
Power of King [ Pokemon/Dinofroz ]

The ancient king, feeling the chill of mortality, knew his hourglass was running out of sand. His kingdom, his people, they were his heart, his soul. The thought of them, defenseless against the dragon-fire, was a horror he couldn't bear. He'd been their shield, their rock, for more years than he could count. Then, a boy materialized, a peculiar lad with a tuft of yellow fur on his shoulder, an oddity that seemed to hum with life. In the boy's presence, the king glimpsed the future. A successor was needed, and perhaps, just perhaps, this boy was the answer

RockSaur · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

3.New Era

Time is a continuous flow.

It never stops and is always moving forward. Time is something that we cannot see or touch, but we always feel its presence. It defines our life, makes us move forward despite all obstacles.

Time is not only a unique characteristic of our reality, but also the ability to change everything around us. It can turn youth into old age, flowers into dullness and moments into memories. Every second of time is a slice of our lives that we can never repeat.

But what does time have to do with the question of eternal life? We probably wish time would stop so we could enjoy every moment indefinitely. But is that really such a good thing? Eternal life can quickly become tedious, without purpose or meaning. Time is what makes us feel happy, as it shows us that everything in our lives is temporary and that we should appreciate every moment.

And then the thought of legacy comes to mind, what we will leave behind to those who come after us. Eternal life can only be possible through our children, our descendants. They continue us, they become an extension of our lives, our possibilities and dreams. Leaving someone behind is what makes our lives more meaningful, more valuable.

Thoughts of his legacy had long weighed on the ancient king. His search for his successor was long and arduous where in the end... He failed. All those he thought suitable simply refused to take on such responsibility, they all, ALL as one answered him that they were not worthy, and that they would never be like him. The King tried, he wanted to convey to them that they didn't need to be like him, but to be better, but they refused to listen. The king understood their actions, so he decided to go the way they wanted to go. And all they want is for him to be the one to rule them, only his Majesty was their light of wisdom. The King is majestic, his exploits, knowledge, kindness, justice and all the good things in this world speak to that. Then the Ancient Dinofroz turned to RockFrost for an answer. The King expected something mystical, something unimaginable, something unfulfilling, but the answer was all too simple. Patience.

The King's connection to Rockfrost was a phenomenon beyond the reach of his people, no matter how much they tried. Neither Dinofroz nor the humans had enough unity with nature and inner peace to comprehend the power of the rock. Their king, the creature that legends say was the first dinosaur and creator of the Dinofroz legion, was capable of curbing something as incredible as himself. It is said he was even around when the stone first appeared in this world, but how that happened and in what way history is silent. But what the dinosaurs did learn was that this stone holds knowledge for millennia to come. And it was it that gave the King the answer to his future decision, only to wait.

And the King finally waited.

After so long, so many centuries, he could rest. To stop looking for his replacement, to look for a future king, but for now only a prince. King Dinofroz had good news for his people, as soon as he emerged from his temple, he would announce it to the world.

He lowered his wise gaze to the kid in front of him, flapping his eyes in surprise. The king sensed in him the potential and power he could become. He saw in this kid a leader who could handle the pressure. One must realize that he was still a long way from becoming the king's replacement. Judging by the fire in his eyes, the kid is capable of a lot, but he still needs to grow up. He's still a kid, the King doesn't know how old he is, he looks young, young enough... To his benefit, he has the right to claim his throne. This is what Rockfrost conveys to him with his aura.

"Tell me, little one, how old are you? "

"16! "

"Hm, early, but it's even better, you have time. " with closed eyes the giant nodded his head, satisfied with the answer. The king could safely teach him his ways. The king immediately caught the youngster's questioning look. "I will explain everything to you, but answer me a question first. RockFrost is pleased with you, but this old Dinosaur wants to check it out for himself. Tell me, Ash Ketchum, if you had the power to move mountains and command an entire element at your discretion, if you wielded a power you couldn't even dream of, what would you do? "

This was a very important question, the gravity of it Ash could feel. Goosebumps ran up and down his body. He could feel it, the answer to this question foreshadowed a lot of things. His thoughts were always only about good things, things that would benefit everyone around him: humans and Pokémon. His dream was to become a Pokémon Master, but that didn't mean subjugating all Pokémon. He had dreamed of this title all his life, to become the best among the best, to peak, to become everyone's friend. He wanted to train the Pokémon, make them best of the best, to be their coordinator and comrade.

