
Primordial Aspect Of Evil

All life is sacred… Aksel Nile was a pacifist who genuinely believed this. But when he is betrayed by those he trusted, and his homeland is destroyed, he has a sudden shift in mindset. Now possessed by the Primordial Aspect Of Evil, and a special System, he vows vengeance upon those who wronged him, and he desires to live his second life the way he pleases. Not as some noble and righteous lord... but as a man willing to do anything to achieve his goals!

Khaos_Nyx · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The sun had begun its descent when we saw the spires of the Grand Assembly in the distance. Its regal silhouette etched against the fiery canvas of the sunset was a sight to behold. The atmosphere in the carriage shifted, a potent mix of awe and reverence filling the confined space.

As we neared, the grandeur of the Assembly exceeded my wildest imaginations. Towering structures kissed the sky, wrought with intricate carvings that told the stories of my ancestors. Flags of numerous families flapped in the cool evening breeze, a testament to the strength and prestige gathered in this monumental event.

The carriage ground to a halt in front of the grand entrance, a beautifully sculpted archway framing the bustling crowd within. The door swung open, revealing a meticulously groomed valet. With a sweeping bow, he extended his hand to assist us from the carriage.

Stepping onto the cobblestones, I marveled at the sight before me. The Nile Family, my family, had a revered place in this gathering, and as a representative, I felt a surge of pride and responsibility.

The courtyard was a mosaic of diverse figures, resplendent in their unique attire. The air buzzed with the melody of diverse languages, whispers of power plays, tales of ancient legends, and shared laughter.

My father, in his dignified grace, navigated through the crowd effortlessly, exchanging pleasantries with notable figures. Each interaction was a dance of diplomacy, a graceful balance between showing respect and asserting dominance.

I followed, observing the interplay and absorbing the nuances of this ancient dance. It was a learning experience, a grand lesson in power and politics.

Our progress was momentarily halted as a figure emerged from the crowd. She was an elegant woman, her demeanor commanding respect and admiration. A gleaming pendant adorned her neck, signifying her as a representative of the revered Ishtar Family.

"Brutus, Aksel," Father nodded towards us, "I present to you Lady Eleanora, the Matriarch of her branch Family."

Essentially, a rival to ours.

Lady Eleanora, in her regal attire, was a striking figure. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, softened slightly as they landed on me. "Ah, young Aksel," she said, her voice honeyed but commanding, "I have heard much about you."

I nodded, bowing slightly in respect. "It is an honor to meet you, Lady Eleanora," I replied, meeting her gaze with a calm confidence.

The evening unfurled like a well-woven tapestry, teeming with rich conversations, grand feasts, and thrilling tales of bravery and honor. My engagement with the Primordial Aspect of Evil seemed like a distant reality, nestled away within the confines of my mind.

The Grand Assembly was the stage for me to show my mettle, to build alliances, and to represent my family with honor. The energy of the gathering was infectious, spurring me forward with each passing moment.

After a night of introductions and discussions, I retired to the guest chambers allocated to our family. The room was splendid, the decor a perfect blend of luxury and comfort.

Sitting by the large window, I looked out at the twinkling cityscape, my mind buzzing with the day's events. My conversations with the delegates, their shared stories, and the knowledge I had gleaned formed a whirlpool of thoughts.

The Primordial Aspect of Evil surfaced within my mind, its presence a cool balm to the whirlwind of my thoughts.

<Aksel,> it said, its voice echoing through the chambers of my mind. <You have done well. You carry the Nile legacy with grace and pride.>

I looked at the shimmering presence beside me, a sense of gratification washing over me. "Thank you," I responded, my voice filled with sincerity.

I knew this was just the beginning. The Grand Assembly had only just commenced, and there were countless opportunities and challenges that awaited me.

My journey of revenge, intertwined with the legacy of the Nile Family, was gradually unfolding. I knew that in the forthcoming days, I would have to navigate through complex politics, form alliances, and leverage the power of knowledge.

I glanced once more at the enchanting cityscape, a sense of anticipation coursing through me.

I was ready to face whatever the Grand Assembly would throw at me. The future was uncertain, but I was ready to seize it, to shape it according to my will.

The night embraced the city, wrapping it in a cloak of tranquility. I closed my eyes, the anticipation of tomorrow already kindling a spark within me.

Tomorrow, I would continue my dance on this grand stage, steering my destiny towards the goal I had set.

Tomorrow, the story would continue.





Sorry for the short chapter and my inconsistent uploads. I hope to correct that going forward. Thanks for reading.