

Lander Macho has the superpower to be able to increase and decrease ANYTHING! Join his adventures in the world of superheroes in the DC and Marvel universe!

SoberFist · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


Lander Macho sat in his office, deep in thought as he pondered the current state of affairs in his country. He knew that there was a growing threat from the Western Union, and he had to act fast to protect Macho Hacienda.

That's when he came up with a plan to go undercover and create an alternate persona. He would become Triennial Hawke, a Macho Hacienda diplomat, and use this new identity to gather information and investigate the situation.

As Triennial Hawke, Lander traveled to the Fruit Country, where he met with government officials to discuss the recent appearances of random dungeon portals in Macho Hacienda. He was calm and collected, but he knew that he had to be careful with his words.

"Thank you for taking the time to meet with me," Triennial Hawke said as he sat down at the table.

"It's our pleasure," one of the officials replied. "We understand that there have been some issues with dungeon portals in your country."

"Yes, that is correct," Triennial Hawke said, nodding. "And we believe that it is the result of an instigated attack from the Western Union."

The officials looked at each other, surprised by this accusation.

"Are you sure about that?" one of them asked.

"We have reason to believe that this is the case," Triennial Hawke replied. "And we demand an explanation from your government."

The officials seemed taken aback by Triennial Hawke's assertiveness, but they quickly composed themselves.

"We will look into this matter and get back to you," they said.

Triennial Hawke nodded, satisfied with the response. He knew that this was just the first step in his plan, and he would need to gather more information if he was going to protect Macho Hacienda.

Back in Macho Hacienda, Lander Macho continued to monitor the situation closely. He had ordered the satellites that were responsible for the invasion of dungeon monsters to be taken down, but he knew that this was just a temporary solution. He needed to come up with a plan to prevent this from happening again.

As he meditated and tapped into his god energy, the Time Gem and Power Gem activated on their own, showing him a glimpse of the future where the Western Union had launched a full-scale attack on Macho Hacienda.

Lander knew that he had to act fast. He immediately contacted Brainiac, his newly created A.I. who handles the Ultron Legion, and asked for possible solutions and scenarios to handle the future threat.

"We need to strengthen our defenses and prepare for an all-out attack," Brainiac said. "We also need to gather more information on the Western Union and their plans."

Lander nodded, impressed with Brainiac's quick thinking.

"Agreed," he said. "But we must also be careful not to provoke them any further. We need to act tactfully and strategically."

Brainiac nodded, and together they worked on a plan to protect Macho Hacienda.

Meanwhile, as Triennial Hawke, Lander continued his investigation in the Fruit Country. He met with various government officials and diplomats, gathering information and trying to piece together the puzzle.

As he delved deeper, he discovered that the Western Union had been planning an attack on Macho Hacienda for some time. They had been gathering resources and allies, and were preparing for an all-out war.

Lander knew that he had to act fast. He contacted his team in Macho Hacienda and briefed them on the situation. They worked together to come up with a plan to prevent the attack.

But as they prepared for war, Lander couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more going on. He continued to investigate, hoping to uncover any additional information that might shed light on the situation.

As Lander delved deeper into his investigation, he discovered that the Western Union was not acting alone. They were working with a shadowy organization known as the Black Hand, a group that had been responsible for countless acts of terrorism and destruction throughout the world.

Lander realized that the Black Hand was using the Western Union as a pawn in their larger game, and that the real target was Macho Hacienda itself. He knew that he needed to take action to stop the Black Hand before they could carry out their plans.

But Lander was not one to act rashly. He knew that he needed more information before he could make his move. So he continued to gather intelligence, using all of the resources at his disposal.

Finally, Lander had enough information to act. He called a meeting with his top advisors and presented his findings. They quickly formulated a plan of attack, one that would strike at the heart of the Black Hand's operation.

Lander led the charge himself, using his vast array of powers and abilities to take the fight directly to the Black Hand. The battle was fierce, with both sides taking heavy losses.

But in the end, Lander emerged victorious. The Black Hand was defeated, and Macho Hacienda was safe once again.

As the dust settled, Lander knew that he had made the right choice. He had acted not out of anger or revenge, but out of a sense of duty and responsibility to his people.


The dimly-lit room was filled with the sound of shuffling papers and murmurs as the senior members of Black Hand and the high official from the Western Union's intelligence branch, S.S., sat around a large wooden table. They had been summoned for a secret meeting to discuss a matter of great importance.

"Silent Sentry, you've been quiet for some time. What's your assessment of the situation?" one of the Black Hand members asked, breaking the silence.

S.S. cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses before responding. "As you know, our dungeon inducer satellites were taken down by an unknown entity. We have yet to determine who or what is responsible for this attack."

The room fell silent once again as the members of Black Hand exchanged wary glances. They knew that their dungeon inducer satellites were a key component of their operation, and losing them was a major setback.

"What do you suggest we do?" another Black Hand member asked, his voice laced with concern.

S.S. leaned forward, his eyes gleaming in the dim light. "We must act quickly to retrieve our satellites and eliminate whoever is responsible for this attack. I have already dispatched a team to investigate the matter, but we must be prepared for any eventuality."

The Black Hand members nodded in agreement, their expressions grim. They knew that they were dealing with a formidable opponent, one who had the power to take down their satellites with ease.

As the meeting continued, Lander Macho, disguised as Triennial Hawke, continued his investigation. He had uncovered evidence that suggested that the attack on the dungeon inducer satellites was not a random act, but rather a deliberate act of sabotage.

