
Price of Freedom- Remastered

A young half mink becomes a slave, torn from a family he didn't have and into a new one... Can he get the freedom HE wants?

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Cause and Effect pt. 2

Thirteen sat up and pushed Vivi to the side, throwing the towel off, as he got off the bed and walked to the door. Nami pulled on his arm, saying "Thirteen! You're sick!" Thirteen dragged her with him as he pushed open the door, only to see Zoro leaning against the wall next to the door.

Thirteen glanced at him before stepping out. Zoro stretched out an arm as he said "Where you going, Big cat?" Thirteen blinked at him with a blank face and Zoro added "We can handle it."

As he said that, a man with armor on tumbled down the steps.

Thirteen and Zoro looked at the man before Zoro grinned and continued "See? Get back inside. You're already sweating." Thirteen looked at the man and kicked him back up the stairs before going back into the room and slamming the door with his tail.

Zoro chuckled and muttered "We're throwing hissy fits now?" before sighing and grumbling "Why did I get door duty…"

Nami shoved Thirteen into the bed and said "Get up again and I'll tie you to the bed." Vivi looked at her and whispered "Um… With what." Nami paused for a moment before replying "Let's hope it doesn't get that far…"

Vivi nodded with a serious face, fearing the consequences, as Thirteen's ear twitched and he rolled to the side.

Another while later~

The ship stopped, Nami went out to check what was going on. As she left, Thirteen got up and dragged Vivi, who was pulling on his arm with everything she had, with him. Caroo was pushing from the front as Thirteen pushed him along, making his way to the deck.

He arrived on the deck and looked to see a bunch of people in huge coats pointing weapons at the crew. He looked around at the snow in confusion, he had never seen this stuff before.

As the villagers gasped in shock and horror, Thirteen stretched out his hand and a snowflake landed in his palm. He was stunned as it melted in his hand, the other him said in shock "What the fuck was that!?" Thirteen replied "I don't know." the other him added, "It would look nicer red!"

That was the queue to ignore him, and Thirteen looked back at the villagers, who were shouting "Monster!" he tilted his head and his tail flicked behind him. The villagers pointed all their rifles at him after seeing his tail.

Luffy narrowed his eyes and raised a fist, Sanji lit a cigarette, Usopp grabbed his slingshot, Zoro grabbed his swords, and Nami looked around reaching for her baton.


Vivi stepped out in front of Thirteen with her arms out, saying "What are you doing!? He's not a monster! He's sick and we need a doctor!" Thirteen looked at Vivi blankly as the villagers paused.

However, one of the Villagers shouted "We don't have any doctors here! Especially not any doctors who treat monsters!" as he spoke another villager suddenly fired his rifle before anyone could react.

Almost anyone.

Thirteen slapped Vivi, sending her flying to Luffy as the bullet that was going to pierce her brain hit him in the left shoulder.

Blood splattered on the deck and Thirteen's eyes widened before constricting as he held the gunshot wound, panting. He turned his eyes up to the villagers and they reddened slightly, Luffy caught Vivi before shouting at the Villagers "What's your problem?!"

The villagers were stunned and the man who shot dropped his gun in fear. Thirteen took a step, panting and sweating badly. His pupils turned red before flashing blue as he smashed face first onto the deck.

Nami ran over and shouted "Thirteen!" Luffy handed Vivi to Sanji before stretching his arm back and whipping it forward, smashing the guy who shot Thirteen in the face. Blasting him through the group, knocking Villagers left and right.

Vivi got out of Sanji's arms and spat out blood from her mouth, running over to Thirteen. Sanji said "Usopp, check on him." before joining Luffy, jumping off the ship. Usopp ran over with the medkit and Zoro flipped Thirteen over.

Before Sanji could do anything, Luffy's punch was blocked by a man who looked half-bull. The Bull-man said "What are you doing?!" Luffy was stunned and said "A Bull Person!? Are you a Mink too?"

The man was confused and asked "Mink? What's that?" Luffy stopped and the Bull man stood straight, reverting to a normal human form as he said "My name is Dalton. Please explain why you are attacking the villagers."

Sanji stood behind Luffy and exhaled smoke from his mouth, replying "Or what?" Dalton grabbed the handle for a weapon that was protruding from his back, replying "Or we're going to have a problem."

