
Primordial Darkness Heretic Art

The seal on earth preventing mana to exist on it was destroyed by a gigantic finger. It caused mana to flood the world and those who failed to adapt turned into mindless killing monsters known as 'fallens' The humans were overwhelmed by threats everywhere but soon discovered the mystical effect of the doors that appeared at the start of the apocalypse. The doors have the ability to repel fallens from coming in a certain range A year passed and heroes rose from the masses. The humans slowly learned how to wield mana thanks to the protection given by the doors However, after a year, what they thought of protection turned into their nightmare. The locked doors opened and stream of monsters flooded out from it As the humans built their bases centered to these doors, the sudden turn of event caught them off guard and killed a lot of them Caizher, a twenty-year-old man discovered a door different than others. The other doors are white in color but this one is black. There are also some fallens that approached it Instead of fearing the dangerous door, Caizher settled down near the door. As for the reason? To satiate his bloodlust and fight the fallens that approached the door But to his luck, when the door opened, it swallowed him. Caizher entered a world of darkness. An eye he was familiar with appeared and disintegrated his body However, instead of killing him, the eye took away his humanity and turned him into a lump of darkness What he thought of as his death turned into a blessing. He might not be a human anymore but he doesn't care. His darkness body is superior to all! Watch him become the strongest using the 'Primordial Darkness Heretic Art' that the eye left him ---- The world setting is similar to modern day earth but also a bit different The time of the first year will be a bit fast and will only slow down after the doors opened ---- Buy me Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/kencerussel Thank you!!

KenceRussel · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Chapter 11: Sheena's Anger

"What? You not only let my son be killed but you also let the killer go?!" Bruce clenched his fist in anger and electric sparks covered it

Sheena gulped a mouthful of saliva; everyone can feel how angry Bruce is as if he will explode any moment from now

"I-I'm sorry, w-we didn't have choi--" Sheena was not able to continue what she was saying as Bruce charged in her direction. The man's hand was covered with electric sparks and he used it to grab the poor woman on the neck

Fortunately, Sheena is still one of the top experts on their base. She managed to freeze her neck before the man grabbed and choke her

Bruce didn't stop though as he threw Sheena out on the window. It seems like they underestimated how the boss will react

They didn't think that Bruce would attack his comrade like this. Sheena immediately balanced herself. At least until the help arrives, she needs to survive this if she doesn't want to die

Bruce charged at her again, as the man's element is lightning, it gave him an explosive speed and power. From the man's hand, he shot a streak of lightning and Sheena made an ice barrier to protect herself

The ice melted from the heat and turned into water. However, even the water evaporated. The woman was barely able to protect herself

Although Bruce is not heaven-defying powerful but he can still fight two or three top-notch experts of their base. Not to mention, he's only fighting a single person now

"Bitch, I'll kill you!" Bruce's face flushed red in anger. Well, how can he not? His only son died while the killer is still alive out there

Sheena bit her lower lip and she gathered mana on her hand, ready to defend herself from any attacks. She knew that she can't beat Bruce but she only needs to buy some time. Her ice power also has a great defensive ability making it easier to defend

Bruce made a gun-like shape from his fingers and shot his lightning through it. Sheena exhaled frosty airs as she holds out her hands in front of her and made another ice barrier

Bruce shot lightning one after another and the woman can barely defend herself. If this goes on, she knew she will lose soon

After getting tired of shooting lightning, Bruce covered his whole hand with lightning and charged at Sheena's directions again, and threw a punch at her

Sheena decided to preserve her mana as it was already running low and made a layer of ice to cover her hands. She defended herself from Bruce's lightning covered fist using an ice-covered palm but the impact was really too powerful

It forced her to take a few steps back. The ice on her palm was destroyed. Sheena can feel a burning and numbing sensation on her palm

"Not good!" Sheena saw Bruce throwing another punch and she doesn't know if she can defend from it using the remaining mana she has

Fortunately for her, help finally arrived. A man arrived and formed a basketball-size fireball and it flew in the air to Bruce's direction

While the woman on her side created a ball made entirely from water. And the last of them condensed winds and formed blades from it

All three attacks were aimed at Bruce and the man does not have a choice but to stop his attack on Sheena to dodge

Sheena heave a sighed of relief and rested her hands on her thigh for support. Fighting with someone at Bruce's caliber pushed her to the limits

If help didn't arrive in time, she might be already dead now

"Please calm down" the water user woman said and went to Sheena's side to support her tired body

"Tsk!" What a shame, he was close, too close to killing that woman who let his son die without taking justice for him but he failed

"Find the killer of my son and I want it dead!" Bruce shouted before going away

He might be powerful but he's still not powerful enough to dominate all the ability users in their base. Especially the three experts that helped Sheena. The next most powerful experts on their base from him are those three and followed by the likes of Sheena


Another two months have passed and Caizher becomes even more skillful in using his body. He would soon be able to make himself look like a human. It was hard to fight if you're just a lump of darkness, he can't even use any weapon as he's too lazy carrying it

If he's a human, he can just store daggers or swords on his side but with his form, he needs to continuously condense his darkness to hold the weapon even if he's not fighting

Caizher is currently fighting or more like massacring the thousands of ants around him. He might have cursed the ants before for following him but it also pushed him to the limits