After days of digging, Lander finally discovered the truth. The Western Union had been working with Black Hand all along, using their dungeon inducer satellites to create chaos in Macho Hacienda.

Determined to put an end to their nefarious plan, Lander rallied his troops and launched a surprise attack on the Western Union's secret base. The battle was fierce, but in the end, Lander emerged victorious.

With the Western Union and Black Hand defeated, Macho Hacienda was once again safe. Lander returned to his true identity, hailed as a hero by the people he had sworn to protect.

But Lander knew that there would always be new threats, new enemies lurking in the shadows. And so, he continued to train and prepare, ready to face whoever the hell goes against him.


The news of the Western Union and the Black Hand's collaboration in the appearance of random dungeon portals sent shockwaves throughout Macho Hacienda. The people were confused and outraged at why the two powers would do such a thing.

The news media was quick to report on the situation. "This is a betrayal of trust!" one reporter shouted into the camera, his face contorted in anger. "The Western Union has violated our sovereignty and put our citizens in danger!"

Another reporter chimed in, "And let's not forget about the Black Hand, the notorious criminal organization that has caused chaos and destruction across the world! This collaboration is a threat to global security!"

The news reports sparked debates among the people. Some believed that the Western Union and the Black Hand were after Macho Hacienda's resources, while others thought that they were trying to provoke a war.

In the midst of all this, Lander Macho continued his investigation. He knew that there was more to the situation than what was being reported in the news. He contacted his allies and used his connections to gather information.

One night, as he was poring over documents in his private study, his phone rang. It was Brainiac, his AI assistant.

"Sir, I have some information that you may find interesting," Brainiac said in his monotone voice.

Lander leaned forward, intrigued. "What is it?"

"I have uncovered evidence that suggests that the Western Union and the Black Hand are not the only ones involved in this conspiracy."

Lander's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"There is a third party involved, one that is much more secretive than the other two. Their name is Silent Sentry."

Lander sat back in his chair, contemplating this new information. "Silent Sentry... I've heard of them before. They're the intelligence branch of the Western Union, right?"

"That is correct, sir. And they have been working in collaboration with the Black Hand on this project."

Lander nodded slowly. "I see. Thank you, Brainiac. Keep digging, I want to know everything about Silent Sentry."

As he hung up the phone, Lander knew that he had to act fast. He couldn't let Macho Hacienda fall victim to this conspiracy. He contacted his team and together they came up with a plan.

The next day, Lander made an announcement to the people of Macho Hacienda. "We will not stand idly by while our country is threatened," he declared. "We will take action to protect our sovereignty and our citizens."

The people cheered, heartened by Lander's words. They knew that he was a man of action, one who would do whatever it takes to protect his country.

And so, the stage was set for a showdown between Macho Hacienda and the Western Union, the Black Hand, and Silent Sentry. The world watched as tensions rose and the threat of war loomed over the horizon.

But Lander remained calm and focused. He knew that he had the power of the fusion of the Infinity Gems, the Infinity Gauntlet and Cosmic Armor Superman, now known as the "Infinity Cosmic Gem Armor" on his side. Let the ants dance and feel superior...for now.


Lander Macho, in his alternate persona as Triennial Hawke, stood at the podium during the press release, surrounded by reporters and cameras. He had just received news that the Western Union had unofficially surrendered and had awarded a place for the Macho Hacienda country to establish their embassy. This was a huge victory for the Macho Hacienda, and Lander was eager to share the news with the world.

"Good afternoon, esteemed colleagues and members of the press," Lander began. "I am pleased to announce that the Western Union has granted us a place to establish our embassy, and we will be taking this opportunity to work towards a future of cooperation and prosperity between our nations."

The room erupted into applause, and Lander smiled, feeling the weight of the victory lift off his shoulders. He knew that this was a step towards securing the safety and stability of his country, and he was proud to be a part of it.

As the press conference continued, Lander was bombarded with questions from the reporters, all eager to know more about the deal and what it meant for both nations.

"Lander, can you elaborate on what kind of cooperation we can expect from the Western Union?" one reporter asked.

Lander thought for a moment before responding, choosing his words carefully. "At this time, I cannot give any specific details on what kind of cooperation we will be engaging in with the Western Union. However, I can assure you that we will be working towards a mutually beneficial relationship that will bring prosperity to both our countries."

Another reporter raised their hand. "What do you have to say about the accusations that the Western Union and Black Hand were behind the recent dungeon portal attacks in our country?"

Lander knew this question was coming and was prepared to address it. "I cannot speak to any specific allegations at this time, but what I can say is that the Macho Hacienda stands for justice and will always seek to hold those responsible for any wrongdoing accountable."

The reporters continued to ask questions, but Lander remained composed and confident, knowing that the future of his country was in good hands.

After the press conference, Lander returned to his office to debrief with his team. They discussed the possibilities for future cooperation with the Western Union and the steps they would need to take to ensure the safety of their embassy and their citizens abroad.

As they talked, Lander couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what they had accomplished. The Macho Hacienda had come a long way in a short amount of time, and he knew that their future was bright.

But he also knew that there would always be challenges ahead, and he was prepared to face them head-on, no matter the cost.

The future of the Macho Hacienda was uncertain, but Lander was confident that with his team by his side and the support of his country, they would be able to overcome any obstacle that came their way.