

Hello reader. If you are reading this all I have to say that a lot of stuff in this story may have Easter eggs, Lore, Mystery and other things that may be confusing. This story is a combination of 10 stories that are not finished but this is a rewrite of all of those in one novel. There are a few warnings that I'll have to put here all the warnings. (there will be violence, word that will represent too Gorey in your imagination, there may be word that will be bloody in your imagination) That all the warnings. good things are there are a lot of comedy, stupid moment, romantic moments, and other stuff. the theme is just a combination of fantasy, futuristic, modern, and sci-fi. UPDATE 2 sorry for the late posting there are a lot of school works that I do all the time and I have been role playing in character.ai making my grammar improved a bit not that much. The story will be having more lore, story, mystery and more. I'll give characters more attentions and not play favorites o lot and forgetting a character. I'll try to stream in reality broadcast stream and make a lot of OCs some may not be mine but I'll do what I can to add them all starting from 2017 to now I'll redo their information and let's see how many character will I be making. today I made hundreds of OCs.

JGW_gamer · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1.8 (The Start Of The Adventure)

The next day all 4 of the girls settled down Elevia does her monster hunting quests with sana joining her, Dionne cleaning her gears and equipment for the trip to Alzaroth kingdom as Jay packing everyone's bags while Kimmy buying materials and herbs for medicine.

Dionne: so Jay how's your day today?

Jay: doing well why do you ask?

Dionne: just asking and you never told me that you had a succubus sister besides the fact that you're a human.

Jay: She used to be a slave for trade so a bought her and adopted her to be my little sister. She was close to dying a few months ago so I decided to help her. "She's already dead so I revive her mixed with a bit of my soul"

Dionne looks at Jay with a slight smile on her face.

Dionne: hey remember that time you killed those monster and before you left you requested bottles of blood?

Jay nodded as Dionne takes out 3 bottles of blood.

Dionne: I'm still curious about your request why bottles of blood is there a reason why you want blood are you a vampire?

Jay: no it's not like that I uses it because it's a requirement for my abilities.

Dionne: so your ability required blood inorder to work?

Jay:"it's how I copy their abilities even if it's the same" yep but I'm limited to it. "Not really "

Dionne: so you mean you have sacrificial abilities? So you mean you don't have energy only abilities requires blood?

Jay looked confused and tilted his head.

Jay: what did you mean?

Dionne: sacrificial abilities has it's own requirements like for example if your ability needed blood for a trade for greater power of you don't have enough it will take your life force. To put it simple If you don't have something to offer then it will take your lifespan or making you die younger.

Jay: oh I see I leaned something me new today huh.

Dionne smiled and pass the bottles of blood to Jay as Jay takes it and absorbed the blood inside the bottle.

Jay: "looks like about 170 new abilities neat some of them are ancient abilities"

Dionne: Jay.

Dionne looks at Jay with a slightly serious and worried look on her face.

Jay: hmmm? Something on your mind Dionne?

Dionne: just do not over use your abilities okay? I don't want you dying on me.

Jay: you don't have to worry I won't use that much. "Crap this is limiting my uses"

Dionne smiled at his reply as Loria talk to Jay in his mind.

Loria: *idiot.*

Jay: "hey mistake happens a lot"

Dionne: is everything packed up for the trip to Alzaroth kingdom tomorrow?

Jay: yep I packed everybody's bags.

Dionne: I've noticed you have a hex steel scythe over there another sacrificial item that will cost a person's life force.

Jay: eh don't worry about it me and yomona made a contract and it went fine.

Yomona uses telepathy on Jay.

Yomona: "how is it fine when that time you almost killed me"

Jay:"oh right sorry about that"

Jay scratching his head about that incident.

Dionne: you named your weapon yomona?

Jay: yeah I named her yomona a requirement of our contract.

Dionne: wait the requirement is giving it a name? Is it really that simple? How lucky can you be you already have a lot of girls with you.

Jay: hmmm?

Dionne: nothing you're just odd, weird and a confusing person I've ever known.

Jay: oh okay. . . I'm not sure if I should be mad or happy about your comment but sure.

Dionne:"you're an idiot"

Dionne giggles and continues to pack everyone's bags.

