
Prehistoric: Steady for hundreds of millions

Wu Tian, who traveled to the prehistoric world and had just opened the world, was a little panicked. For the sake of caution, Wu Tian chose to retreat for hundreds of millions of years and would not be able to escape until he was invincible. Until the end of the Longhan Tribulation, Hongjun brought the Five Elements Patriarch, Yin Yang Patriarch, and Qian Kun Patriarch to the door to ask Wu Tian to come out of seclusion. Wu Tian: What the hell, you want me to fight Rahu? No, no, I can't beat him. Hongjun: An innate treasure. Wu Tian: You have to pay more. Hongjun: Two innate treasures. Wu Tian: Deal, I will let my incarnation go. How high is your cultivation level? It's not that high either, just barely near the peak of Sainthood. ______________________________________ You can treat me to coffee via the link below: https://saweria.co/Xintu https://www.paypal.me/RYUSuke7

RYUSuke · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 48: A game with the heavens as a chessboard


There are more than two thousand quasi-sacred realm experts, look at me, look at you, no one has spoken.


Of course I do.

To enjoy the status of Hunyuan, to have the authority of Heaven, and to be a supreme Saint of Heaven in one of the highest planes, this is a supreme honor, it can be said to be a step to reach heaven.

However, thinking about it, whether to do it or not is another matter.

Do you really think they didn't see what would happen to Hongyun who got the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the prehistoric evolutionary path?

Tsk tsk, don't you see that Hongyun's face is a little green now?

take? Anyone who dares to take them will die, unless they really feel that they are invincible enough to withstand the siege of strong men.

"Red Cloud..."

Seeing that no one spoke, Hongjun looked at Taoist Hongyun who was sitting in the front row with his head lowered and shut up.

"Ah, ah?"

Hongyun was stunned for a moment and raised his head nervously, his eyelids twitching.

"I will give this Hongmeng Purple Qi to you."

Hongjun said lightly.

"This... Dao Ancestor, can I, this junior, not want it?"

Hongyun stood up and felt a little overwhelmed. After swallowing, Hongyun said bravely.

"No, you have to."

Hongjun said with profound meaning.


Red cloud.

"Yes, respect the Taoist ancestor's decree."

Hongyun responded with a bitter expression.

Seeing this, Hongjun waved his hand, and this Hongmeng purple energy escaped directly into the center of Hongyun's eyebrows.

"Well, the three sermons have ended. I will become the spokesperson of Heaven's Dao in a little while. From now on, Heaven's Dao is Hongjun, Hongjun is not Heaven's Dao. Unless there is a catastrophe, I will not leave Zixiao Palace."

Hongjun said calmly.

"The Taoist Saint."

"The Taoist Saint."

"The Taoist Saint."

The strong men in the audience were shaken, took a deep breath, and shouted in unison.

They all know that with Hongjun's union, the Great Desolate will enter a new era, and this era is full of countless unknowns, which makes everyone a little uneasy.

"I will join the Tao. Ordinary spiritual treasures are of little use to me. I have collected a lot of treasures over these endless years. In this case, I will give them to you, and you will listen to me. It's fate."

Hongjun said slowly.


Regardless of their complicated moods, everyone's eyes lit up.

Invariably, one word came to everyone's mind... Fenbao Cliff!

Is it finally time to have sex with the baby?

You must know that if the spiritual treasures in the supreme prehistoric world are placed in other worlds, they will all be treasures.

Even if it is just an acquired spiritual treasure from the supreme prehistoric world, it can suppress the existence of a thousand worlds if it is placed in the heavens.

Even an immortal weapon can bring down a universe.

Innate-level spiritual treasures are even more unimaginable. For example, the innate treasure Chaos Bell can freeze time and space. It can shatter thousands of dimensions and destroy all heavens and worlds. It has unparalleled power.

Although the people present are all the top experts from the ancient world, they are definitely not short of treasures, but the fool is not willing to get a few more treasures.

"In this treasure distribution, I took out a total of five innate treasures, one hundred top-grade innate spiritual treasures, and the number of top-grade, middle-grade and low-grade innate spiritual treasures exceeds 10,000."

"There are countless acquired spiritual treasures. In addition, there are also many innate spiritual roots or innate divine objects."

With everyone's expectant eyes, Hongjun said clearly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes became brighter.

I don't know what he thought of, but the corner of Hongjun's mouth curved, and he said lightly: "I have placed all these treasures in various planes in the heavens and the world. If you want to get them, then go get them yourself. Otherwise, if I won't care if the natives from other planes get it."

Hongjun surprisingly placed all the spiritual treasures and treasures in various planes!

From the Great Thousand Worlds to the Small Thousand Worlds, more than tens of millions of worlds all contain spiritual treasures from the supreme prehistoric world!

The body of the three thousand strong men was shaken, and they already understood what Hongjun meant.

Want a baby?


But you have to invade the heavens. At that time, Honghuang can plunder the origin of heaven, and they can get spiritual treasures as rewards.

"Teacher, there are countless worlds in the world. How can we know where the spiritual treasure is without coordinates?"

Taiqing Laozi asked.

"This is not difficult."

As he said that, Hongjun stretched out his hand, and streams of light sank into the eyebrows of the three thousand strong men. Pieces of information suddenly appeared in everyone's minds.

"I have told you which world contains what level of spiritual treasures. You can decide on your own which world to go to, or you can give up."

give up?

Everyone here is a quasi-holy being, a strong person in all the worlds. It would be strange if they were willing to give up.

"Teacher, if we invade the heavens this time..."

Zhunti was about to speak but stopped.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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