
Pregnant for the alpha

Do you know you're pregnant?" She asked without turning to face me and I nodded by saying" yes" "Don't tell my mother about it please" I pleaded with wavering eyes. I don't want my mom to know about my pregnancy especially now that I'm in a complicated situation. "Do you know the child you're carrying has an alpha blood?" She asked again and my emerald eyes pops out of their sockets with a shattering sound of glass on the floor. "An alpha blood" I asked in disbelief. Does it mean the strange man that slept with me is an alpha? All my thoughts became messy and I got up from the bed and rush towards Irene. "Irene what should I do?" I asked shaking her shoulders as tears stream down my face. " I don't really know" she said turning to face me. "Please don't tell my mother about this" I said pleadingly holding her white hand. " Shouldn't you be worried about the child in your womb?" She asked and I drop her hand. "  Why should I be worried about the  child, I can just terminate it" I said and Irene cover my mouth with her palm. " Shhhh! Don't be too fast child, you can't terminate an alpha blood. You will only end up by putting your life in danger." She said still covering my mouth with her palm and the scent of green and dry leaves filled my nose. She knows so much about werewolves, why do I feel like she's not normal. "What do I do now?" I asked looking confused as I ran my hand through my dark hair. "Find the alpha" she said and I felt dizzy. Ariel a half breed of werewolf and human got entangle with Lucas Graco the alpha of the Alusca pack. She was set up in a hotel by Liz who's a white wolf in Escavor pack and someone who has wanted to destroy Ariel relationship with Ethan an Omega and the heir to the Escavor pack. Lix took Ariel nude pics with the strange man in the hotel bed and sent it to Ethan. Things started hitting up when Ariel finds out she was pregnant and not knowing who she was pregnant for between the two wolves because that same day s

Elizabeth isaac · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 16: A New girl in the pack

" There is a new girl in the pack, she said she is alpha Lucas mate" Hera said and Clarissa face turned green. She has been chosen as alpha Lucas mate, how come another girl is claiming she is his mate?

" But I'm alpha Lucas mate Hera, Luna Alice chose me as his mate and we are bound to be together as from the next full moon" Clarissa said with a grim face. She had always fantasized about being alpha Lucas mate. The most beautiful wolf in the werewolves realms and she is the most beautiful werewolf in their pack. Every other wolves support Luna Alice decision. They all believe Clarissa is the right one for Lucas. Beautiful, elegant and powerful. So she has really been on top of the moon celebrating since the last full moon. Even if Lucas reject her, she didn't expect him to bring a new mate so soon.

" That is why I'm here to tell you that you have a competitor " Hera said as she jump on the bed.

" What do you mean by I have a competitor? No one can compete with me when it comes to the alpha. I'm the most beautiful werewolf in our pack" Clarissa said boldly looking furious deep inside her heart.

" I must say, this new girl is very beautiful. When I say beautiful, I mean beautiful" Hera said as she close her eyes to remember the smiling face of Ariel.

" Alright thank you" Clarissa said and dismiss Hera.

Now back to the presence...

' I must let the Luna know about this. She alone can chase that girl away and if she can't, I will have to do that by myself' Clarissa thought silently with a smirk on her face.

She wonder how the new looks like, who she is? Her abilities and ranking in the pack but like Hera said, she is a new girl. And that means she is from another pack.

She went to the Luna's room and saw her reading a book while lying down on the bed.

Clarissa suddenly frown her face and pretend to be heart broken. Oh she is not just pretending, she is heart broken for real.

" Hi Luna " clarissa greet with a sad tone with her head now slightly.

Luna Alice drop the book she is reading and sat on the bed.

" Clarissa, how are you" The Luna ask with a smile on her face.

She had always wish for Clarissa to be her son mates since when they were growing up as kids.

Clarissa is one of the powerful wolf in the pack. She is proud, arrogant and deceitful. She is among the best warriors in the pack and thus she is very famous in the pack. A lot of wolves in the pack believes she is the best wolf to be the alpha mate. With a strong mate by his side, he can conquer all their enemies and protect the pack.

After pleading with his son to get a mate but refused, Alice decide to find a mate for him by herself.

She even organize dates for them but Lucas always ruin the dates either by not showing up or by speaking harsh words to Clarissa.

" I'm not fine Luna" Clarissa said acting to be sick.

" What happened?" Luna Alice asked as she pat the bed for Clarissa to sit.

" Hera told me she saw a new girl in Lucas room and the girl told her that she is Lucas mate" Clarissa said as drop of burning hot tears drop from here eyes. Who knows if she is pretending or being honest?

" What!" Luna Alice exclaim . She wasn't even aware there is a new girl in the pack. She had been staying indoors for a while now, eating and sleeping with her husband because the puzzle on Lucas side have been solved.

" A new girl in the pack without me knowing?" She asked to be sure.

" Yes Luna" Clarissa reply as she wipes her tears with her palm.

" And she claimed she is Lucas mate?" She asked again and Clarissa nod her head.

" What else did Hera tells you again?"

" She said she is very beautiful and if I recall, I'm the most beautiful wolf in our pack" Clarissa said biting her lips. The thought of saying the new girl is beautiful is actually Killing her to the core.

" So Luna what are we going to do?" Clarissa ask as she raise her head up to look at the Luna who seems to be deeply in thought.

" Let's go to Lucas room, we need to see that girl" Luna Alice said as she stood up from the bed.

" No Luna, you can go alone for now. I don't want the girl in question to know me for now. Just go and see her first and please don't mention my name, she might get bitter about me and and .. please Luna" Clarissa pleaded and luna Alice fell for her pleas. She understands that Clarissa don't want to get into trouble with anyone and thus she wants to stay back and watch the girl in question first.

Deep inside Clarissa, she wants to stay back and act low-key to the new girl, she will act nice to her and be her first friend in the pack which will make it easier for her to get close to her.

With that in mind, after the Luna left, Clarissa rush out to look for Hera. Only Hera can help her . She only tells the Luna so that she can know there is a new girl competing with her in the pack. Unknown to them, Ariel is not even interested in Lucas.

Clarissa look around the pack in search of Hera but could not find her anywhere.

'Where could she be?' she thought silently and continue searching for Hera.

She searched the entire pack but could not find her any where.

"Hera where are you?" She ask as she place her hands on her waist looking frustrated for searching for Hera.