Prudy, Kiara and Abbie find each other at California University L.A. They learn to co-exist even with their differences in colour and status. They live life one day after the other and make life decisions on their way. They get caught up in love triangles and find their way out together. They teach the importance of accepting oneself before others can accept you as well as the importance of "all lives matter" instead of "one race's life matters". They make life changing decisions, some bad some good, some, you be their judge.
Abbie's POV
I try to establish the gravity of the situation and look at both their faces alternatively and Prudy is unable to hold her laughter which Kiara joins in.
It worked! Oh, my God, it worked!!
I run over and do my celebration jump.
Do I have to be doing something with my feet when I celebrate?
"Okay, that's enough." Prudy is forever cold, doesn't show affection openly. Was she always this way? I wonder to myself but smile when a slight grin shows on her face.
"Soooo." I pull on the word deliberately.
"Yea, I'm killing you." Prudy says raising her hand and I yelp evading her grasp.
"I was helping you dummy!" I shout from the corner where i ran hiding my face with my hands.
"Of course and that includes me being put on probation! You have to come and tell that Henry psycho that you locked me out or they will surely kick me out." She says relaxing, after Kiara runs to get between us to make sure Prudy doesn't murder me.
"Okay! Okay! I will do what you want just spare me please." I pout and pretend to be really scared.
"Okaaay, I've had a long night. Ice cream. My treat." Kiara smiles obviously looking at me. I need to give them time to catch up and, this room looks messy. I don't respond.
"Just get dressed, you know you want to." Prudy calls me out and mimics my pout. I give in.
Everyone is watching us, even if we all knew it was Kiara they were really watching. We are in denim shorts, black UCLA crop hoodies and white sneakers. Yea not me, just them. I wore blue ragged jeans, a full black UCLA t-shirt and grey Saturday sneakers.
"Why can't they mind their business?" I say obviously pissed by so many eyes on us.
"Shut up and enjoy the view." Kiara says not wanting to open her mouth so wide.
Well, the moment doesn't last. I receive a phonecall and scramble to dig my phone out of the denim sling bag, that dangled on my shoulder. It's a new number.
"Hey... It's... Uuh, Berlin."
Hey... I say surprised and looking weirdly at the rest who have stoped to find out why I was left behind
"I didn't.. Uuh... I didn't.... I mean my number..."
"I figured you would not call so I asked Kiara for it... "
I look daggers at her as if demanding answers but she mouths 'what' and raises her hands.
"I was thinking.... I mean I was wondering, about our date... Can I... Can I pick you up? Tonight?"
He seems unsure of my answer and I decide not to turn him down.
"Yes, I mean of course, I will be ready at seven."
"Okay then, see you then."
I cut the contact and glare at Kiara.
"You gave him my number!"
"Yea, so?"
"What do you mean 'so'? You consult me first!"
"After locking me up a whole night? Yea I don't think so."
"Argh, why are you two always soo anoying!" I walk way past them. They had just spoiled my day. I was never going to go on that date, well, until he got my number somehow and he is soo sweet you can't say no. I sit and call for my usual scoops. I really didn't have to mention, I was glad he did what we always learn in class about 'knowing your customer'.
"What Kiara," I snap.
"Didn't you wanna find out what he is going to do on that date? It could be exciting, more than any date you've been to." I look at her plainly.
I have never been to a date. Should I tell them that? But they will just make fun of me.
"You have never been on a date." Prudy says as she sits. Dang it! Was I that open of a book?
"How... How did you know?" I ask. I really want to know why people are able to read my thoughts so fast.
"You were biting your lower lip on the side." She says scooping my ice cream that I didn't even realise had been served.
"Oh." I struggle to say and my cheek flushes with embarrassment.
"He likes you." Kiara adds. Can't they stop all this tormenting now? "Be good to him. He is shy. Well not necessarily shy, just not able to speak his mind." She turns to Prudy. "How does that guy manage to beat me at presentations. Well he's just bad with women." They burst out into chuckles and I fake mine which comes out a little harsh.
"We are talking about the guy I will be stuck with for hours!"
"You two have a thing." Kiara spits before I can digest the stuck with him for hours detail.
"What?" I choke on my ice cream
" I mean, you talk way much than he does with most people."
So the nerd asks me out and my friend here is implying that we could be good together. That is in another way being called a nerd right?
"Berlin is not going to break your heart." My heart almost breaks literally at Prudy's words.
"You know, I just lost my appetite." I say and they chuckle. What the hell was funny?
"Sorry, just don't bail on him on that account we were just joking."
"Well your jokes suck!"
"Wow, easy girl." They speak in turns like they had planned what to say to me.
"I love you but you really need to pull yourself together. Folding your palms won't make this any easier. Just go talk about simple stuff like you always do and don't panic, he can never ask you anything unless he is sure you are not going to reject him." Prudy advices and pushes the bowl of ice cream back to me.
I throw a one last warning look at them and dig into the cream. I hear them put their scoop spoons together to make a weird sound but I don't look up.