Hours has passed Kimmy finished buying herbs as Elevia and sana came back with money after completing their quest. Night has passed all the girl are all sleeping on the inn as Jay sat on the roof of the inn as her looks at the moon thinking about that dream when he was trapped by the man with a white robe.

Jay: what did he mean by her reaction when I die?..

His mind went blank for a moment as he looks at the 2 blue moons of the night sky.

Jay: . . . I don't properly know what to do in the future. . . Let's see how will it go in the process. . . My choices are all not clear.

Morning has passed Elevia found Jay sleeping on the roof of the inn.

Elevia: having the same dream again?

Elevia sat next to Jay as he lays down on the roof tiles of the inn.

Jay: yeah and I have to do my part of the deal with the queen.

Elevia: finding a suitable prince for her daughter?

Jay: yeah that one. As we do that I'll think of something else to spend our time on.

Elevia: I'll do the same thing but you'll need to get up we're about to leave.

Elevia grabbed Jay hand and both of them stood up as sana, Kimmy and Dionne waits at them on the ground.

Sana: you finally woke up you sleepyhead.

Jay: yeah yeah I know.

Jay jumped down and landed on his feet Elevia follows.

Dionne: shall we get going?

Everyone except Jay: yeah.

Dionne looks at Jay.

Dionne: how about you.

Jay: yeah let's go to the kingdom.

Jay smiled now beginning to walk to the path to Alzaroth kingdom passing through multiple rivers, hills and stopped at the forest as they all set up their tents.

Jay: there we go all set up for tonight.

Kimmy noticed there are only 2 tents and looked at everyone.

Kimmy: why there are only 2 tents?

Sana noticed of what Kimmy is telling.

Sana: yeah why is that?

Jay: I'll keep guard there are only 2 tents for 4 people I'll be here guarding.

Dionne smirked that she sense an enemy around them Elevia too sense an enemy around them.

Elevia: trying to have fun alone huh.

Dionne: there are enemies around don't you think it's a bit unfair for you to have all the fun on beating them?

Jay chuckled and smiled.

Jay: lizard men's are around us The one with the most lizard men tails win.

Hours has passed defeated a lot of lizard men causes all of them to retreat leaving them tail less. Elevia won with the most tails gotten as sana and Kimmy looked at the 3 of them.

Kimmy: they are really competitive are they?

Sana: happens all the time you'll get used to it soon enough.

Sana ate cooked lizard men tails Kimmy ate her's.

Kimmy: still tasted the same as chicken. . .

Sana: sorry about that this is my first time cooking a lizard men tails.

Kimmy chuckled and shake her head with a smile.

Kimmy: no no it's fine I remember the first time I've cooked something and it didn't end up well my rice burnt into a crisp.

Both girls laugh at their embarrassing moments that Jay noticed and smiled in the distance.

Jay: "glad those 2 are having fun"

Hours has passed reaching night time all of the girls slept in their tents while jay sat on a log next to the campfire. Jay absorbed the blood from every lizard men tails they got gaining more abilities.

Jay:??. . . Over lap?? Breaks the users limits with the side effects on loosing tremendous amount of energy. So the amount lost is depends on how much you passed your limit it kinda have a massive loop hole. "This can be exploited"

Morning has passed all 5 of them continue their journey and now reached Alzaroth kingdom in 3 days. As they went through the walls of the kingdom they were surrounded by a large crowd of people. Roaming for hours in the kingdom they went inside a abandoned house and settled in.

Elevia: *sighed as she sat down on the floor* aaaaah this place is crowded as heck!

Dionne: *patted Elevia's back* large crowds are not your thing huh?

Elevia: yeah.

Sana: still crowded as always.

Kimmy: not gonna lie my heart is racing fast it's my first time here that I almost fainted I Public.

Jay: *looks around the abandoned house* how about we rest here?

Dionne:*nodded agreeing with him* yeah since it's abandoned.

Sana: yeah let's claim it before someone tries to take it.

All of the nodded and claimed the abandoned house.

Elevia's appearance her body looks like a senior teen, with red right eye, green left eye, light skin, long slightly messy black hair, pair of red curve horns, long black succubus tail, and average size breasts.

JGW_gamercreators' thoughts