Ketchum saw only good in everything, even though he realized himself that relative to the champions, he was still a long way off. Pokémon battles were always his inspiration, his heart and soul. There were times when he imagined himself to be more than just someone who shouted commands to his pokémon. He had some kind of feeling, a thirst for battle, just not the kind that happened when your pokémon fought for you, but one that pulled him to the very center of the strife. It had led to worse results on more than one occasion, even remembering the horrible day he'd tried to stop Meow and MeowTwo from fighting. It was an experience he would never forget. But it was after that incident that he felt empowered, he was doubling down on his goal. He reacted better, he felt differently, sensed differently. But even that push wasn't enough for him to protect his friends, family, and even strangers. If he had been a little faster, a little stronger, he could have done more in saving Victini, back then, in Yunova...

" What would I do?", the youngster smirked, an answer he already knew, " You know, I think I would use that power to make the world a better place for all pokémon and humans"

The King's gaze intensified, Ash could feel it. He asked him to continue, and Ketchum already had a plan for that.

"First, I would create huge sanctuaries and parks for pokémon where they could live in safety and harmony with nature. Here they could show off their skills and potential without fear of any threat."

"In addition, I would use my power to prevent conflicts and promote peace between Pokémon trainers. I would even organize special competitions and gather different people and Pokémon from all over the world so they can learn from each other and find common ground!

I would also use my abilities to prevent natural disasters that appeared either by my own way or with the help of someone. Legendary pokémon often fight, maybe fighting over territory or something else, I don't know, it's kind of hard to understand their actions. By their actions they sometimes don't realize that they create huge problems for people and their pokémon living around them. No, I'm not saying that the Legendaries are to blame for all the trouble, as much as I hate to admit it, but their rampages are most often our fault, humans, and perhaps with the power you speak of, Sir King Dinofroz, I would try to stop the bad guys ..."

The ancient giant nodded approvingly, this process filled the air around them with cold, but to his surprise, Ash didn't shudder at the lowered temperature. He generally found that as he placed that stone, Rockfrost, he didn't see the standing frost in the temple as a problem. Ketchum realized that the King was waiting for him to finish his answer, judging by the way he continued to look at him with his omniscient gaze. He wants an answer, and His Majesty will get one, true to Ketchum's style

"All in all, I would try to use my abilities for good, to create a balance between Pokémon and humans, so that everyone can enjoy this beautiful world without fear of the coming days and hardships!"

With fire in his eyes, Ash Ketchum raised his gaze to meet the ice titan's. The 16-year-old was sure of his answer, there was no other way and he hoped that old Dinofroz would agree with him.

The king moved, and with him the whole temple, the walls felt as if their master was speaking to them, and as if they were alive they answered him. The king lowered himself with grace to the small kid, reality shifted for the young man. His senses froze, he stopped himself, his body did not react. He would be judged, and then everything would be decided. Whether he would walk out of here and continue his journey, or be forever erased from this world and lost in someone else's memories. Ash began to tremble, with every fiber of his being he sensed this was it.

"You are worthy. "

In that moment, all of Ash's sensations merged into one, a mixture of joy, wonder, and awe. To be surrounded by such power and majesty made him bow before the fate that ruled his life.

An orchestra of emotions began to erupt in his soul: joy filled every cell of his being, and his nerves fluttered with anticipation, whispering to him that his fate was about to be finally determined.

His grin only grew wider, and a fire burned in his soul. His eyes sparkled with determination and resolve, and the next question of equal importance rang out. 

" And now, young Ash Ketchum, will you accept this power? You want to be the guardian of this world, and I am willing to help you."

