
Preeminent Genes

New author here... Am not really giving a synopsis for the novel. I feel it lessens suspense for the novel. Nevertheless, hope you guys support me as we grow and improve the novel. Updates daily!

Justmhe · Fantasy
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10 Chs

An unexpected reward

The sound was so loud that Silver had thought they were directly shouting in his ears. But he looked from his window and saw some soldiers in the area rushing towards the north. The mansion was actually at the western side of the area. So the mountains, which served as a border to the Three-eyed Leopard zone, was closer to the north, which the beasts had surfaced.

The area was called Arenal. Arenal, normally, was a busy neighborhood in Seville. It had lots of scenery, fun places, but lacked a good magic school. Silver learnt this small information from the nosy system.

Silver was beginning to panic, seeing the soldiers of higher authorities in his grandfather's house rushing out, and making various calls. He decided to look for his grandfather, and found out he was nowhere to be seen.

During this time, he noticed different maids and servants, locking the doors and windows. Silver was beginning to wonder what all this was about. It was just a group of Three-eyed Leopards. Even a level 3 magic user can easily defeat them... Wait, except they were in their adult, evolving, or mutated form. What ever the case, Silver prayed for safety. Like hell! He just got to Seville 2 hours ago, and this is what it welcomed him with?

He should have just stayed with his parents and forget about magic school for now. Just then a servant came up to him in a stern face.

" We have been instructed to lock you up in your room, to avoid any unnecessary mistake. "

" What? I'm not a freaking child, besides, the doors and windows are locked, why would I leave the house? " Silver was getting mad.

" I'm sorry mister, but we have to follow instructions. Please lead the way to your room. " The servant said, still looking stern.

Silver sighed and went to his room. The servant locked the door from the outside, and Silver finally released a long huff. He could just look out the window, doing nothing. All this so much annoyed and frustrated him, and giving him more determination to be a very strong magician in future.

Everywhere was still in chaos. People were running into safety, just in case anything happens. Just then, there was a voice speaking with a loud microphone.

" Dear residents, please do not worry, our soldiers are already taking care of the beasts. It's just a level 2 emergency. We promise to fend them off, and make the land safe for you again. "

Silver could not see who was speaking, but it relieved him a bit, and he closed his window, already deciding on what to do next, since he could no longer sleep.

" System, I want to ask questions about you. "

" Request processed, Request granted.

What would user like to know about the system? "

" First, when would the system grant me magic? " He asked the question bothering him at that moment.

" User must be able to use his stats and quotients efficiently, at least, all user's stats and quotients must be at level 2. "

Silver felt surprised. He had thought he needed to reach a higher level to be able to use magic. But, just level 2? He felt a surge of happiness flow through his chest to his stomach. Right now, he felt like hugging the system.

" Wow! That's great! Thank you system. So, why did you choose me? Out of the millions of people in Spain, or even the billions of people on earth, why me? " Silver asked seriously.

" System cannot disclose the thought of the creator. System can only tell the user that he will play an important role in magic, in future. "

Silver rolled his eyes. Why did he even think it would give him a satisfying answer?

" Okay... one last question... Are there others like me? I mean, with a system? "

" Yes, there are, in different parts of the world. You would however, meet in the future, and become one. "

Silver sighed and laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling. He started thinking about his family. He took out his phone, and called his mom, to let her know he has gotten to his destination, and the current situation. Surprisingly, there was no network signal. He sighed frustratingly and closed his eyes.

Just then, he heard a familiar beep.

" Congratulations! Hidden mission: Ask about the system, accomplished! Page 14, 15, and 16 shared.

Reward: +1.0 intelligence point, +10 ESP

Would user like to see his stats?

Yes | No "

This really caught Silver off guard. Was there other hidden missions he have to complete for reward? This made him kind of happy. He was beginning to feel like this system is really generous.

He decided to see his stats and clicked yes.


AGE: 16



AGILITY: LEVEL 1 ( 5/10 )

STAMINA: LEVEL 1 ( 3/10 )

STRENGTH: LEVEL 1 ( 3/10 )



HEALTH: LEVEL 1 ( 60/100 )


Intelligence Quotient: Level 2.5 novice

Emotional Quotient: Level 1 beginner

Social Quotient: Level 1.2 beginner

Adversity Quotient: Level 1 beginner


ESP: 30/100 ( 100 ESP = +1 Level for only one stat )

Daily quest: Train in the training room for 2 hours.

Rewards: +5 strength points, +2 combat skill points.

Progress: 0%

Penalty for failure: -20 ESP

New: Unlock level 3 to get a special feature. "

Silver gasped as he looked at his stats and quotients. Why would the system suddenly include penalty for failure of daily quest?

' Sigh... Just when I thought this system was generous. '

He looked at his intelligence quotient, and noticed its level increased by 0.5, apart from the normal reward. He could only make out that, the system automatically knows if he knows a new thing about his magic world, and automatically gives him points for it.

He also checked his health status and noticed it was getting low, exactly how he felt in reality. He decided to try and take a nap, hoping the battle between the soldiers and beasts come to an end soon.

Hi guys... I know the grading system of magic might be a little confusing for now. But I promise to explain it little by little, in future chapters.

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