
Chapter 10

AUTHOR P.O.V........

Y/n entered inside her room only to meet Nancy crying in her mother's embrace. Jungkook was sitting on the couch while clenching his fist.

You didn't said anything and just stood there to see their drama. You knew everything that Nancy was inside the room.

How can she do this much cheap thing just to have money, power and Jungkook.

"How could you do that to her. She's just a child. But now we want you to settle everything." said aunt while looking at Jungkook.

He stood up and looked at you with a hard glare.

"I know this is wrong but I don't think I can do anything to settle down. As the things that had to happen had happened already." Said Jungkook while staring at you. He was pissed.

He wanted to smash that slut's head. How dare she to enter in your room and take your place.

"What! You can't do anything with this. I'm warning you if by any chance Nancy gets pregnant then you will have to marry her." said aunt while smirking. Jungkook nodded his head while looking at your aunt.

With that both Nancy and your aunt went out.

Jungkook came towards you and grabbed your hand. He was boiling with anger.

"Where the fuck were you last night?" He growled at you. You looked at him with cold expression.

"I was out of the room." You answered while keeping your dead face.

"And why the hell were you out?" He roared at you.

"Waited for the inside people to come out." He looked at you with red eyes. He understood that you already knew about his plan. He was pissed at himself that how can he think of such a rubbish idea to make you his.

But now he can't do anything. He will have to wait. He really don't want that bitch to get pregnant. He knows that she did all this just to have his money. Fucking bullshit.

He glared you for the last time and went away from there.

You fell on the ground while crying. It hurt. It really hurts to be in this kind of situation. Now you can't even do anything. Just have to wait.


You were sitting on your room when Jungkook entered with a pissed expression plastered on his face..

He removed his heavy dress and went inside the bathroom to change into something comfortable. You were just looking at him with dead emotion.

throughout the week you didn't talked to him. You were like a living corpse. He was getting tensed to see you like that. But he can't help either as he is the reason for your destruction.

Nancy came in with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Why are you still here? Don't you know that newly wedded couples should be left alone. Now fuck off." She said while smirking at you. You heaved a sigh and stood up. You went to the door and was about to leave when Jungkook came out of the bathroom and stopped you.

"You aren't going anywhere."

"But don't you think we both should be left alone." said Nancy while pouting like a ugly duck. She walked towards Jungkook and cringed to his hand.

Jungkook freed his hand form her grip and walked towards you.

"You will stay here with me in this room. You don't have to go in the guest room." he said while looking at you. You looked directly at his eyes. Your expressions were still dead.

"I think you should spent you night with your 2 nd wife not with me. You both are newly married." you said with coldness. Jungkook scoffed at you.

"I'll decide who will stay in my room or not. And yeah Nancy you go to the guest room and have a rest as you must be tired. and also tiredness isn't good for the baby." Jungkook ordered.

"B-But---" Jungkook stopped Nancy in the mid while showing her his hand. Nancy scoffed angrily and walked passed you but not before stumbling you intentionally. Jungkook closed the door and looked at you.

"It wasn't needed. She might have felt bad. You should have spent your night with your new wife not me."

"I'll do what I want to. And right now I want my wife to pleasure me." With that he grabbed you in a bridal style. You didn't fight back as you knew it didn't matter anyway.

He throwed you on the bed and hovered over you. You just closed your eyes and waited this to finish as soon as possible.

Jungkook smashed his lips on yours. He was kissing you so roughly as if showing his anger. He was really pissed that he had to marry that fucking bitch. Although in front of your eyes.

After devouring your mouth he went to your neck and started leaving open mouth kisses on it. With other hand he opened your clothes. He looked at your beautiful body. He was getting addicted to your touch, to your body.

He too got freed from his clothes.

Soon the room filled with Jungkook's groans and moans.

You were lying there with closed eyes like a corpse. You were suppressing your moans as you didn't wanted to satisfy him.