Somehow, Ash even encouraged himself, he hadn't expected such a clear answer! And Misty had told him he was a little dumb, so who was he now, huh?! Ash, the incredibly confident boy flashed a smile, clenching his hand into a fist, as if gathering his power into it and releasing it into the world. " If I accept your offer, Sir King Dinofroz, it will mean that I will be able to help humans and Pokémon much better. My answer is... Yes! "

The King's muzzle formed a smile, his genuine and truly sincere smile. The world hadn't seen a happy King in a long time, but now he had an excuse to do so. " Magnificent and congratulations to you, Prince of the Dinofrozes! "


" Ash! " " Ash! "

" Pika-Pika! "

"Froa-Froakie! "

Cries sounded in the Ancient Cave. Young Ash Ketchum's friends appeared behind him. Clemont and Bonnie were alarmed when Ash suddenly ran into the cave. They could not leave him alone and followed their companion. They were worried about him, though they didn't know him that well, but Ash had proved himself a good friend and it would be right to return the favor. Clemont lowered his gaze to Ash's pokémon, trying in vain to find him. Especially Pikachu, according he was told, Pikachu is Ash's first pokémon and most loyal companion, yellow rodent was so nervous he was sparking static. With full strides they headed into the cave, ready to help their friend.

As they stepped deeper and deeper inside the cave, they noticed how their surroundings began to change. The cave seemed to transform before their eyes. Narrow passageways were replaced by wide halls, and the walls of the cave became decorated with incomprehensible symbols and drawings. Light, which should have been absent in the deaf cave, began to penetrate through invisible gaps, creating a magical and mysterious illumination.

Clemont, a scientist... well almost, couldn't help but notice the interesting structure of the cave. He studied every rift and curved wall, absorbing every detail. Engrossed in his scientific thoughts, he could see that these unusual changes in the cave could not be mere coincidence. He pulled his little sister closer to him, who in turn clung to her brother's leg. "Guys, be on the lookout, this isn't just a cave, looks like we're in someone's possession. "

"Pikachu! "

"Froakie! "

" Fletching "

All three responded with a nod and stood in more defensive stances as ordered. Clemont gripped the straps of his improved briefcase tighter, ready to press the right button at any moment.

As they moved relentlessly deeper into the cavern, they heard a deep, mysterious voice echoing through the dark corridors. "Congratulations to you, Prince of Dinofroz," the words rang out, causing humans and Pokémon alike to freeze with fear and excitement. A human couldn't have belonged to that voice, because a human larynx couldn't produce such sounds, Clemont realized. This only made their fear grow greater.

" Be ready. Ash is probably in there. Bonnie stay with me!" four nods were his answer. Their hearts beat harder and their steps quickened as they approached the place where the voice had come from.

Finally, they reached the place where the voice came from. Everything around them was covered in a mysterious glow, revealing a new sight to them. Something they would never forget.

A huge creature, all covered in blocks of ice, and standing on two powerful legs. Its claws were composed of ice, as was its head which was adorned with three ridges, creating a portrait of a crown. Cold hoarfrost swirled around the huge creature, the ground beneath it was covered in frost and even from where they stood, the boys could feel the cold. The creature looked like a Tyrantrum, a LOT bigger and more majestic. Some subspecies of Tyrantrum, thought Clemont.

"Brother, who's that? " his sister squeaked softly.

"Pika-pi?! "

" Froakie! "

" Fletch-... " and these three must have had different thoughts, but Clamont could catch the general shock, for he was one himself. " I don't know, sis, probably some Legendary, and you don't do well with those if you don't know how to approach them." Clemont pressed a button and a long robotic arm popped out of his briefcase. He just brought it to a start, but didn't move it again." Where, however, is Ash- "

"Pika-pi?!" Pikachu had spotted him earlier, and following the rodent's gaze, Clemont found who he was looking for.

