautiful." Sansa said in a surprise.

Upon hearing this Flamebird puffed up in pride, to give everyone a good view of herself. This caused both girls to giggle, then they let out a yelp when they saw Flamebird fly over to them.

"Its ok, she won't hurt you. I forgot to tell you she enjoyes compliments so she telds to greet those that do so. You can pet her if you want, in fact, I have an idea. Would you two lovely ladies.. I mean lovely lady and fine warrior take, care of her while I go make sure your mother is ok?" Aiden said as he knew they needed to check on Catelyn.

Both girls and even Bran nodded their heads excitedly, seeing this made Aiden smile and he the turned to Ned saying, "Alright, I can check on Lady Stark and also if you could bring me to a secluded rarely used room I can start setting up the means to have Lyanna visit."

Maester Luwin looked at Aiden skeptically as Ned noded his head in agreement, "Aye, there is a guest room in the main keep near the lords chambers, it usually used for royal guests anyway so that room can be used since Robert wouldn't be visiting in a friendly manner anyway."

Maester Luwin spoke up, "Lady Stark is in her chambers, is it wise to have a stranger without even one chain of knowledge to look her over?"

Maester Luwin was extremely loyal to the Starks and a very intelligent man, he had forged nine of the sixteen possible links to show mastery in certain subjects.

His nine chain links were; Black Iron for ravenry, Bronze for astronomy, Copper for history, Electrum for astrology, Gold for money and accounting, Iron for warcraft, Silver for medicine and healing, Steel for construction and lastly a Valyrian steel for magic.

So needless to say he was a asset to Winterfell and has served the Starks for many years. He was skeptical of Aiden, especially since he had not one chain that signified he was a learned man.

"It is alright Maester Luwin, he is a trusted friend. You can join us after you have informed the servants to check on the royal chambers." Ned stated as he began to make his way up to his chambers.

Aiden followed while the Stark children began to play with Flamebird who gladly took up the role of babysitting. The rest of the household were shocked by this but soon quickly got to work.

Aiden was amazed by the castle, he could feel the magic coursing thru the walls and stone. It was similar to the magic at the Wall in which it warded off the undead, but also had functions that the Wall did not. Like pulling the water up to warm the castle and grounds, it had warning functions for inform the lord of anyone entering with malicious intent, it also made the walls sturdier and more resilient.

Most functions were passive while others required the Lord of Winterfell to know how to access the other functions, like the warning of malicious intent, the Lord would need to attune themselves to the castle in order for them to receive the notice from the magic, it was a built-in safety measure in case the castle was ever lost to the Starks.

As they reached the room Catelyn was in, Ned entered first to ensure she was dressed and decent to be seen by Aiden, even though Aiden could already see that she was thru the walls, he said nothing and began inspecting her body.

Catelyn was a beautiful woman, like Sansa she had fair skin with long auburn hair and blue eyes with high cheekbones with full luscious lips. Even now, as she lay in a weakened state, it couldn't detract from her beauty.

As soon as Ned entered the room and approached his wife, she awoke from her slumber. Her eyes lit up with tears as she quickly sat up, "Ned! Your finally home." Catelyn stated as she opened her arms, to which Ned quickly took hold and gave her a tight bur gentle hug.

"Aye my Cat, I am home safe. You get more beautiful each time I return. I must make it a habit to leave more often." He stated with a chuckle.

"Don't you dare Eddard Stark! I'll not have any of that. How are you? How is Robb? Were any of you hurt?" Catelyn asked as she looked for any signs of injury.

"Nay my love, we are fine. Not a scratch on either of us. We were lucky we had assistance or else our fates would've been much worse. Which brings me to the other reason I am here, I would like you to allow Aiden to take a look at you." Ned stated as he released the hug and pulled a chair next to the bed.

"That Targaryen bastard? I refuse. I am fine, Maester Luwin has taken good care of me, I'll nlt have some bastard born to treat me." Catelyn said coldly.

She was a devout follower of the Seven, so she had extreme aversion to any who were bastards. The faith taught that all bastards were demons born of lust and sin, so they were despised and discriminated against heavily.

