
Preeminent Genes

New author here... Am not really giving a synopsis for the novel. I feel it lessens suspense for the novel. Nevertheless, hope you guys support me as we grow and improve the novel. Updates daily!

Justmhe · Fantasy
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10 Chs

It's a trap?

At Arenal mountains,

Different fists of magic could be seen lingering in the atmosphere, as the soldiers bombarded the Three-eyed Leopards with their magic. Frustratingly, the beasts just kept coming, in multiples.

The Three-eyed Leopards, along with other beasts, had three levels,

Level 1 - Ordinary/Servants

Level 2 - Warriors

Level 3 - Commander

As short as this levels looked, the distance between each level, increases geometrically, from the first. There were some creatures or beasts who wouldn't even live to become a level 2 warrior, talk less of a level 3 commander.

These set of Three-eyed Leopards, throwing tantrum at the Arenal mountains, were just level 1 warriors. They normally did not pose any threat to soldiers with higher ranks, but can be annoying, when they attack in in large numbers. This was the current situation. The soldiers at the warfront, tried their best to preserve their mana, to avoid depletion while the beast just kept coming in large numbers.

The beasts in Seville are usually aggressive, during a particular season of the year, which is summer. The heat of the sun gives most beasts energy to perform their magic, and can also play a role in their evolving period. The Three-eyed Leopards were actually brutal creatures, with three eyes ( as their name ), and a large horn at the center of their head, which was an important source of their brutality.

Even an ordinary Three-eyed Leopard possessed this horn, just that, as they evolve, the strength of the horn also evolved.

Most soldiers at the warfront were starting to get tired. A man, who happened to be their captain, kept encouraging them with words, talking about the safety of their land. But soonest, the soldiers could not help it, as their mana depleted, and then, a new set of soldiers quickly replaced them.

After about 1 hour of constant bombarding of different magic, a strange thing happened. The beasts suddenly stopped attacking, and retreated! This was supposed to be good news for the soldiers, as they finally had a breathing space, but it made them feel more worried about the unknown.

Their prayer was that, there shouldn't be a worrier or even a commander behind them, giving them orders, and finally decided to show up. They stayed rooted to the ground for about 5 minutes, when they suddenly heard several footsteps.

The footsteps were rushing towards the soldiers from every corners. Soonest, there were different set of eyes looking at them from each directions, with the mountains serving as covers, including the soldiers who have exhausted their mana, and the back up soldiers, who were waiting to take over the second group of soldiers once they have exhausted their mana.

The soldiers were still observing the eyes with a blank mind, when a soldier finally blurted out their thoughts.

" It's a trap! We are surrounded by warrior and servant level Three-eyed Leopards! " His shout rang throughout the mountains.

How did these demon creatures develop a. sense to trap humans? The logic there was simple. Fight till you enter deep into the mountains, and get surrounded!

The set of soldiers who were present were too weak to handle an evolving servant beast, talk less of a fully evolved warrior beast. Not just any beast but a brutal Three-eyed Leopard!

" Someone should contact lieutenant Maleek! We need stronger reinforcements! We can't continue fighting, it's a suicide mission! " A captain called out.

" Shit! There's no signal! " A soldier cursed.

" Da*m! Does this means we are dead for real?! " A young soldier cried out.

" Don't worry Juan, we will not die so quickly. " A young soldier, who seemed to be a friend of Juan, motivated.

" We can't just rely on help which is near but so far away from us. I need all the level 1 practitioner to form a line please! " A middle aged captain called out.

This time, the Three-eyed Leopards were intently looking at the humans, as if waiting for them to strike first.

The soldiers used this to their advantage, trying to set up a strong formation, according to their magic levels.

The human magic is also classified into three levels.

Level 1

* Beginner

* Practitioner

* Advanced

Level 2

* Beginner

* Practitioner

* Advanced

Level 3

* Professional

* Expert

* Super

Just like that of beasts, the level 2 and 3 were almost unachievable among humans, except with the required resources. There were other rumoured levels higher than the level 3 super, but people just discarded the information as even if there were, nobody would've been able to achieve it!

All the level 1 practitioner soldiers formed a short line, as they were not up to 20. As expected, there were no level 1 experts.

Just when they thought the beasts were patiently waiting for them, the heard a loud roar, making them strike!

Immediately, the soldiers 'formation' scattered, and each one started fighting instinctively. Once again, different magic spells lingered in the atmosphere, but this time, with a strong hint of fear.

The soldiers, who were just made up of lower captains and student soldiers, began to die horribly in just a few seconds. Soonest, the soldiers lost their morale and stopped attacking the beasts while focusing on protecting themselves with their spells.

At this time, they began retreating, with the beasts following them, until they were just 300 meters away from the human territory.


A boy was seen pacing around his room, worried and cursing.

" This town is so f**ked up! A group of beasts trying to invade human territory, and now, not even a single network signal? Like wth does fighting has to do with signal?! "

Silver had just be notified from the system about the close fight, and strong smell of blood.

" New quest: Obtain a soul crystal from a beast.

Rewards: +1.5 adversity Quotient Level, +1.0 intelligence Quotient Level, +10 strength points, +10 reputation points, +100 ESP.

Accept | Decline

Quest difficulty: Hard

Would host accept this quest?

Penalty for failure: -100 ESP "

Silver gasped at the unexpected message from the system. This only added to his frustration. His door was obviously locked and there was no way he could sneak out of the house. How was he supposed to complete the quest?

Even if he could come out of the house, why would he attempt a suicide mission by going to a battlefield where even a simple magic could harm him?

He looked at the rewards and confirmed it was reasonable. And the penalty? This was pure wickedness! Silver felt like crying at the moment, and couldn't help but curse the system.