
Predator of Love

In this world where Traits are determined when you have awakened, what would happen if someone possesses the power to increase the might of others, but it'll only apply to women? What would happen if that power falls into a young 16 years old naive boy who has been constantly shielded by his mother and sisters? (Contain tags such as Yandere, Milf and so much more to be rediscovered) (https://discord.gg/pDSA4GqT)

ADboy245 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

A Familiar Face

"Are you alright, Daniel?"

Tilia's eyes widened with concern, a furrow forming on her brow.

"Why do you seem a bit uneasy?"

Daniel, trying to mask his distress, managed a weak smile.

"It's just... seeing the Headmaster here is quite unexpected, you know?"

Tilia's worry deepened as she noticed the tremors in his hands.

"You can tell me, you know. We're 'friends', isn't that right?"

He nodded, appreciating her concern.

"I know, Tilia. But I'm really fine" He tried disguised his current emotions away.

His head shook in reassurance, signaling his well-being, yet beneath the surface, his heart raced with an almost unsettling speed.

The vivid memory of that familiar face remained etched in his mind, a person dear to him.

It held a position in his heart that rivaled even that of his mother.

This cherished figure was none other than his self-proclaimed second mother.

He could remember in his recollection where he had deep affection he once held for his second mother.

It was a fondness that lingered despite the haziness of those memories.

Though the details were somewhat blurred, the image of her face remained unforgettable.

What took him aback was the revelation that this cherished figure from his past was, in fact, the Empress.

Struggling to control his emotions, he was resolute with his reason that this person, despite her Empress status, remained, in essence, his other mother.

The desire to embrace her, to inquire about her whereabouts all this time, welled up within him.

Yet, the reality of the situation held him back.

Establishing connections or claiming relationships with such a prominent figure wasn't a straightforward option.

"Do you recognize this person?"

Tilia inquired, her gaze fixed on the Empress.

Perplexed by his intense reaction, she couldn't pinpoint the reason, but a thought lingered – perhaps, it was someone familiar to her friend.

But for some reason, she gazed at the Empress intensely.

"It's along those lines," he replied vaguely.

Typically, such a cryptic response would invite ridicule, given the impossibility of forming any connection with the Empress, let alone being remembered by her.

However, surprisingly, Tilia refrained from mockery.

Instead, she acknowledged the answer without pressing further, sinking into contemplation.

"Good morning to all the young adults who have joined the Guild.''

''As the Headmaster and the Ruler of Xetex, I extend a warm welcome to each of you,"

She greeted with a smile that resonated deeply with the hearts of the young attendees.

 "It's a new year of 3019 and also a day where all of you will start and be trained as the future guardians of Earth''

Embarking on this path won't be a simple feat, I won't sugarcoat it, but the forthcoming rewards will undoubtedly justify the challenges''

"Why do we undergo training? Why do we possess Traits? Is it solely to safeguard our world?''

''No, it's fundamentally about securing your survival''

''After all, what's the use of protecting Earth if you can't safeguard yourself?"

"So, if wealth is your goal, the Guild welcomes you. If strength is your pursuit, devote yourself to the Guild's training''

''If you are an aspiring scholar, then, delve into the wealth of knowledge within this Guild''

''For those in search of love, demonstrate your value through the results."

"All your aspirations lie beyond the doors of this academy, waiting to manifest, but only if you invest your earnest efforts''

''Some argue that efforts pale in comparison to innate traits, and in some ways, I agree with them."

 "But so what?''

''Will you simply remain seated, doing nothing?''

''The war may seem lost before it even begins but don't forfeit the mantle of light before taking the first step''

''Regretting not trying is the last thing you want."

Following the principal's impassioned speech, the next half-hour unfolded with an elaborate explanation of rules and regulations.

Initially, the crowd was ablaze with passion and determination to chase their dreams.

However, as the presentation progressed, a mix of reactions rippled through the audience.

This academy transcends earthly boundaries, welcoming students not just from Planet Earth but from others as well.

However, some nobles harboured reservations about the perceived futility of their noble status within these walls.

Despite their dissastifaction, they dared not voice their thoughts, wary of incurring the principal's wrath.

Thus, they swallowed their disagreement, a silent submission to the rules.

"With that, I wish each of you the best on the upcoming month-long journey''

''Now, let's all enjoy a pleasant day before we commence tomorrow," declared the principal in her concluding remarks.

As she left the platform, her eyes lingered on Daniel, engrossed in conversation with Tilia, and she offered him a subtle, knowing smile.

'I've got you now in my little cage. ~Fufuffu~ With you here now, there's no way you can escape from my grasp and by the time you graduate from the course, you won't ever forget about me. I will make sure you can't live without me'

She had dangerous thoughts and malicious plans that revolved around her cute little step-nephew.

Seeing how much he had grown up, she became even more impatient and she couldn't wait for the future with him.

As soon as the speech was over, all of the students dispersed as they went to explore the wonders of the Guild.

In the meantime, Daniel and Tilia sat at a table at a cafeteria they found, and they ordered some food to fill their stomach.

"Never thought that this place would be that huge. It's bigger than my home"

Tilia was mesmerized by the architecture of the Guild.

At the same time, she ate a piece of meat with a fork.

"Well, how big is your home?"

He raised his eyebrow while eating his plate of food.

"How about one day you will visit my home?''

''I can show the culture and history of the planet"

She invited. It may seem like it's a friendly gesture, but she didn't kid on inviting him.

"Then I'll gladly take that offer"

But of course, he didn't seem to understand the meaning behind her words, however, Tilia wasn't bothered by it.

In fact, she's quite happy and for some reason, the smile she hid from him seemed creepier than before.