
Primordial Chaos God

People in the myriad realms began cultivation by opening their spirit meridians and condensing a Qi sea in their daitian through the absorption of the essence of heaven and earth. "All living things are not born equal under the Heavens, yet the Great Dao is fair as far as one is willing there is a way " Zhan Wei was not useless, although he had crippled meridians, he was born with " Innate Divine Strength " and was known for his humongous appetite and battle strength, even among his generation none could defeat him. Of course since he couldn't cultivate, with time the gap between him and his peers would only get wider . Only he knew his strength wasn't as simple as just " Innate Divine Strength ". ....

Daoist_Sage1 · Eastern
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48 Chs

Nice Senior Brother

They seemed to invoke baleful and dark thoughts in his mind and contaminated him from the depth of consciousness, Zhan Wei felt he had come into a certain aspect of the Dao too early than he was ready for it.

The first time he came into contact with the dark fog was after he used the Life Severing Saber.

The Life Severing Saber evoked certain emotions of coldness and bloodlust in it's wielder, these emotions manifested as a dark fog in his mind sea and after then when he was affected by the anguish of thoughts of loss of his loved ones, otherwise the water of his mind sea were clear.

The dark fog gave him a subtle form of feeling yet it always seemed to elude him anytime he tried thinking about it.

Since he really didn't understand Zhan Wei pushed the matter to the back of his mind, there were still so many things not clear to him but it wasn't so important yet and moreover he didn't have an answer now.

Presently he had a plan, he had to enter the Mystic Heaven Sect.

Apart from his promise to Xia Yunzi he could also increase his strength there to the point where he could return to the Eastern region.

Zhan Wei didn't think he would be at peace without knowing the fate of his loved ones and although it wasn't certain if anything avenge them.

Apart from piles of spirit stones, there were other resources like spirit fruits, herbs, beast meat and battle techniques, yet what attracted Zhan Wei the most was the gift from his father.

Although Zhan Wei had used all kinds of weapon that didn't mean he didn't have a favorite.

A long intriguing object was wrapped in black clothe, removing the peice of clothe Zhan Wei came across a beautiful peice of artifact.

With a long dark rod with covered in mystic runes the Great Spear stood tall and Majestic, the Spear head different from the arrow form of normal spears was akin a large broad sword upon the rod.

It was simply a beauty to Zhan Wei, holding the Great Spear evoked his innate desire for battle and his blood boiled.

Unlike the rest of the weapons he had, this was real treasure spirit weapon and the mystic runes engraved on it seemed to increase the might and durability of the Great Spear.

Zhan Wei almost couldn't hold himself from

testing the spear but it wasn't suitable to do so inside the inn.

Zhan Wei was as excited as kid unwrapping a present as he smiled widely.

Treasure Spirit weapons were at an higher level than spirit weapons, each one was expensive and required an Armament Master to create one, some could even aid the use of spells and battle techniques.

For cultivators Treasure spirit weapons could truly increase their battle capabilities.

After fiddling for a while Zhan Wei put the Spear aside as he brought out a large brocade box from a corner.

According to Ye Mo this brocade box was left to him by Xia Tianming.

To Zhan Wei his time with Xia Tianming wasn't really much but the Emperor was someone who he held in high regard , His might, legacy, and Sacrifice were things Zhan Wei learned from and ingrained in his heart.

Zhan Wei had expected to the box to have a lock or sort of mechanism but it was surprisingly easy to open.

There were two scrolls in the brocade box, Zhan Wei unfurled the first one and sighed as he read through it, the first scroll from Xia Tianming contained his cultivation experiences, what he knew about certain treasures, herbs, different Races and even some forbidden grounds.

For someone like Zhan Wei who didn't know much and was a bit of a greenhorn this gift was well intended and could save him a lot of time and effort and even spare him certain troubles.

The world was a scary place and so many people died out of ignorance, doing things they weren't meant to and trespassing certain areas.

To Zhan Wei learning from the experience of someone like Xia Tianming meant he didn't have to cultivate blindly and make certain mistakes.

Zhan Wei dropped the first scroll aside and unfurled the second, from the details the second scroll was most likely a map and although he couldn't understand the location of the place drawn on the map it was in the Canglan continent.

There was a reason Xia Tianming gave the map to him, Zhan Wei didn't think the location marked on the map wasn't important and after looking at it for a while he put the scroll aside, whenever he had the time Zhan Wei planned to check it out but for now he had other pressing issues.

Zhan Wei took his former ring as he brought out things he felt were valuable, together with his former storage ring he now had two storage rings.

The new storage ring from Ye Mo was bigger,  he planned on putting the things were important in it before selling off the rest.