Ash Ketchum, their new friend, stood in front of this monster, not reacting in any way to its presence or distracted by the standing cold in this huge place, the ice under his feet was no problem for him. His head was pointed upwards, apparently trying to gaze into the creature's muzzle. He didn't notice them. However, the creature did. And Clamont did because he was able to catch his gaze on them for a moment. However, Bonnie somehow completely forgot about the problem that the giant represented, because she saw Ash too!

" Ash! " she shouted happily with all her throat, she unhooked herself from Clemont and ran towards him. " Bonnie, stop! " the older brother grudgingly shouted after her, in a flash he had his robotic arm pointing forward, preparing to attack. " Guys after her, now! "

"Pika-Pikachu! "

"Froakie! "

"Fletching! "

They chased after her. Ash turned sharply in their direction, a smirk was on his face and now became a grin seeing who was rushing towards him. The giant also focused his attention on his new guests. Ketchum waved at them "Guys! "

Bonnie, Clemont, and their Pokémon came closer, bold and unwavering, ready to stand by their friend and face any challenge. From their vantage point, they had come to save their friend from danger. Bonnie was the earliest to reach the boy. " Ash! Why did you run away?!"

The boy scratched the back of his head in shame, "Well, you see Bonnie-"

"Ash! "



"Fletchling! "

Four voices interrupted Ash. The others ran up to him. Pikachu instantly jumped into his arms, " Ha ha ha, Pikachu! " he rubbed his muzzle against his cheek, puffing his "Pika-Pi" time after time. Laughing, Ash scratched him behind his ear. " Sorry Pikachu, and you guys, I should have explained to you then why I left... Though I still don't know what happened to me..."

"I will have the answer to that, young prince. "

Every single one of them looked sharply at the titan, recoiling in fear, except Ash. Everyone prepared for battle, and Bonnie hid behind her brother. Ash looked at them strangely and at Pikachu on his shoulder, whose fur stood up and the tip of his tail sparkled. " Guys? "

" You need not fear me, young ones. I am not your enemy. " King Dinofroz smiled, the facial expressions of his muzzle could do that which was a surprise to the others, and doubly so to Clemont. It was definitely below 0 degrees in this place, but somehow it had stabilized. The culprit was the King, whose control over his element was so professional that he could even turn a passive function to nothing.

The King looked closer at the new visitors, two humans and three animals of some sort; unique animals. Two blonde-haired humans, outwardly similar to each other, an older boy and a girl. Most likely relatives, the King determined. The boy had some sort of thing sticking out from behind his back. Did humans grow extra appendages? But why doesn't the Prince have one? Or does he have one and he just doesn't show it? The King decided to put that question to rest.

Three more animals the King sees for the first time. One bird, a small rodent, and a frog. The rodent was completely yellow in color. Interesting. The king sensed strength in them, and something strangely familiar. He also sensed their intent, and not a friendly one at that. They were afraid of him, Dinofroz understood perfectly. The children always found him scary at first, he is what he is, nothing he can do. The king glanced at his successor, mentally signaling him to help. He jerked his head in his direction so fast that the King was afraid it would come off. He was surprised and disoriented, King read it in his aura. The Titan sent him some peace of mind, as strange as it seemed. That meant he would explain it to him later.

" Guys, don't be afraid, he's very kind, he's also a king! "

" Who? A K-King? " "Pika-Pi? "

"Do pokémon have kings? " asked a calmer Clamont, drilling his Robo arm back into place. He trusted Ash's words, and so he gave free rein to his actions and to his sister, who he still had to talk to.

"Im gonna say something crazy, but he's not even a pokémon! "

"What?!" " Get Out Of Town! "

"Pika-Pikachu?! "

" Froakie...? "

"... "

The faces of the guests amused the King, as did Ash. It was as if they were all laughing as one. The King's laughter caused a small earthquake, causing Clamont to fall on his butt.

