
Pride of Academia

In another universe, perhaps Izuku did not come to the tree, or the tree did not even exist. Possibly he went to training and improved himself a little bit better. In another universe, he probably did not get All Might's attention and became a policeman and married a decent woman. But in this universe. An Axe has emerged Its owner's essence still intact even for thousands of years, and it answered one of the child’s questions. A single moment can alter many things in life.

THYRLOS · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

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-Izuku's Point of View-

Himiko kept hugging me for quite a long time. It felt like she surrendered her body to me as she was totally relaxed while touching the earrings I gave her.

By touching it alone her face was full of almost euphoric bliss.

'She is this happy getting a present? Then I will do much more for her.'

She fell asleep on my lap and after two more nights of sleep the festival will come.

I did train but it felt nothing changed and I need some breakthrough on how to use my quirk much more efficiently.

'Kachan and Todoroki-san are both strong. I fought them using Sunshine but this time just One for All must be used. I must absolutely not use it.'

The women around him are also doing their best as they trained to make sure I do not use Sunshine. I must do my best too.

I played with Himiko's hair and fortunately, she was in a deep sleep. While I was putting her to the clinic's bed properly, she held my hand quite steadily.

'Sure. Being here to rest is not a bad idea anyway.'

I surrendered my fate to the heavens and went to Himiko's side. I rested my eyes and without knowing it, my consciousness fades to the background.

Waking up and I saw her still sleeping. I stood up quietly and brewed some tea. It seems the scent of tea woke her up as I can see her eyelashes fluttering.

"Good morning, Hime." I passed the teacup to her and she received it elegantly.

"M-morning, my king." She looked shy and this is the first time I saw her like this.

"It is good that you rest well." I pat her head and felt her hair. It was so soft like a fur of a cat.

"Nngg..~" Himiko made quite seductive voice. I hurriedly stopped and she pleaded for more.

"That is enough, Hime." I laughed at her and she showed her usual feline smile.

"What is your plan now, my king?" Hime asked as she stood up and reached for both of our cups.

She washed the cups and I cannot help but think that Hime might be a good housewife if she became stable.

Softness, elegance, and a somewhat troublesome attitude can make her quite famous. Her looks are not the most perfect but memorable.

"I will take a rest since the festival will be creeping in." I answered her while looking at her figure.

"You like what you are seeing?~" Hime teased.

'I can't always be teased like this.'

I am not sure why but something inside me cannot tolerate or just does not want to be at the end of this. I have to get even.

I stood up from my place and hugged Himiko from behind.

"I like it." She froze in her place.

'Finally!! I got even!'

Hime was breathing really heavily and I got shivers down my spine. It was scary. It was as if I was in front of All Might.

"My king… You are going to make me yours?" Himiko said without turning around.

'I can't back down! I will win!'

"Yes!" I raised my voice unnaturally and knowing Hime, she is sensitive on this.

Hime slowly turns around with her head on the ground and her eyes are like hiding behind her bangs.

"My king!" Hime pounced on me and I was on the floor. I took a closer look and her eyes have hearts on them.

Her normal bright yellow eyes have…

'It has a pink heart as a pupil?'

I might be imagining things. I shook my head and freed myself from her using One For All.

I am against Hime again but this time she has a crazy look in her.

'I am going to tone down my teasing when it comes to Hime. It is like she has an off and on a switch.'

The shivers still continued so I had no choice but to use it.

I collected the power of One For All and it distributed to my entire body. I ran as if my life was depending on it.

Unconsciously, I took one push using the quirk. Still, it seemed like I teleported and the speed using a one-step was exceedingly fast.

Within a few steps and I was outside the hospital and went to my dorm. Hime kept shouting about things but I did not heed since she seems not in her right mind right now.

I looked at my feet and they were fine.

I was expecting that somehow they were broken but they are fine.

It seems my body is adapting to the pressures of One for All.

'Is this the speed of All Might? No, he was way faster. I can still feel the vibrations in the air but with him it is like he teleported himself.'

The way to control this quirk is more complicated than Sunshine.

Sunshine felt more natural while One for All felt like it is of hard work.

'All Might must've sacrificed everything just to learn it.'

My respect for him that is already high became higher.

I looked at the clouds and started wondering what will be of my next of days.

It is the day of the U.A. festival and it was bustling all around.

Izuku was preparing and he stepped out of the door and went to his classroom directly.

Or so that was his plan.

There are still four hours till it starts so he wandered around.

U.A. felt so alive and he ate here and there without noticing the destruction in his wake.

While Izuku was taking his sweet time to enjoy the festival, he did not notice a group following him.

It was a group of women from other schools that went to the U.A.festival.

They were following Izuku all around. These women were individuals at first and then they turned into a group after following Izuku.

A sense of camaraderie flowed through their veins.

With enough courage they went and circled around Izuku.

A representative from their group talked to Izuku.

"Hello." A girl in a white uniform that is pretty beautiful with a golden monocle over her left eye suited her face.

"H-Hi?" Izuku was flustered as he kept looking around.

"Do not be alarmed. We are a group of students from different schools." She pointed to the group.

"I am Saiko Intelli and you are?" Intelli made a gesture of curtsy when she introduced herself. Izuku cannot help but somehow compared her actions with Momo and Hime. It seems Saiko is just beginning in the path of elegance, unlike both of the girls who are born in high pedigree. Izuku appreciated her as it can be seen she practiced it and he answered in kind.

"I am Izuku Midoriya." He bowed with a perfect angle.

"What do you require, Intelli-san?" Izuku's voice flowed throughout the air.

Within his experiences when interacting with high leveled people he did not recognize he is copying them unconsciously.

The voice was soft but oozing with gentleness. He started acting again like he was posing in front of the mirror and now he has no choice but to go through this again. If somebody can read his mind they

"U-Uh… C-Can you tour us?" Intelli faltered but Izuku nodded.

"Let us start then." He stood tall and offered his hand to Intelli.

"My pleasure." Intelli got her composure back but she can feel resentment in her back and she needs to pacify it.

Using her brain and even without using her quirk she thought of an idea.

"Midoriya-san, can you take a picture with us one by one?" Intelli asked with a hint of desperation.

"Uh…sure?" Izuku tilted his head and then his tour for the U.A. school.

Neither Intelli and her group knew that Izuku knows nothing of U.A. school as he started class. During the vacation, he was just locked in the room and training.

1344 words. I have no excuse for the late release, I'm binge-watching the new season of Lucifer and before I noticed it, it was already morning when I finished watching.

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