
Primordial Chaos God

People in the myriad realms began cultivation by opening their spirit meridians and condensing a Qi sea in their daitian through the absorption of the essence of heaven and earth. "All living things are not born equal under the Heavens, yet the Great Dao is fair as far as one is willing there is a way " Zhan Wei was not useless, although he had crippled meridians, he was born with " Innate Divine Strength " and was known for his humongous appetite and battle strength, even among his generation none could defeat him. Of course since he couldn't cultivate, with time the gap between him and his peers would only get wider . Only he knew his strength wasn't as simple as just " Innate Divine Strength ". ....

Daoist_Sage1 · Eastern
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48 Chs

Seed disciples

Xia Yunzi kept quiet as she walked with the rest but with her pretty face and beautiful purple eyes she still attracted attention like a Phoenix amidst swans.

Yet whenever someone tried conversing with her she just answered superficially and kept walking.

Zhang Hai had also noticed her but since the persona he was using now was a nice and kind Senior brother it wouldn't make sense for him to approach her.

Still her beautiful face entranced him, Zhang Hai felt an itch in his crotch he almost couldn't resist the lustful feeling he felt, calming his breath he thought to himself, " Soon ! ", when he was done with this foolish newcomers.

Zhang Hai was a very smart person and he wouldn't let distraction take him away from his plan.

Of course it was also because deep down Zhang Hai felt he might not be able to obtain her.

Entering the Main Hall, Zhang Hai and the other older disciples led Xia Yunzi and the rest to a section in the administrative area and after joining a queue they waited.

The administrative area in the main hall handled the management and operation of the Sect.

The disciple recruitment test of the Mystic Heaven Sect happened at the same time in different places, apart from the new disciples from the Bright Jade City there were others from different cities and regions.

Each of them had a token containing details of their result in the four stages of the test, with the token the long queue moved fast.

A major function of the test apart from selecting disciples was to know the comparability of the various contestants to the various peaks of the Mystic Heaven Sect.

After checking the token, the deacons handed out their sect identity plate and a storage bag.

Very soon it got to the turn of those from the Bright Jade City and they all collected theirs.

Xia Yunzi held the blackgold metal identity plate different from the black one with most her peers in her hands as she looked at it , apart from her name and peak " the Verdant lotus Peak ", her identity also listed her as an Outer disciple so she couldn't think of any reason why her identity plate was different.

From the discussions of those around that only a select few including Qin Lei, Duanmu Yan and Li Xiaqing had the blackgold metal plate.

As if sensing the confusion amongst them, the kind hearted Senior Zhang Hai explained, " Those with a blackgold name plate are the Seed disciples, the geniuses, the blackgold metal plate means you're being observed by the Sect but only when you prove yourself and enter the inner court would you be specifically nurtured by the Sect, of course even in the outer Sect those chosen as Seed disciples are still treated a bit different".

Although most of them felt uncomfortable at the preferential treatment this was the truth of the world, it was normal for the Mystic Heaven Sect to fancy talent.

In fact Zhang Hai also felt sad at this fact, as someone who made a living by cheating new disciples, he had seen a select few from the same batch be chosen as Seed disciples and enjoy status and resources different from their peers, even among his own peers some of those chosen as Seed disciples had even became Core disciples enjoying great power and status in the Sect, nothing was fair under the heavens.

After leading them a bit away from the Main Hall, Zhang Hai led them to a secluded corner and faced the kids with a wide grin.

They new disciples were obviously surprised at their abrupt stop and the weird smile on their kind Senior brother's face, while the other Older disciples just stepped aside obviously not surprised at his act.

Zhang Hai with a wolfish smile on his face said coldly, " Those with blackgold nameplates move aside, the rest hand over half your spirit stones ".

Apart from their identity plates, the storage bag from the Sect also contained their disciple robe and other miscellaneous items including some spirit stones.

The Mystic Heaven Sect allocated spirit stones for it's disciples every month, the amount of spirit stones received by a disciple depended on his or her status and ranking.