The older blond man drifted off in thought. When he saw the ice colossus, he realized that it couldn't be considered a Pokémon because of its size and appearance. Then he thought he was a Legendary Pokémon, fitting the coliber, but he could hear the beast talking, and not just producing his thoughts in their heads like some Pokémon can, but words coming out of his mouth. But even then he attributed it to it being a Legendary he just didn't know about and being able to talk like a human. A strange ability, but a possible one, because judging by the records, these pokémon can do more than that.

Then it's a whole new species! But then what do we call them?!

"Are you sure it's not a pokémon?"

"If these three creatures are pokémon, I assure you, young man, that I am in no way related to pokémon. "


" Wow! "

"Pika-Pi?! "

"Froakie... "


"Then... " Clemont thought aloud, all sorts of thoughts filling the blond boy's head, "This changes everything! Just imagine, everything we knew about this world might not be the same! A new species, no, a new race! This news should go worldwide, it's unbelievable! "

"A new race? " asked the King, he didn't like the way he said it, this guy either never left his house like Ash, because he reacted the same way, or...

" А? Yes, exactly! " Clamont came to his senses, now looking at the King like the others.

" Why a new race? Has the world not seen the Dinosaurs? "

" I'm afraid not, you, Mr. . "

"King Dinofroz. "

"Mr. King Dinofroz, we humans have never heard of you, until today, I'm like I'm not afraid of that word, everyone thought this world was populated by mankind and pokémon! What fools we were, though.

Oh no, that means, "My people... " thought the King, as the worst possible outcome came true. He was afraid that if he left his people alone, they would simply disappear, make mistakes, die out. He shouldn't have listened to that damned stone then.

"So my fears were confirmed, and they died, all of them. "

Bonnie and the pokémon looked over, not understanding what the titan saw in mind. Clemont, however, had a rough idea of who he was talking about. And apparently he wasn't the only one, because Ash looked at him with the same look of understanding. "You mean dinosaurs, your majesty, don't you? "

" That is correct, young prince. Dinosaurs are not hard to miss, and once upon a time, I was King of the Dinosaurs as well as yours. "

The shocked looks gave the king enough. And if there is no people to rule and lead, there is no point in him being King. All his life, his people have been his raison d'etre, and without them, there is no one to serve him. After all, the King is the servant of the people. But wait...

"Perhaps the earth itself will give me the answer. "

The children and pokémon looked at each other again, not sure what he was talking about. Ash grabbed his head. Some kind of knowledge had come over him again. The king, with the help of Rockfrost, could read the earth. What on earth did it mean? The denotation at this one is that the King can see history by the ground beneath his feet, by the leaves and grass. The King is one with nature, and he communicates with her in this way, she helps him, explains things to him. Ash assumed that because time has frozen in the temple so to speak, because nothing has changed inside since it was built, he can't get information. He needs to be where the changes are, and that is behind the temple.

" After all these centuries, it's time to go out into the world. Young prince, please take RockFrost. "

asked the King, and Ash complied without question. When they returned to their friends, they were looking intently at the rock, watching its glow and noticing all the colors of the rainbow in it. Bonnie found it particularly interesting, " Wow... " she exclaimed sweetly

The king sat down on his knee, and brought his huge paw up to them, "So you don't get lost, please sit on my back, that way you'll be more comfortable and I wouldn't worry about you. "

he kindly offered, trying to keep his claws away from them without making any quick movements. He knew his power and he didn't want to hurt the children. The youth looked at him skeptically, which couldn't be said for Ash who was already standing on his arm, " What are you waiting for guys, let's go. " Trusting him, Bonnie, Clemont and his pokémon climbed up to him. And as soon as they were gathered, the king moved his paw back to his back, dropping them off.

" It's time." The King simply said and headed in the opposite direction. As the group of friends sat on King Dinofroz's back, every step they took caused a massive earthquake. The cave shook and trembled beneath their feet as if reacting to their presence. The majestic walls of the cave kept them from getting lost and showed them the way out.

The king paced, immersed in his thoughts while the children discussed and asked their questions already to Ash. "You've made such a discovery Ash, congratulations!" voiced Clamont.

