
Pretty Obvious Why Everyone's Really Superpowered

What happens when an uncanny group of people with super powers and a bear mascot(?) is faced with an alien invasion? Well, international soccer superstar James Nyjun and his childhood friend Man-Woo Jeol are about to find out, in this short novel adventure filled with hilarious scenes, short-lived action, a touch of mystery, and supernatural fantasy. [Additional Tags] Juvenile Fiction, Children's Fiction, Wish-Fulfillment, Gag Comedy, Cute Mascot

Rimia · Urban
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Chapter One: Superstar!

In the small town of Chuncheon, there lived a boy. A boy with a very promising future. He had great talent and potential in the sport called Soccer, and when he was 13 years old, he was scouted by a world-famous coach also from the same town by the name of Heung-Min Son. He trained hard, and learned all the tricks of the trade from his coach, and eventually became the team captain of the national team at the bright young age of 15. In his spare time and on his breaks he would disappear like lightning and the paparazzi could never catch wind of where he went. So there were never any scandals or news related to this young genius soccer player.

No one knew his real name either. His mother was a Chosunin, but his father was of unknown origin and passed away when the boy was barely 2 years old. The boy had two names and even had birth certificates for two countries of which one was "USNA" but didn't have the proper flag associated with that nation. The mother hid her son's Chosunin identity and so he assumed his other identity instead. So he was called James Nyjun. His mother also abandoned her maiden name and went as Mrs. Nyjun. The boy's features were very oriental and didn't seem like he had any other race's features, so aside from fitting in with the people of the country he was in, the only thing that set him apart was his name.

Now, James had a particularly strange ability that only he knew about and he would go often go off alone to practice it. Telekinesis, and a very high-level power at that. He woke up one day to find everything in his room floating in the air, and with just a quick thought, he was able to control his power right away. This happened roughly 2 months before he was scouted into the national junior team. The exact date of this was also the same day the old hero of the world passed on from the world of the living and into the world of the dead. Was it a coincidence? No, it wasn't. The old hero's superpower was a very special power that would change its ability each time he used it, and as the hero passed away, his power dispersed into the world, dividing up into each individual ability. Though one person did inherit a copy of every single ability, to this day no one knew who it was since they hadn't revealed themself on media yet.

James' power was limited to moving only inanimate objects, but he was limitless when it came to weight and size. His control was as good as dribbling a soccer ball, so as his athletic talent improved, so did his telekinetic control. At first, he had to use both hands pointed towards an object to move it but with years of practice, he was soon able to point with just a finger. He was reminded of the old classic movie trilogies', "Star Wars" where characters would use something called, "The Force" to telekinetically move objects, control lightning, and predict the movements of projectiles in order to parry them with weapons made of lasers. James felt like he had become the protagonist of the world. Not only was he becoming the MVP superstar in the world of Soccer, but with his growing control in his telekinetic powers, he felt he was invincible. He planned to wait until after his first world cup championship before revealing his superpowers.

But things don't always go as planned. Especially since he wasn't and isn't the protagonist. There is no plot armour for this young man and there will be never any plot devices to support his future accomplishments. Well, he will escape death many times, but that's not because of plot armour, and plus this is already too much of a spoiler for what will come.

In the year 2026, the national team was getting ready for the world cup when a global earthquake shook the world with Japan at its epicentre. It resulted in a tsunami and aftershocks that hit New Chosun hard.

It was at this time when every available superhuman had made their appearance on the global stage to help. It was also at this time when James revealed his superpower by preventing all of the floating debris from the tsunami from damaging the entire East Orient coastline. The Supreme Tang Empire awarded James with a medal of heroics, bravery and selflessness for his work, and he continued the relief support by helping to collect the remaining debris that didn't do any harm. While he had focused most of his attention on New Chosun's coastline by erecting a giant wall made of stones and gravel using his power to block most of the ocean's rage, he wasn't able to take part in defending the rest of the Orient coast from the waters. But there were other superhumans that did their part to save the world.

Once the crisis had been resolved, some critics rose up to rebuke James for the possibility of using his powers to cheat his way into the world of soccer, but this was easily solved by the new technological advancements in godspeed cameras that could analyze not only the odd physical movements of athletes but also their brainwaves. This helped clear all the suspicions towards James and the possibility of him power-doping during matches.

Later that year, the world cup progressed smoothly in the United States of North America. Their coastline suffered less than the East Oriental continent since they were further away from the earthquake's epicentre, and the stadiums were much further inland as well, so there were no delays for the WorldCup tournament that year. It was also the second time for James to participate after suffering a crushing defeat in the finals four years ago in the Central East. Back then, James was the only strong player in his team, but now there had been 5 new additions to the team that were handpicked by both James and their coach, and the team was in their best shape ever.

And they won, of course. With a penalty kick in the last ten seconds of the 8 minutes overtime they got. 1-0. Plot armour? Blame the auth- eup! eup!

[We're experiencing technical difficulty. The narrator was replaced for attempting to defame the author. We sincerely apologize.]

After the annoying bug was knocked out and taken away to the depths of hell, we arrive at a later time in the future. It is now the year 2035. Exactly one year left until the alien invasion. By this time, James had already retired early after he took an arrow to his knee, disabling him from active duty. While he could have easily prevented this accident with his powers, unfortunately, he was watching the Olympic archery team at the finals of the Olympics three years prior and since the use of superpowers were prohibited during such events, he couldn't stop the misfired arrow from hitting him. Alas, his early retirement came as a shock to the world. To think it was because he took an arrow to the knee, who on earth would have been crazy enough to think of using this sort of clic- eup! eup!

[We apologize once again, we seem to be experiencing many difficulties in acquiring a proper slav- uh, I mean, a narrator that won't exhibit such inexcusable behaviour. The author has decided to take charge of the narration from now on. Again, we are deeply sorry for all that has happened due to our allowing incompetent narrators into our team.]

James had returned to his hometown to find a retirement home to settle down into, hoping to eventually find a wife, start a family, and live a peaceful life raising the next generation of soccer superstars. In the meantime, he lived on the penthouse floor of the Neo-Chosun 8-Star Hotel and worked a part-time job as vice-head of the national security. However for the next year, his efforts to find a wife were in vain.

Criminals were lacking everywhere, since knowing that the soccer superstar was also a master of telekinesis, people didn't have the courage to fall into the darkness knowing they'd be easily caught. But over the year, national security still caught quite a handful of would-be criminal masterminds. Most of the work was not really done by James. His powers suited him for rescue work than in fighting criminals.

And finally, the day came for the aliens' invasion. James took a stroll in an older neighbourhood of his town and happened upon a group of kids kicking a ball at a wall. The kids were young and didn't seem to recognize James. So in order to show off a bit, he told the kids that he'd show them how a pro handles a ball. But James wasn't able to control his strength and the ball wasn't exactly full of air so it didn't follow the proper trajectory and would often bounce off the wrong way. But he pointed at the ball to come back and the ball came back to him.

He was so focused on playing with the kids and showing off his telekinesis that he didn't notice someone approach him.

His childhood best friend.

"But things don't always go as planned. Especially since he wasn't and isn't the protagonist. There is no plot armour for this young man and there will be never any plot devices to support his future accomplishments."

This. I'll probably copy and paste this every time a new potential main character appears. xD

I also need to hire a like-minded narrator for my book.

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