
Prehistoric: Steady for hundreds of millions

Wu Tian, who traveled to the prehistoric world and had just opened the world, was a little panicked. For the sake of caution, Wu Tian chose to retreat for hundreds of millions of years and would not be able to escape until he was invincible. Until the end of the Longhan Tribulation, Hongjun brought the Five Elements Patriarch, Yin Yang Patriarch, and Qian Kun Patriarch to the door to ask Wu Tian to come out of seclusion. Wu Tian: What the hell, you want me to fight Rahu? No, no, I can't beat him. Hongjun: An innate treasure. Wu Tian: You have to pay more. Hongjun: Two innate treasures. Wu Tian: Deal, I will let my incarnation go. How high is your cultivation level? It's not that high either, just barely near the peak of Sainthood. ______________________________________ You can treat me to coffee via the link below: https://saweria.co/Xintu https://www.paypal.me/RYUSuke7

RYUSuke · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 74: Son of the plane?


"Odd number."

"The world will survive."



Just when Hu Lei couldn't figure out the situation, a series of supreme and indifferent wills surged in this space.

It was not a language, it was like the original words of heaven and earth, and it seemed like a description from the original source. Immediately, Hu Lei had a clear understanding in his heart.

"Does Heaven know that I am a time traveler?"

Hu Lei swallowed.

I heard that Heavenly Dao in all worlds doesn't seem to like time travellers?

Then why does the heaven in their world seem to value him so much?

What the hell is going on!

Hu Lei became more and more confused.

Gradually, more and more information became clear to Hu Lei, and Hu Lei's face gradually began to turn green.

"The one who invaded the plane of all the gods is the prehistoric plane? The supreme prehistoric plane!?"

He is not an ordinary person in his previous life. This dimension has been popularized by the gods and schools, and Hu Lei is still very clear about what the highest plane is.

Damn his ancestors, how could the Supreme Primordial be targeting their plane?

Moreover, it seems that their planes are almost gone now.

Co-author: He had just traveled through time for eighteen years, and he finally felt like he was going to be awesome, and now he was about to die on the spot?

Hu Lei's mentality is a bit broken.

"Why is it me?"

Hu Lei asked quickly.

Heaven said he is the source of life?

This needs to be clarified, Hu Lei doesn't want to die yet.


"Great luck."


"Great opportunity."

The will of heaven vibrates in the space.

"Great luck? Great opportunity? It means I have two golden fingers. There seems to be nothing wrong with that."

Hu Lei was thoughtful, and then his expression turned bitter.

What's the use of having a chance? He has to grow up. There is no room for him to grow now. He might die on the spot at any time.

What the hell, he has developed the skills of believers in several worlds. How can the entire plane be GG? Who can withstand this?

Are people sitting at home waiting for disasters to come to heaven?

As if seeing Hu Lei's helplessness, the Eyes of Heaven flashed slightly, and wisps of Heaven's will continued to surge in this space.


"You can carry out your destiny."


"Don't want to perish."


"You can follow my path."

Yes, even Heaven does not want to perish.

The way of heaven is indeed the combination of the will of all the worlds in one dimension, operating instinctively, and it will only make the world evolve better.

But this doesn't mean that Tiandaohui wants to die.

To put it simply, if Tiandao dies, the world will also be destroyed. No matter for the sake of the plane or itself, Tiandao will not want to die.

But now that the Supreme Primordial has invaded, it is obvious that he wants to kill all the gods in the plane. It would be strange if Heaven is willing to do so.

However, people still act within the rules and do not directly destroy the origin of the plane. Under the influence of these rules, Heavenly Dao cannot even take action.

If this continues, the power of Heavenly Dao will only be continuously eroded and even eventually there will be no resistance left.

Therefore, Heaven must save itself.

The person chosen was Hu Lei.

"You mean to let me have the power of all the gods in the world, so that I can reach the highest level in one step?"

Hu Lei was not stupid, he immediately understood what Tiandao meant, and his eyes couldn't help but become brighter.


"You are an anomaly."

"It's not this world, there is another life."

"I integrate the power of this world into your body."

"Of course, you need to replace the God Lord and take charge of order."

Well, to put it bluntly, it allows you to control the destiny, but you have to become the spokesperson of heaven, otherwise the benefits will not be so free.

The Lord of God is too salty and a bastard, so Heaven is not happy with it.

Now there is no choice but to find a spokesperson for Heaven to take charge of the destiny and gain the power of Heaven to resist foreign enemies. Otherwise, Heaven will not find such an ant.


Hu Lei said without thinking.

Become a spokesperson for Heaven?

This is a good deal!

Although freedom is restricted, this is better than direct GG.

Reach the sky in one step?

Wocao, there is such a good thing!

He doesn't have two golden fingers, but three. It's okay if Tiandao personally cheats on him.


Hu Lei's vision went dark, and then he found himself back in real time and space.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the entire planet of gods was shaken!

A steady stream of the mighty power of Heaven began to gather, and the power of endless time and space was extracted by Heaven. The origins of all the gods who fell in this war were collected by Heaven.

The gods and gods of all the people want to forcibly create a most powerful person!

There is no doubt that this will cause great losses to Tiandao, but he has no choice. Even if he pays a high price, he can only gamble once.

The plane of all the gods has undergone a shocking change!


In the depths of the main space-time universe, the supreme quasi-sage and the gods of the universal god plane are fighting.

Seemingly feeling something, the expressions of both parties changed, especially the expressions of the gods were horrified.

"Is Tiandao crazy?"

Crazy, maybe.

"Damn it, who made Tiandao be so desperate?"

The mentality of the gods is a bit broken.

Who knows what the outcome will be if a coaching change is made at this time, the greater possibility is that the outcome will be worse.


"Burn the source and fight with all your strength!"

"at all costs!"

The gods kept roaring.

There's not much we can do anymore, and no one knows what will happen next, so we can only fight on our own.

Boom boom boom! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

The Three Thousand Avenues shook, countless orders and rules materialized, the kingdoms of gods came across borders, and magnificent and vast world shadows appeared in the universe.

"Suppress them."

More than 8,000 quasi-sages shouted in a low voice.


Who is afraid of whom?

Anyway, you can't die, you can still regenerate after being beaten. As long as there is a result on Daozu's side, their side will be stable.

At most, they are just sealed. As long as they win, they can be unsealed. Come on, let's hurt each other!


The depths of endless time and space.

The God Lord, who had been fighting Hongjun with an expressionless face, focused his eyes and his expression changed.

Buzz! ! !

Wisps of Heavenly Dao Qi were quickly withdrawn from the Divine Lord, and the Divine Lord's cultivation level fell directly from the fifth level of Heavenly Dao Realm to the fourth level of Heavenly Dao Realm.

"Damn it! Damn it! God, what are you going to do?"

The God Lord said angrily.

Originally, he still had a trump card if the delay continued, but why was Tiandao so anxious that he wanted to remove most of the Tiandao authority from him? Damn it.


Isn't this a trick to him?


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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