"pika-pika! "

The dark haired boy smiled modestly, clutching Rockfrost, " Thanks guys, but it was more his Majesty who allowed me to come to him. "

" Oh, I was wondering, why does he call you Prince, Ash? "

" Because he's going to be the new king. " came the reply from the striding titan, on whose back the children were now resting ," Thanks to Rockfrost you appeared in the cave, prince. He sensed your pure heart and what you were capable of. And even if you had wandered in by merest chance and touched the stone, while not being worthy, you would have just been thrown back.

Understanding was reflected on the children's faces. Clemont grabbed his chin, finding the whole thing rather intriguing. " It turns out that that strange state of Ash's was the result of that RockFrost stone just calling to him. "

" That's right, young man. " Clamont smirked, he moved his glasses a little higher as a sign of his contentment, and Ash chuckled. Bonnie was interested in one more thing. " Mr. King Dinofroz, what will Ash have to do as a prince? "

" Keep all living things safe from evil and be the guardian of this world and protect RockFrost. And to do that, he has a lot to learn, I'll teach him, but first of all he has to master his Dinofroz form. "

" What do you mean? " Ash had already asked his question.

" In a direct way, young prince. To live up to your title, you must be trained in both of your forms, both human and Dinofroz. You have been granted the ability, to be just like me, but I think you will surpass me as well. "

This unexpected news caused the rest of the group to freeze in amazement. They couldn't believe that Ash could become Dinofroz, which is the king. What would Ash's form be like then? Would he be as huge or smaller? Would he look terrifying or more human, would he have wings or hooves?! They didn't know what Dinofroz were usually like, so it was just a work of their imagination.

To Clemont this idea of transformation was absurd, he would have thought so had it not been for the living proof before him. If the King spoke so confidently about it, it must be true, and he had experience in it, too. All of this requires further research and he is ready to face it.

"Pika-Pi... "Pikachu," Pikachu thought a little differently. A man who could be another creature. He and Ash had met all sorts of crazy people on their adventures, but this was too crazy. Although he has to admit, it'd be cool to have a coach who'd kick ass at anything. He remembers back in Kanto when a girl turned Ash into a Pikachu... He won't admit it to anyone, but it was the best day of his life. Pikachu could finally talk to his trainer, you know how cool that is?! He could run with his friend, talk to him freely, be on the same level! But with this "Dinofroz", would Ash change? Will they still be friends? Would Ash need his old friend Pikachu, that's what he was afraid of.

The dark-haired native of Kanto was also with his thoughts quietly watching the retreating walls of the temple. The king's latest suggestion stirred him. To guard RockFrost? Did that mean sitting in the temple as king for days on end? What about him and his dream? Would he not fulfill what he had dreamed of all his life because he would have to be distracted by something else entirely, something he had signed himself up for without seeing what it would bring him, what disadvantages it might bring. He could help people and pokémon, and that's all that made sense at the time. What to do about his desires then? He won't renege on his word, after all he doesn't act like it, and that's not how he was raised by his mother. Well...

He suddenly calmed down. Something was asking him to calm down. He looked at the rock in his hands. RockFrost? No, not it. He shifted his gaze to the King, hmmm, yes it was him. And there was the feeling again. Like a second extra emotion that corrected him when necessary or even mentally talking. Some sort of connection had formed, he realized. Whatever it was, it helped him realize there was nothing to worry about yet.

The children up on the Dinosaur stepped carefully out of the cave, they were filled with great excitement and anticipation for what they had ahead of them. Their eyes were shining, their skin beaming with adrenaline.

As the King approached the outskirts of the cave, he said to the children, "We have arrived." Then he urged them to cover their ears.

He stretched his neck into the air and roared.

A roar that this world had not heard in millennia.

It was a sound unparalleled in the history of mankind - a powerful, piercing thunder that swept over all lands.

The earth trembled at the power of the sound, the mountains quivered, and the air was choked with its force. The King's roar spread throughout the world, as if breaking the boundaries of reality and penetrating every heart and soul.

Nothing had ever been the same before, nor would it ever be.