Sanji looked at Dalton and his one visible eye stared at him, getting intense as he was ready to fight, when Luffy said "Those guys shot my friend, so I beat him up." as he pointed to Thirteen on the deck of the Merry.

Dalton looked at Thirteen and noticed that he was sweating, panting, and bleeding from his shoulder. He also saw his ears and tail before asking "He ate a devil fruit too?" Luffy nodded and Dalton looked at the villagers, asking "Is this true?"

The villagers looked at Dalton with scared faces, not saying a word. Dalton sighed and bowed to Luffy, saying "I'm sorry. We were recently attacked by pirates, nearly half of our island was destroyed." Sanji said "That's not a good enough reason to start shooting at whoever comes by. Not only that but only shoot at people who are different… Heh."

As he turned his head and glanced at the villagers threateningly. They backed away in terror and Dalton continued bowing without saying anything. Luffy looked at Dalton for a moment before saying "We need a doctor."

Dalton straightened out and said "There's only one, but…" he paused and Luffy asked "But?" Dalton walked over to Luffy before pointing at the mountain in the distance, saying "She lives all the way up there and only comes down sometimes to treat people who are sick, some people say she's a witch."

Luffy looked at the highest mountain in the distance, there was a castle on top. Dalton turned back around and looked at Thirteen on the ship before adding "If it helps you can bring him to my house in the meantime. I promise you will not be attacked again, I will put my life on it."

Luffy stayed silent for a moment before replying "Alright." Dalton nodded and led them to the town. Vivi followed behind Thirteen, looking worried and guilty. She didn't move a single meter away from him, staying extremely close.

Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro carried Thirteen to Dalton's house before laying them on the bed gently. Dalton sat down and brought them drinks and snacks, talking about the island which was called Drum.

He explained that it used to be a Kingdom before the King ran away to become a Pirate. Fortunately for the villagers, he was a terrible king so they were happy. Unfortunately, the King took all the doctors except one with him.

Vivi sat next to Thirteen, listening to Dalton, while the rest listened and ate lightly.

Suddenly, a villager ran in and said respectfully "Dalton-sama! The witch already left!" Dalton sighed and waved him away, he turned to the crew and said "She won't be bad for a few days. You're welcome to stay here if you'd like."

He was very kind, Luffy stood up and said "I'll bring him up." Dalton replied in shock "That's impossible!" as he advised him "The snow up to the mountain is thick! Not to mention the cliff of the mountain is extremely steep! Even if you manage to go through the snow, the Lapahns are vicious and will attack you!"

Luffy just smiled and said "Thanks but I can do it. He's my friend." Dalton was stunned and watched as Luffy walked to Thirteen, but Vivi stood up saying "I will carry him." Everyone in the house looked at her, bewildered beyond belief.

Nami patted her shoulder and said "Vivi… I don't think you ca-" Vivi pushed her hand away and said firmly "He saved my life! I WILL carry him!" as she stared into Luffy's eyes, seemingly not taking no for an answer.

Luffy stared at her before grinning "Alright." Sanji said "Luffy!" Nami looked at Luffy in disbelief, while Zoro just smirked and Usopp blinked in confusion.

Luffy grabbed Thirteen and slowly lifted him up, placing him on Vivi's back.

Vivi grunted and her knees bent. She grabbed Thirteen's legs as the wooden floor creaked before she took a step and stumbled, almost falling down.

Sanji moved to help but Luffy stretched out his hand, watching Vivi go. Zoro drank with one eye open, watching her as he pressed his foot down on Caroo, stopping the duck from moving anywhere.

Vivi regained her footing and slowly walked out the door of the house, grunting and groaning. Luffy grinned as she left and walked out after her, saying "Thanks." Dalton was shocked and looked at the rest.

Zoro laughed and commented "She's stronger than the Lovecook." Sanji sneered "You too, Mosshead." before walking out after Luffy, adding "I'm going too." Zoro clicked his tongue and grabbed Caroo's beak, dragging him away, saying "I'm going to watch the ship."

Nami and Usopp were left with Dalton.

Nami turned to Dalton and said "What's this witch like?" Dalton recovered and cleared his throat, explaining "Nobody knows how long she's lived but she looks really old. She's a great doctor but…" he paused and Nami asked "But?" Dalton looked embarrassed and responded "She charges impossible prices…"