Although he had a fairly large amount of spirit stones cultivation cost a lot and Zhan Wei still had the intention of getting a cultivation technique.

If possible he would like to get a good cultivation technique that could help him build a better foundation but they were expensive hence he needed every bit of spirit stone he could gather, Zhan Wei didn't want lack of spirit stones to stop him from choosing a good cultivation technique.

It was late when Zhan Wei was done sorting the storage rings, rather than going out to get something to eat, he ate some of the dry rations he had and his vital broth then he cultivated.

A few hours passed by as he revolved his spirit qi then he opened his eyes.

Although he was cultivating he was having issues meditating and gathering qi, his was simply distracted and couldn't clear his thoughts.

Standing from his cross-legged position he laid on the bed and faced the ceiling as he mumbled, " She should have gotten to the Sect by now".


Mystic Heaven Sect, Honghuang Region, Canglan

The Honghuang Region was the domain of Sects in the Canglan Continent.

As on of the topmost Sect in the Canglan Continent the Mystic Heaven Sect was deserving of both it's prestige and reverence.

It was said that the founder of the Mystic Heaven Sect was an extremely powerful cultivator, with his mighty cultivation he took five spirit mountains from across the Azure Heaven World and established them in the place that is today known as the Mystic Heaven Sect.

And thousands of years after it's establishment the Mystic Heaven Sect still stood as one of the Supreme powers in the Canglan Continent.

A large flying Sword moved swiftly in the sky before landing in front of five gigantic mountains that seemed to pierce the skies , on top of the flying sword were the four Elders that supervised the disciple recruitment test, the older disciples and the newly accepted disciples from the Bright Jade City.

As they got down from the Spirit Sword the new disciples looked around at the empty plain.

Seeing as there seemed to be no entrance to the Sect one of the them asked an older disciple, " Senior Brother how do we enter the Sect "

In response to his question the older disciple just smiled, this was not his first time following the Elders outside the Sect for the disciple recruitment test and everytime someone asked this same question.

After everyone had gotten down an Elder with a Soaring Cloud insignia sewn on his robe moved forward and made hand seals rapidly then he stretched his hand towards the blue sky.

A large hand formed from his qi grabbed a large floating cloud from the sky and placed it in front of them.

The new disciples watched as the Elders and the older disciples climbed the cloud with no issue before also boarding it, surprisingly the large cloud was soft but could also carry their weight.

On the Cloud the older disciple who was asked the question previously looked at the new kid and answered, " The Mystic Heaven Sect has no entrance and is off bounds to outsiders, only the Soaring Clouds of the Soaring Cloud Peak is allowed to transport people from the Mountain foot ".

The floating cloud rose up and the new kids looked around in awe, as they ascended the mountain they could see cave abodes and buildings of all kinds.

The floating cloud flew for a while before stopping in front of a Pavilion.

From afar the Pavilion was massive and all kinds of disciples in different robes could be seen entering and leaving.

After getting down from the Cloud the Elders left while the older disciples led the kids into the pavilion.

Probably because the older disciple was a nice person unlike his peers who just walked in front without saying anything he took time to explain to the new disciples.

The Mystic Heaven Sect has five Peaks and each Peak has it's own function, the Soaring Cloud Peak handles the management of the affairs of the Sect.

This Pavilion is the main hall of the Soaring Cloud Peak, New disciples are brought here to register themselves before leaving for the various Peaks assigned to them.

Some of the new disciples all cupped their fist in gratitude to the older disciple obviously the rest in front couldn't even be bothered to explain anything to them

The older disciple smiled as he waved his hands, " Since we are in the same sect we should take care of each other "

In front the rest of the older disciples sneered in their minds, this older disciple that was being all nice " Zhang Hai " was actually a wolf in sheep clothing, although he was all smiles but when it was time to show his true colors he could transform to an evil fiend.

Of course it was not up to them to say anything they could not risk offending someone as strong as Zhang Hai for a few new disciples, what was it to them if he played them.

Zhang Hai was all smiles as he kept on talking to the new disciples, he had done this kind of thing so many times that he was so familiar with it.

Deep down in his heart he was gloating, new disciples were the easiest to fool and cheat, they were simply fat limbs waiting to be chewed by him.

Very soon when they collected their allowance he would show this pieces of shit his true colors, his face was already aching from smiling to much he couldn't wait to remove this fake smile from his face.

As for why he did this regularly, he needs the spirit stones.

Unlike most disciples in the Mystic Heaven Sect Zhang Hai hardly took missions in order to earn cultivation resources and credit, it was simply easier to rip off this newbies.

As for if there were genius or something among them he didn't care, he had a Core disciple as his backing why should he be scared of offending this newbies.
