

Lander Macho has the superpower to be able to increase and decrease ANYTHING! Join his adventures in the world of superheroes in the DC and Marvel universe!

SoberFist · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


Lander Macho had always been a curious man. Ever since he discovered the Infinity Gems and created his Infinity Cosmic Armor, he had been using his powers to observe the world around him. And now, with his newly acquired ability to become invisible and intangible, he could do so without anyone knowing.

As he floated above the Macho Hacienda territory, Lander observed the various establishments under his government's control. He watched as the Ultron Legion, his army of androids, patrolled the streets, ensuring that everything was running smoothly. He observed the businesses that had been converted into government-run entities, making sure that they were profitable and sustainable.

But Lander saved the best for last. He wanted to see firsthand how the education system in his country was performing. And so, he made his way to the Machonian Institute of Learning, the largest school in the country.

As he phased through the walls, he was greeted by the bustling sound of over half a million students going about their day. Lander observed everything, from the classrooms to the cafeteria, to the administrative offices. He saw the teachers delivering their lessons with passion and dedication. He saw the students engaged in learning, eager to absorb new knowledge and skills.

As he floated above the crowds, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had created a system where education was accessible to everyone, regardless of their social status or financial means. He had created a country where everyone had the opportunity to learn and grow.

But his observations also revealed areas that needed improvement. He saw that some classrooms were overcrowded, and some teachers were overworked. He saw that some students were struggling to keep up, and some were not challenged enough.

Lander knew that there was more work to be done. He made a mental note to address these issues and improve the education system even further.

As he phased out of the school and made his way back to his palace, Lander couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He knew that he was making a difference in the lives of his people, and he was determined to continue doing so.

In a world where taxes seemed to be the norm, Macho Hacienda stood out like a shining beacon of hope. It was a country where the common people were not burdened by taxes and were able to live their lives without worrying about how much they would have to pay to the government at the end of the year.

This policy had been put in place by Lander Macho himself, who had always believed that the common people should not have to bear the burden of taxes. He had seen the toll that taxes had taken on his own family and the families of those around him. He knew that it was not fair to ask the common people to pay for the government's mistakes and mismanagement.

But the same could not be said for the rich and wealthy businessmen who wanted to do business in Macho Hacienda. They were the ones who were being taxed, and they were not happy about it. Many of them had threatened to leave the country and take their businesses elsewhere, but Lander had remained firm in his decision.

"We are not going to burden our own people with taxes," Lander had said in a press conference. "We are going to make sure that they are able to live their lives without worrying about the government taking away their hard-earned money. But those who want to do business in our country and take advantage of our resources and infrastructure will have to pay their fair share."

And the people of Macho Hacienda had loved him for it. They talked about the policy everywhere they went, from the local markets to the halls of the Machonian Institute of Learning. They praised Lander for his foresight and his dedication to the common people.

"I've never paid taxes in my life," said an elderly woman at the market. "I remember when I was young, my parents used to have to pay taxes on everything, even the food they bought. But now, we don't have to worry about that. Lander has made it so that we can live our lives without worrying about the government taking away our hard-earned money."

Even the children at the Machonian Institute of Learning were aware of the policy. They were taught about it in their classes and were proud to be citizens of a country that cared about them.

"I like that we don't have to pay taxes," said a young girl in a classroom. "My parents are always worried about money, but they don't have to worry about taxes. Lander is really smart for making that policy."

As the years went by, Macho Hacienda continued to flourish. The country attracted more and more businesses, and the economy continued to grow. The people were happy, and Lander was hailed as a hero.

But there were those who were not happy with the policy. Some of the rich businessmen who had been taxed had started to plot against Lander, hoping to overthrow him and take over the country for themselves. They had even started to fund rebel groups, hoping to destabilize the government and create chaos.

Lander knew that he had enemies, but he also knew that he had the support of the common people. He continued to work hard for the betterment of his country, hoping to create a society where everyone could live their lives to the fullest without worrying about taxes or the government's interference.

And the people of Macho Hacienda continued to love him for it, even as the threats against him grew stronger.


Lander Macho sat in his meditation chamber, his eyes closed as he focused on the energy coursing through his body. He had discovered something incredible, a new form of energy that he believed was tied to the very essence of creation itself.

He called it "god energy", and he had no idea what its true nature was. But one thing was certain - it made him stronger.

As he meditated, Lander could feel the energy surging through him, enhancing his physical abilities to levels he had never dreamed possible. His senses were sharper, his reflexes faster, and his strength and endurance beyond what any human could achieve.

But it wasn't just his physical attributes that were enhanced by this strange energy. Lander also found that his mind was sharper and more focused, his thoughts clearer and his memory stronger. He could analyze problems and come up with solutions with ease, and he could remember every detail of every conversation he had ever had.

It was as if this energy had unlocked the full potential of his body and mind, making him the ultimate being.

But Lander also noticed something else. He wasn't aging like a normal human. He had always been in good shape, but he had now been in his prime for decades, and he showed no signs of slowing down. He knew that something incredible was happening to him, something beyond his understanding.

And so he continued to meditate, to study this god energy and try to understand its true nature. He knew that he was becoming something more than human, something greater, and he couldn't wait to see where this newfound power would take him.

Meanwhile, rumors began to spread about Lander's strange abilities. Some people whispered that he was a god or an alien, while others speculated that he had found a secret source of power hidden somewhere in the world.

