
Pretending To Be His

He doesn't believe in love.... but for her he believes anything is possible. Impulsive, Bold and dangerous to a fault. ACE DE LUCA is the Italian mafia leader and he desperately needs to find a wife to keep his insistent but loving mother, Lucinda, happy. Ace holds power at the tip of his fingers but when he meets Victoria Rossi he can't get ahold of it. He is everything she's not, she's kind, loving and caring. They are complete opposites but in many ways... They are perfect for each other. Reserved, controlled and full of life. VICTORIA ROSSI is shy and loves keeping to herself, but when her party animal friend, Brie, brings her to a new club opening for her birthday she is forced out of her comfort zone. She dances the night away and makes eye contact with a hot stranger from the other side of the club. What happens when this stranger kidnaps her to be his wife. Read to find out...

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The Ball

I woke up to the  sound of someone entering the room. It was a maid.

"Miss, here is your outfit for tonight go to the shower and get cleaned up and I will help you get ready".

I got out of bed and stood up.

"What do you mean outfit for tonight am I going somewhere, am I going home?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, you are going to a ball tonight with Mr de Luca. I'm sorry your not going home but here is your dress for tonight.

"What do you mean I am going to a ball. I don't want to go I want to go home. Can you help me please. "

"Im sorry miss but I can't I will get into trouble if I do just please go to the shower. "

It was pointless so I just said  "Okay" as I didn't want to get her into trouble.

I'm not gonna lie the shower was amazing it felt so good. I stayed in for a good 20 minutes and tried out all the soaps. I shaved and got out. It felt so good to be clean.

If I'm going to a ball I could ask someone to help me. There will be alot of people there I could easily slip out unnoticed. I need to get out of this shit hole. I need to see Brie and let her know I'm OK.

I got out and dried myself and went into the room. The maid was there.

"What's your name" I asked her if I'm going to be here for longer then I want I need to make a friend.

"My name is Aubrey miss. "

"That's a lovely name. My name is Victoria. "

She smiled. "Let's get you ready then." She did my makeup, hair and she put on my dress too. I told her I could do it myself but she insisted.

I looked in the mirror and I looked so different. Normally I would only wear foundation and mascara.

These images are the dress makeup and heels and hair.

I looked so different. I wish Brie could see this. She always wanted me to get out of my comfort zone. I miss her so much. I need to escape fro here and I'm going to do It tonight I have to because it's the only chance I have of getting my freedom.

"I think you look lovely miss."

"Thank you for helping me get ready"

"No problem miss, Mr de Luca will be here in a few minutes."She then left the room.

"Okay".I sat down on the bed and started thinking of how tonight's gonna go. I needed to escape and fast.

The door opened a few minutes later and Ace walked in.

He was wearing a black suit. I got butterflies just by looking at him but remembered the fact he is holding me here against my will.

"Are you ready" he asked. I nodded and stood up and walked towards him, he held out his hand and I took it.

This is going to be fun...