
Death of mrs zhou

Hello, xue yan your mother just passed away.

....... hello can you hear me but xue yan already ended the call heading to the hospital. no my mother can't leave me now she can't be dead she probably sleeping was all that was in xue yan head , Thirty minutes later after he got the hospital he went to his mother room but she was not there, where is my mother was the first thing xue yan asked the nurse who called him, the nurse told him she has been moved to the morg..... mom how can you do this to me how can you leave me you promised me you stay with me xue yan cried until his eyes where swollen later that day he went to work borrow some money from his friends and his boss then took a week off to mourn his mum he went to the hospital paid his bills and took his mother to perform her final rite. an hour earlier xue yan was on the phone, hello mr xue your ex wife has just left this word sob sob sob she is no more if not for anything but the love you once had for her please come to send her off. after everything said by xue yan this was the word that came out of that cold man mouth, me and my family will be present if we are less busy as you know we all have a busy schedule moreover your mum here has been in a bad mood because she misses her son who just graduated hopefully he get back today then we will come. that was it the last straw that was keeping these cat from get angry from showing his fierce side. can just listen to yourself i told your ex wife who spend sixteen years with just died and you give me lame excuses you know go to hell yelled and an angry xue yan an he ended the call. after these grieving son prepared everything for his mother, his started performing the burial rite with his co worker and friends who came in sending his mother off then the shit of a man and his family decided to show up after everything the guest started leaving only this man and his family were left. xue yan can i talk to you asked mr xue his bastard father but being xue yan an aloof person he ignored this poor man. yan'er you can't keep ignoring father like this he loves you but you decided to hurt him. xue yan already know that there's no one who dares to call him that name in that family apart from the dick head son xue ying who only does things that favours him and made him look like a peace maker, i remember back then when my mum and i still stayed with these man and his bitch of a wife, she decided to stay with this man not because she has no where to go but because she is deeply in love with these man, my mum treated xue ying with love like her son but these dick head always made it looked like my mum was mistreating him he and his mum was part of the people who made life difficult for my mum. you can't come to my house to tell me what i should and shouldn't do in your you may dictate on what should and shouldn't be done but these my house said coldly by xue yan. xue yan how can you say that to your brother he just cares about you, i have no brother because im the only child of my mother so take your shitty self and family out of my house you have overstayed your welcome said coldly by xue yan my mum and i never needed your help and we won't start now so get out yelled xue yan who kicked his father and step mum and brother out of the house. he cried and cried to he lost consciousness when he woke up due to being nauseous he vomited until he had nothing left to he believe all this were due to the fact that he had over stressed himself but little does he know that that just the beginning of him having morning sickness loosing consciousness.