But Lander remained elusive, never showing himself in public or revealing the truth behind his power. He continued to work in secret, building his strength and his knowledge, waiting for the day when he would be ready to reveal himself to the world.

And when that day finally came, he knew that he would be unstoppable. With his god energy and his boundless intelligence, he would become the ultimate ruler of the world, a being beyond compare, feared and revered by all.


As Lander Macho meditated in his private sanctuary, he felt the Time Gem and Power Gem pulsating with an unfamiliar energy. He opened his eyes and saw a vision of the future - Macho Hacienda was under attack by swarms of alien insects pouring out of a dungeon portal. Lander knew he had to act quickly to prevent this future from becoming a reality.

He immediately summoned his trusted A.I. assistant, Brainiac, to his side. "Brainiac, I've seen a future where our country is being overrun by alien insects. I need your help to prepare for this eventuality," Lander said urgently.

Brainiac, a sleek and intelligent android, quickly assessed the situation. "Sir, I will analyze the data and come up with possible solutions to handle this threat. We can start by creating a task force of Ultron Legion soldiers to guard the borders and track any potential dungeon portals in our territory," Brainiac replied.

Lander nodded in agreement. "Excellent, let's do that. But we need to go beyond just defense. We need to be proactive and figure out a way to eliminate the threat before it even reaches our borders," he said.

Brainiac pondered for a moment before coming up with an idea. "Sir, I suggest we send a team of Ultron Legion soldiers to investigate the source of these dungeon portals and eliminate them before the insects can reach our country," Brainiac suggested.

Lander nodded in approval. "Yes, that's a good plan. But we need to make sure our soldiers are well-equipped to handle the threats they might encounter. I want to see to it that they have the best weapons and technology at their disposal," he said.

Brainiac nodded in agreement. "Understood, sir. I will make sure to provide them with the necessary equipment to accomplish their mission successfully," Brainiac said, his metallic voice unwavering.

Lander smiled at Brainiac's loyalty and efficiency. He knew he could always count on his A.I. assistant to handle any situation with ease.

As Brainiac left to carry out Lander's orders, Lander turned his attention back to the Time Gem and Power Gem. He knew that the vision he saw was only a possible future and not set in stone. With his new knowledge, he could take action to prevent it from happening and protect his country and people.

He continued to meditate, using the gems' power to strengthen his body and mind. Lander knew that with his enhanced abilities and the power of the Infinity Gems, he would be ready to face any threat that came his way.

Meanwhile, the Ultron Legion soldiers were being trained rigorously to face any situation that might arise. They were equipped with the latest technology and weapons, and their morale was high as they prepared to defend their beloved country.

The people of Macho Hacienda were not aware of the impending threat, but they trusted their leader, Lander Macho, to keep them safe. They went about their daily lives, enjoying the benefits of a government that didn't tax them and provided them with a high standard of living.

But Lander knew that he couldn't let his guard down. He continued to train and prepare, using his godly powers to become even stronger. He knew that he was the only one who could protect his country from the unknown forces that threatened to invade it.

As time passed, Lander's preparations paid off. The Ultron Legion soldiers were able to locate and eliminate the source of the dungeon portals before the alien insects could reach Macho Hacienda. The country was safe once again, and the people continued to live their lives without any knowledge of the danger that had once loomed over them.

But Lander knew that the future was unpredictable, and he couldn't simply rely on the power of the Infinity Gems to protect his country. He needed to take proactive steps to ensure that the Macho Hacienda remained safe and secure.

He summoned Brainiac to his chambers once again, eager to hear the A.I.'s ideas. "What have you come up with, Brainiac?" Lander asked as the A.I. materialized in front of him.

"I have analyzed the situation and come up with several possible solutions," Brainiac replied. "The first is to increase our surveillance of the dungeon portals. We can station teams of Ultron Legion androids around the portals to monitor them and prevent any unwanted creatures from entering our world."

Lander nodded in agreement. "That's a good start. What else do you suggest?"

"Another option is to create a specialized team of Ultron Legion androids that are specifically trained and equipped to handle any extraterrestrial threats that may arise," Brainiac continued. "These androids can be armed with advanced weapons and technology that are designed to counter the strengths and weaknesses of different types of alien creatures."

Lander stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Interesting. And what about our human citizens? How can we ensure their safety in the event of an invasion?"

Brainiac paused for a moment before responding. "We can begin by educating the populace about the potential threats posed by extraterrestrial creatures. We can also conduct regular emergency drills and simulations to prepare our citizens for any potential scenario. In addition, we can create designated safe zones and shelters where people can take refuge in the event of an attack."

Lander nodded again, impressed by Brainiac's suggestions. "Very good, Brainiac. Implement all of those measures immediately. We can't afford to take any chances."

And so, the Macho Hacienda began to prepare for a future that was filled with uncertainty. The Ultron Legion patrolled the borders of the country, keeping a watchful eye on the dungeon portals and any potential threats that may emerge. Specialized teams of androids were trained and equipped to handle any extraterrestrial creatures that may appear, while the human citizens were educated and prepared for the worst.

Despite the potential dangers that lay ahead, the people of the Macho Hacienda continued to live their lives with peace of mind, secure in the knowledge that their leader was always one step ahead, anticipating and preparing for any possible threat. And Lander Macho continued to meditate and harness the power of the Infinity Gems, using his foresight to guide and protect his beloved country.