
Primordial Arcane Path

In the beginning of creation, at the time when apex lifeforms, beings who are cosmic superior existences (gods) dwelled with mortals in the same realm, came the advent of pseudo and demigods with the ability to slay certain gods that the gods became afraid and suppressed all mortals. However something unexpected happens as the prophesied Heaven's conqueror is born. __________________ [Disclaimer] This book is my first official book so please leave your reviews so I can improve. NB: The events of this book are not from our own earth or universe.

Lightspeed_ · Action
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Blood, death, carnage, catastrophe and armageddon, all of this could be seen but not one of these adjectives could correctly explain what was currently playing out

"ARES!!!" Horus screamed

Ares replied with a growl as he adjusted his stance to use his full power in blocking the black lightning headed towards them. But who was he kidding he was instantly slammed into the earth by the unbridled power of the lightning bolt forming a crater that was immeasurable to human calculations.

All over the place stood entities, whom mortals could not comprehend, gods from different pantheons whom they revered and in their midst was a young man unleashing carnage and spilling the blood of apex lifeforms like water, his aura reeked of power, bloodlust and killing intent, the lightning of the world danced around him as if trying to please him in an array of colors.

Holding a celestial spear that rattled in excitment, Koa unleashed hell on them these gods had always tried to destroy his existence since his birth and right now all he wanted to do was wipe them off the universe

' they called me the godslayer I will show them just how much of a godslayer I can be ' he thought in greviance.


Standing on a place far away from the slaughterfeild was another congregation of beings even more frightening than the legion of gods fighting against the prophesied godslayer. Ra, Odin, Dias, Agni, Brahma, Indra, Ogun, Amadioha, the titans and many other terrifying dieties overlooked the ongoing slaughter with grim faces

"Shouldn't we lend a hand?" Indra asked but was met with silence.

He looked around and found out that nobody was even looking in his direction, all of their attention on the battle up ahead which made him snort in disdain.

"Hmph! I'm going ahead, you cowards can stay behind to enjoy the show" he said with a sneer and turned into a flash of lightning appearing on the battlefield in an instant.

"He's too rash" Odin shook his head in pity though the mockery in his voice was apparent while Agnis frowned in dissatisfaction.


Back in the battlefield___

Koa had just doged a stike from behind and gathering essence from around, punched backwards when he suddenly sensed a powerful aura from the sky dropping on his location. He immediately retreated six steps before punching forwards.


A powerful deafening explosion rocked the place as a silhouette flew out of the centre of the explosion at breakneck speed before stabilizing himself shocking the gods that someone had somehow survived the powerful punch unleashed by the monster that had been traumatizing them and they all focused their gazes to make out who had been able to survive such devastating power only for their minds to almost go numb from shock when they discovered that the demon who had slaughtered them like mortal chickens was the one who had lost the exchange. Their heads automatically turned to the direction of the impact like broken records and only then did they register the suffocating aura coming from that direction and when they finally registered the aura and face of the being standing there, their minds went numb.

"Thats ... That's...Indra" Freyja stuttered in shock and the other gods gulped in shock.

Koa eyed the new opponent and after sizing him up licked his lips in satisfaction as a maniacal grin appeared on his face. Then he banged his spear against the floor creating a shockwave that blew all the sorrounding dieties far from the slaughterfeild. The various gods could only look at themselves with wry smiles on their faces as they just realised that they had not even seen half the height of this monster they could only watch from now on as he was way out of their league.

Koa sped towards Indra like a rocket and Indra likewise did the same and all the other gods could see were two flashes of light, one multicolored and the other prupleblue before the inevitable explosion of their clash. While the others could only see flashes, a heated battle was going on between the two, Indra who was way older and a more experienced combatant decided to overwhelm Koa with his superior combat awareness but was in for a shocker as Koa swiveled around him like a fish in water while also returning his own punches when he could. Indra was shocked to see Kallen dodging and blocking all his punches and couldn't help but silently appreciate him in his heart but as the fight continued to rage on with him still dominating the offensive, he started to become agitated as he noticed that Koa was beginning to find more chances to return attacks this realization made him grim as it meant that Koa was actively improving in his combat in the midlle of their battle.

Two minutes into the battle and they were already evenly matched as they began to trade blows like equals before they separated as if on agreement however this didn't take long with the both of them jumping at each other with Koa taking the initiative to brandish his spear and pierced forward for a stab which Indra deflected with his vajra, and immediately swung it towards Koa to catch him off guard but he leaned back a little to dodge at the same time sending a connecting whip kick to Indra's hip.

Indra gritted his teeth and grabbed his leg, swung him overhead and slammed him into the floor, lifted him up and slammed him down again, but when he wanted to do it the third time, Kao twisted his body and using his leg as a hook, pulled Indra forward and smashed his face into the floor. He quickly stood up and brandished his spear like a whip towards Indra who quickly propelled himself out of the way making the spear leave a deep gash on the floor.

The titans and other dieties standing on the wall were slacked jawed at the combat prowess exhibited by Kao as they knew that when it came to physical combat none of them were as good as Indra yet Koa was keeping up with him like it was a spar among friends.

The battle continued raging on with Koa attacking erratically like a wild bull but with the accuracy and precision of a grandmaster, a jab to the face, a swing from the right, a block from the side, a roundhouse kick to the ribs, an axehead kick to the head, a stab at the kidney, that he slowly began to overwhelm Indra.

The titans and dieties standing away from the battle watched on as Koa slowly began to dominate the battle when suddenly they heard Indra's voice inside their heads.

"I can't hold him long enough you have to stop him now he's too strong"

This is the introduction to the events concerning Kallen's journey from weak to strong. Some things may seem cryptic at first but will later unveil itself as the story continues.

Lightspeed_creators' thoughts