Ned took on a serious tone and expression and replied, "That so called bastard saved my life and our eldest sons life, not only that but the lives of all our children and yourself as well. Do you not understand the gravity of the situation should they had been able to fulfill their plans fully? All our sons would've been killed, and you and our daughters would've been turned into playthings for the Bolton's, so have some respect. You aren't in the south anymore Cat."

"My father wouldn't have allowed..." Catelyn started to respond but was cut off by Ned as he raised his voice at her.

"Your father agreed to it, no he may not have known what the Boltons would've done, but the only agreement they made was you and the girls wouldn't be killed. So don't think for one moment your fate would've been any different." Ned said, his anger evident in his voice.

Catelyn's eyes began to water as her shock at being talked to in such a manner subsided and Ned's words of her father's betrayal stung deeply.

Ned, realizing that he may have been a liitle harsh with his words, took her back into his arms.

"I am sorry Cat, I truly am. But what I said is the truth, before I took Roose's head he stated as much himself. So when you spoke ill of the man who helped stop such a atrocity from happening to our family, it was hard not to get angry. Just allow him to look and ensure everything is ok, for me. It would ease my mind greatly." Ned stated as he ran his fingers thru her hair.

"Fine, my husband, for you and for his actions in protecting you and our heir, I shall allow it once." Catelyn stated after a few moments of hesitation.

"Thank you my love." Ned then turned to the door and said loud enough for it to be heard, "Aiden, you can come in now."

The door immediately opened and Maester Luwin was the first to enter followed by Aiden who kept a warm smile on his face. Although he had heard everything, he was used to that kind of treatment from his time at Kings Landing.

Seeing Aiden enter Catelyn couldn't help but be a little shocked by Aiden's looks, this made her even more wary of him, thinking him a seducer to test the faithful wemon of the world.

Aiden approached and used his abilities to check her body as well as the babe in her belly.

"It isn't a sickness yet Lord Stark, but it can develop into one." Aiden stated.

Maester Luwin scrunched his brow and asked, "Explain your reasoning."

Aiden turned to the Maester and took a moment to think on his words, "Well stress is what she is suffering from currently. Which by itself isn't deadly, but stress effects the body in multiple ways, it causes headaches, cramps, loss of energy, and a reduction in the bodies ability to fight off sickness. Currently she is suffering from high stress as well as depression which is understandable. Had she not been pregnant, she would only have minor symptoms, however a pregnant womans body prioritizes the growing babe so much of her nutrients and energy goes to grow the child and protect it from harm, so this amplified the stress."

Maester Luwin thought on Aiden's words and saw the logic within, medicine and healing was the one subject he was very good at.

"I can make some herbal tea's that should help boost her ability to fight off sickness..."

Aiden shook his head and responded, "No need Maester, I will give you a list of things to create a medicine that will help both her and the child within. I can resolve this issue now, would you like to know the gender of the baby, or do you want to wait till birth?"

"You can tell what it is?" Ned asked excitedly.

Aiden gave a nod, and before Luwin or Catelyn could ask how they were both shocked by Aiden's hands beginning to glow with a golden light.

The warmth was soothing, like being held by a loving parent when you felt scared, even Ned felt more relaxed. Catelyn couldn't help but lay back and enjoy this feeling of peace and serenity. Then Aiden's voice cit thru their daze, "If you don't wish to know the gender then close your eyes, if you do then look to Lady Starks belly and see for yourself."

A image of a baby curled up peacefully appeared above her belly, just as Catelyn was about to deny the truth, she felt the baby move and saw that the image also showed the movement. Her eyes widened at the realization that this wasn't a trick, tears began to form in her eyes once again seeingthe child in her belly.

"Hello little one." Catelyn said, her voice filled with love and affection.

Ned and Maester Luwin looked and saw that it would be a son, Ned couldn't stop the smile that formed as he reached out to touch the image, his hand just passed thru it since it was just a illusion.

"Congratulations Lord and Lady Stark, you have another son on the way. Have you thought of a name?" Aiden stated.

"Rickon. Rickon Stark." Ned stated as the image faded away.

Aiden decided to let the family spend time together, so left to go set up the teleportation device and notify Lyanna she could visit.