
Primordial Aspect Of Evil

All life is sacred… Aksel Nile was a pacifist who genuinely believed this. But when he is betrayed by those he trusted, and his homeland is destroyed, he has a sudden shift in mindset. Now possessed by the Primordial Aspect Of Evil, and a special System, he vows vengeance upon those who wronged him, and he desires to live his second life the way he pleases. Not as some noble and righteous lord... but as a man willing to do anything to achieve his goals!

Khaos_Nyx · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Departure

Nestled in the grandeur of my spacious room, between the plushness of my pristine bed, I found myself engaged in a unique dialogue.

To my left, was the apparition of the Primordial Aspect of Evil, its form being the usual Status Window that it used to communicate with me.

The room exuded an air of tranquility, the soft hues of the walls casting a soothing ambiance.

The Primordial Aspect of Evil, breaking the silence with its System Ping finally resonated its thoughts to me.


<Aksel, are you excited about the Grand Assembly?"

I pondered the question for a moment, my gaze meeting the enigmatic presence beside me. "Actually," I responded, "I was wondering why you hadn't mentioned it earlier. It seems like a momentous event for our family."

It felt like the Aspect chuckled softly, the System Window radiating an otherworldly aura. <Ah, Aksel, my apologies> it replied.

<I was sleeping. You see, my power requires a substantial amount of energy, and as you are aware, you do not possess nearly enough to sustain me. So, I slumber, only waking when necessary.>

Surprise flickered across my face, a realization dawning upon me. It was the first time I had heard of the Aspect's need for rest, a fact that had eluded me until this moment. "I see," I murmured, my voice laced with a mix of understanding and curiosity.

The Aspect, most likely sensing my contemplation, delved deeper into the conversation.

<But enough about me...> it continued. <Let us return to the question at hand. Are you excited about the Grand Assembly, Aksel?>

A broad grin stretched across my face, excitement coursing through my veins.

"Absolutely," I exclaimed, my voice filled with enthusiasm. "In this Grand Assembly, I will have the chance to meet family members much earlier than in my previous life. The prospect of connecting with them, learning from their experiences, and forging bonds is exhilarating."

A chuckle escaped my lips as I continued, a glint of mischief in my eyes. "Not to mention," I added, "the access to information that I lacked in my previous life. The opportunity to uncover secrets, unravel mysteries, and gather knowledge that will aid me in my journey is something I can't wait to dive into."

There was a possibility that I could gain new information that could speed up my plans.

The room seemed to come alive with anticipation, the very air crackling with possibility. It felt like the Primordial Aspect of Evil observed me with an enigmatic gaze, its form shrouded in an aura of ancient wisdom.

As I sat there, caught in the moment between the Aspect and my own aspirations, a sense of purpose welled up within me.

This Grand Assembly would be a pivotal point in my journey of revenge, an opportunity to strengthen my resolve and acquire the tools necessary to dismantle the forces that had taken so much from me.

With renewed determination, I leaned back on the plushness of my bed, surrounded by the grandeur of my room. The smile on my face spoke of the adventures to come, the trials I would face, and the knowledge I would acquire.

In this moment, I embraced the anticipation, the eagerness, and the curiosity that fueled my very being. The Grand Assembly awaited, and with it, a world of possibilities. I was ready to seize them all.


[The Next Day]

The morning sun cast a warm glow across the estate as my father, Brutus, his loyal right-hand man, and I made our way towards the awaiting carriage.

The air carried a crisp freshness, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers that lined the winding path. It was a day filled with promise, a journey towards the Grand Assembly.

I adjusted the fine fabric of my attire, feeling the weight of my family's history and expectations upon my shoulders. My father, resplendent in his regal attire, exuded an air of authority and poise. Beside him, Brutus stood tall and vigilant, a silent guardian whose loyalty knew no bounds.

As we approached the carriage, the meticulously polished exterior gleamed under the morning light. The coachman, clad in the Nile Family colors, awaited us with a respectful bow. The horses, majestic and strong, pawed the ground impatiently, eager to set forth on our grand venture.

Gathered near the carriage, a crowd had formed, comprising the household staff and the ones dear to us.

My mother, radiant and regal, stood at the forefront, her voice filled with both pride and concern. Her eyes shimmered with unspoken emotions as she bid us farewell, her voice carrying a mixture of love and encouragement.

"Safe travels, my dear husband, my adorable boy." She said, her voice filled with an undeniable warmth. "May the journey be smooth, and may you represent our family with grace and strength."

My father nodded, a solemn expression upon his face, before turning his attention to me. "Aksel," he spoke, his voice laced with paternal pride, "remember the legacy of our family. Show the world the strength and honor of the Nile lineage."

I straightened my posture, meeting my father's gaze with unwavering determination. "I will, Father," I replied, my voice steady and resolute. "I will make you proud."

Brutus, ever the silent sentinel, placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, his presence a reminder of steadfast support. Without uttering a single word, he conveyed the unwavering loyalty that bound us together.

With the farewell of loved ones lingering in the air, we ascended the carriage, the door closing with a soft thud. The interior exuded a sense of regality, the plush seats adorned with fine embroidery.

As the horses sprang forward, the wheels rolling over the gravel path, the estate gradually receded from view, its sprawling beauty fading into the horizon.

The carriage traversed the winding roads, the landscape transforming before our eyes. Verdant meadows stretched towards the distant mountains, their peaks crowned with wisps of ethereal clouds.

The vibrant colors of blooming wildflowers painted the countryside, a living tapestry of nature's beauty.

My heart swelled with anticipation and excitement.

This journey to the Grand Assembly was not just a physical one but a step towards shaping my own destiny. The weight of my family's legacy intertwined with my personal aspirations, creating a potent blend of determination and purpose.

As the carriage rattled along, I couldn't help but observe my father, his presence commanding and regal.

The lines etched upon his face spoke of the challenges he had faced, the burdens he had carried. And in that moment, I vowed to carry those burdens alongside him, to embody the strength and resilience of the Nile lineage.

Hours passed in a blur, the rhythm of the carriage lulling me into contemplation. The anticipation simmered within me, a mix of nervous excitement and unwavering resolve. I knew that the Grand Assembly would present both opportunities and challenges, and I was prepared to face them head-on.

As we continued on our journey, the world unfolded before our eyes, revealing a tapestry of landscapes, cultures, and stories waiting to be discovered.

And within me, the fire burned brightly, fueling my desire to carve my own path, to weave my own destiny amidst the grandeur of the Grand Assembly.





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