Surprise swept the faces of the new disciples, ohh my god !, the nice Senior brother was going to rob them.

Qin Lei and Li Xiaqing immediately stepped aside, since they could avoid being robbed there was no need to involve themselves.

As if sensing the hesitation of Xia Yunzi and Duanmu Yan, Zhang Hai said coldly, " I let you go out of consideration of your talents but don't push it, you're nothing to me now "

With a sneer on his face he continued, " Do you know why you're called Seed disciples, every year do you know how many Seed disciples die, disappear, fall into mediocrity, only geniuses that are powerful are worthy to be called talents in the Mystic Heaven Sect ".

Zhang Hai was right, in a Sect like the Mystic Heaven Sect there were a fair number of talents and Seed disciples, only those who could truly rise above their peers and showcase their potentials were taken seriously.

Xia Yunzi clenched her fist for a bit before moving aside, she didn't like injustice but she also knew she didn't have the power to change anything.

On the side Duanmu Yan stood a while as if weighing his options then left, angry at this fact he had a cold look on his face as he gazed at Zhang Hai.

Zhang Hai just smiled at his gaze but deep down killing intent was brewing in his mind, from his gaze Zhang Hai didn't think Duanmu Yan would let go of today's issue, Zhang Hai wasn't going to let go anything that could come back to bit him in the back.

Powerless the rest dipped their hands into their storage bags and handed the spirit stones.

While Normal outer disciples received a hundred low grade spirit stones every month Seed disciples received double the amount and now they had to hand over half.

Chuckling Zhang Hai grinned as he collected spirit stones, even as an inner disciples the amount of spirit stones they received from the Sect wasn't enough for cultivation and cover his basic needs, he could only resort to this way to obtain spirit stones.

To be honest although it was a bit shameful, Zhang Hai preferred this method after all compared to the rest who worked hard and took all kinds of missions, he was not putting himself in danger, of course the lion share still went to his Core disciple backing.

How else could he do such thing in broad daylight, in the Mystic Heaven Sect Core disciples had a lot of power and status and as far as they didn't go extreme the Sect turned a blind eye to most of their activities.

After he finished collecting the spirit stones, Zhang Hai and the remaining three older disciples finally did their real work.

Each one of them was from a different peak and was responsible for guiding the new disciples to obtain their identity plates and taking them to their respective peaks and residences.

The new disciples all lined up at the back of the older disciples wearing the insignia of the peak on their name plate leaving only Qin Lei.

The Mystic Heaven Sect had five peaks but the Main Peak was relatively recluse, during any disciple recruitment test while the remaining four peaks would be represented no one from the main Peak would be available.

It wasn't easy to join the Main Peak and it's requirements were extremely stringent, among those from the Bright Jade City only Qin Lei who had dual top grade lightening and metal spirit root was chosen as a disciple of the Mystic Heaven Peak.

Although Zhang Hai was arrogant he didn't dare to treat Qin Lei anyhow, every member of the Main Peak were under the tutelage of the Sect Master, of course the politics of the Mystic Heaven Sect was also complex he didn't need to unnecessarily lick his boots either.

Talking to a female disciple wearing the Soaring Cloud Peak uniform he said, " Junior Sister An since we're already on your Soaring Cloud Peak how about you take this junior brother to the Mystic Heaven Peak ", then pointing at those behind her " You can take them to their residences later ".

To Zhang Hai this was the most plausible solution, there was scarcely always anybody chosen to the Main Peak, so there wasn't anyone available to lead Qin Lei there.

The Mystic Heaven Sect was extremely huge, it was easy to get misplaced and even trespass on forbidden grounds and get killed for this new disciples so they needed someone to put them through certain things, rules and locations, this was also part of their work.

Robbing some newbies the Sect could turn a blind eye to but not performing his duties well would land him in trouble.

The female disciple nodded and left with Qin Lei while the new Soaring Cloud disciples waited and Zhang Hai and the rest also went with the disciples to their various peaks.