
Pretending To Be His

He doesn't believe in love.... but for her he believes anything is possible. Impulsive, Bold and dangerous to a fault. ACE DE LUCA is the Italian mafia leader and he desperately needs to find a wife to keep his insistent but loving mother, Lucinda, happy. Ace holds power at the tip of his fingers but when he meets Victoria Rossi he can't get ahold of it. He is everything she's not, she's kind, loving and caring. They are complete opposites but in many ways... They are perfect for each other. Reserved, controlled and full of life. VICTORIA ROSSI is shy and loves keeping to herself, but when her party animal friend, Brie, brings her to a new club opening for her birthday she is forced out of her comfort zone. She dances the night away and makes eye contact with a hot stranger from the other side of the club. What happens when this stranger kidnaps her to be his wife. Read to find out...

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After talking with Victoria I went to my office. I was meant to get in a shipment of drugs yesterday but I never got them. I was pissed off.


Massimo entered the room. "Yes boss?"

"Where are my drugs I was meant to get them yesterday?!"

"I don't know there might be a delay I will check now."

"Well find them,i need them here by tomorrow".

"Yes boss"he said before leaving.

I'm even more pissed off then I was yesterday. I need to see her again. As I go into her room I didn't see her. She must be in the bathroom so I went towards the door, but I got hit in the face with something.

She then ran out of the bathroom and I tried to reconsole myself after getting hit in the face. I tried to grab her wrist but she too fast. Fuckin hell.

One of my guards came down the hallway and I shouted GET HER DONT LET HER GET AWAY!! I swear to god they were all useless.

I went downstairs myself and went out the door. She was still running across the lawn, obviously trying to get to the road, but little did she know the roads a mile away. I chuckled a little from all the chaos she has caused in the space of the 24 hours she has been here.

Half my guards were after her and not one of them could catch her. I had to do this shit myself.

I walked up in front of her, she couldn't see me as she was looking behind to see if the guards were close.

She came closer and I tripped her. I caught her before she hit the ground. I put her facing away from me and put a cloth to her face, this should make her sleep for a few hours. Before she faints I want her to see me and show her how pissed off I am.

"I really wish you didn't do that, love"

And she was gone.

"Don't worry love, I got you." I said and I picked her up and brought her back to bed. I put her in the bed covered her with the blanket.

I picked up the soap that was on the ground and put it back in the bathroom.

I went into my office because I had a shit load of work to do. Massimo better come back with some good news or I swear to god.

A few minutes later Massimo entered the room.

"I found your drugs boss, they will arrive tomorrow." he said string down in front of the desk.

" Good, thank you Massimo. "

"No problem,"he replied. He got up and headed toward the door.

" Before you leave, we have an invitation to the Revera ball tomorrow night so we need full security,"i said.

The Revera's are the New York mafia. Our families are good friends and we meet up every few years to discuss business.

"Yes boss I'll get that sorted, goodnight."

Goodnight, "I replied.

I will bring Victoria and introduce her to everyone and make everyone believe that we are a happy couple madly in love and about to get married.

How hard can it be.