

Primagen: A crystal-like fruit created by the Progenitors. Considered to be an agent of evolution used in the creation of the Kree and the Cotati. ... Join Oliver as he tries to accomplish his task to dominate the Universe in a universe where people that can rewrite reality, erase all of Existence, evolve and devolve people at will etc, exist. .... If you want to read ahead, you can do so on my patreon. @patreon.com/King_frosh You gain access to about five (5) or more chapters ahead

king_frosh · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Betty don't be stupid

Despite the heavy gunfire, the beast didn't seem to be getting hurt, and it was starting to seem as though it couldn't be bothered by the machine gun fire anymore.

The pain was becoming irrelevant, and it could be seen shrugging it off, but the soldiers didn't relent.

The beast, peeking through its hands, saw the helicopters and immediately jumped, slamming itself into one, destroying it.

Using the wreckage of the helicopter as a bat of sorts, the beast destroyed a UTV carrying a machine gun.

Several military UTVs and other vehicles drove into the scene.

Without much hesitation, the soldiers in them immediately set up their weapons, including one that looked a bit too much like a satellite dish.

They positioned themselves all over the place and immediately activated it, unleashing massive sonic waves that suppressed the mighty beast from causing even more destruction.

"Argh!" the beast screamed in pain but quickly covered its ears and ran into one of the vehicles, destroying it.

This created a major gap in their suppression, as it quickly used the rubble from the other vehicle to destroy the sonic blaster on one of the other UTVs.

"Blonsky, you're up!" the general shouted as a young man walked out of the vehicle.

Dressed in standard military gear but unlike the others, he carried a machine gun in hand as he boldly began to walk towards the beast before him.


The beast roared, sending shivers through their minds, but the man continued walking. No hint of fear could be seen in his eyes; rather, there seemed to be some form of cynical enjoyment.

He fired at the creature until there were no more bullets, but the creature was now running towards him. Using the machine gun as a bat, he swung with all his might, knocking the beast to the side but not out.

"You're not so strong now, Banner!" Blonsky shouted as he picked up one of the larger pieces of shrapnel from the destroyed helicopters.

Using it like a shield and the now depleted machine gun as a weapon, he immediately went in for the attack.


A sound was heard, and soon they all saw someone falling back, gliding across the ground like a flat stone across water.

"Open fire!" the general shouted, realizing that the creature had won this showdown.

"Dad! Stop!" a new voice was heard as they all saw a female running into the battlefield.

"Betty?!... Betty, get out of there!" the general shouted.

"NO! Father, stop this madness. You're only causing more harm than good," the lady shouted.

"Betty, don't be stupid. Get out of there now!" the general shouted, the desperation clear in his tone.

Behind her, he could see the beast coming.

"Open fire," he ordered in desperation.

"Betty, get out of there," he shouted again, but to no avail.

Bullet shells fell like rain, but the creature remained unharmed. However, it couldn't be bothered with the shooting; instead, it immediately stepped between the lady and the bullets.

You can read six(6) chapters ahead on my patreon


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