Fighting this many ants thrilled him. Also, he doesn't want to see a world dominated by ants. It would be so boring if the only opponents he will encounter in the future are ants. That's why, even with just this, he is trying to help the world by killing thousands of ants

Caizher condensed another one-meter palm and crushed the ants below him while occasionally parting part of his body to lessen the damage he will sustain from mana users

After his size turned into a critical degree, Caizher decided to shamelessly flee again. This is what he was always doing for the past two months if he encountered an ant tide

Kill some of them and if he sustained enough damage, flee from them. He still doesn't know why, but the ants will stop pursuing him after fleeing for a while

Caizher returned back to the park where the door was erected and started recuperating. He's now used at the pain from losing part of him, this also polished his willpower and he can suppress the bloodlust of his body easier now and that's a good sign

Although Caizher thought of it as 'recuperating' but in reality, he was still training. He started making all sorts of shapes from his darkness and to maximize time, he will only do this after he fought up to a critical level

This is his training to look like a human. He started by condensing his darkness into straight lines then moved on to the basic shapes like circle and square. Then he started training into more complex shapes like small animals

The man was lazy but when it comes to his training, any hard-working person out there will feel that they are not working hard enough

After his body returned back to normal size, it was time to fight again now!

Fight and fight!

Caizher floated around the city and not long after that encountered another enemy. It was a mutant lion. Caizher encountered some lions before but this one looks different

The fur of the lion has an earthen brown color and even its legs are bulging with muscles. It was also too tall for a normal lion

A city this big would naturally have some zoo and it wasn't surprising to see animals like lions. But this lion's size is too abnormal!

However, the stronger it looks, the more Caizher wants to fight it and the man charged at the lion excitedly

Seeing a lump of darkness charging at it, the lion issued a threatening animalistic growl. The lion also charged at Caizher not intending to wait for its enemy to come to it

"Heh! Taste daddy's power!" Caizher made five tentacles with sharp ends as a 'greeting' to the lion

In return, the lion's body glowed with an earthen brown light and the sharp tentacles were repelled by its body. Caizher can't even make a dent on this lion's defense which shocked him. He never encountered an opponent that has this powerful defense

After reaching Caizher, the lion bit on the dark fog but it was also ineffective. Even if its body strength was powerful, it still wasn't enough to give Caizher an injury through physical attacks

The lion felt as if it was biting on empty air and become furious

"Hehe! Too bad that I'm your opponent, Mr. Lion!" Caizher made another group of five tentacles and used it to attack the lion. However, the lion just glowed with an earthen brown light again and repelled the tentacles

"You can defend for now but not forever!" Naturally, the lion has this kind of defense because it coated its body with mana. However, the lion does not have an unlimited mana supply and it will soon run out

The lion didn't want to lose though and continued biting Caizher or using its paw to smack the man. But no matter what attacks it made, it cannot cause any harm to Caizher

The lion is furious and opened its mouth, a brown light formed in front of it that it shot on Caizher's body

However, the man was ready for this and parted part of his darkness so that the mana attack will not make any contact with his body. Thus, the lion's attack was wasted and didn't cause any harm to Caizher

This time, Caizher condensed three palm shapes darkness and smack the lion with it. Every attack he made will consume the lion's mana

The lion growled again and this time, its paw was covered with its mana and smack Caizher with it. Caizher wasn't able to quickly dodge and the lion destroyed a part of his body. Although it was painful, Caizher was long used to it and wasn't bothered much

Caizher just continued his non-stop attacks until the lion's mana runs out. As soon as its mana was fully used up, the lion turned into a 'little toy' in front of Caizher without any ability to fight back

Thus, the lion was unsurprisingly killed just like that and Caizher formed a fist from his darkness and threw it at the sky as if he was proud of what he had done

Inside a building not far from Caizher, a group of humans familiar to the man was watching him kill that lion

"Captain it's that strange creature! It's so strong, it killed the lion!" For Caizher, it was easy to kill creatures like the lion because of his physical attack immunity. However, to humans, that lion is a nightmare

Even without using mana, a lion that powerful can still break human bones in a single attack. After all, the lion mostly used its mana for defense and its strongest point was physical strength. Sheena and the others also encountered a lion creature that before and it was really strong!

"Captain, should we call for reinforcements?" One of Sheena's team asked but the woman just smirked

"No, I will take revenge for what Bruce did to me!" Call her petty but she won't just let herself be treated like that

It's been two months since Bruce's son died but no one has discovered Caizher. This city is big and might possibly be more than twenty kilometers. It's not just big but it's also very dangerous!

Their base can't possibly station too many mana users as they are needed in other more important things than revenge

"Captain, what is the plan?" The others are also angered by Bruce and since their captain was wronged by the man, they would be happy to take revenge

"Nothing much, just inform him that the father of the man he killed ordered people to hunt him and he should be careful"

This is still the initial stage of the apocalypse; humans still haven't grown so powerful that they can single-handedly kill all the mana users in a base

The others' eyes lit up as this is a good plan. They will not do anything so wicked. But only to make sure that Bruce's men will not meet the strange creature

Thus, Sheena's team immediately run at Caizher's direction while harboring hatred for Bruce

Caizher, with his 360° vision noticed humans charging at his direction. He thought it was enemies and condensed his darkness into sharp tentacles to threaten them

The humans' stopped on their tracks before raising their hand in the air, indicating that they don't have any bad intentions