
Portgas D. Naruto

____________________________________ Naruto is born as Ace's older brother and the son of Portgas D. Rouge and the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Follow his life in the One Piece universe. ____________________________________ Disclaimer:this fanfic is not mine it's from Qwert135, if you want to take it down, message me, Every Chapter have 2k+ - 3k+ word's, so enjoy :D

xAcreosx · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 11

"You're reign is over Linlin! Surrender now!" Naruto yelled from the top of the chateau

"Ahahahaha! Ma-ma! My children are on their way to assist me right now you foolish boy! With in a matter of minutes you'll be outnumbered 6 to 1 and be killed and if you try and attack me right now you'll still be killed! My Devil-Fruit holds no bounds! It can easily erase of you and your insignificant crew off of the face of the world!" Big Mom responded, beginning to get into an attacking stance

Naruto looked over Big Mom to see his crew all looking at him for his response, "You guys go and intercept the oncoming reinforcements, I'm going to stay here and do what I must."

"But captain! She's one of the Yonko!" Rose interjected, fearing for the man who she had come to like

Naruto laughed, "I know very well that she is a Yonko, and that doesn't change my mind! Continue forwards to the village you guys! And don't look back!"

They all nodded and began to run off until Rose shouted back up to him again, "But what about Reeve?! He's not with us!"

"I gave him a special job. Don't worry about him." Naruto responded as Rose ran off in the same direction of the rest of the crew

Big Mom laughed, "I must say you are a brave one! Taking me on in a one on one! But just know that I'm never alone in a fight! ZEUS! PROMETHEUS!"

Without any warning, a giant mass of storm clouds with a face began to come to Big Mom's side along with a huge collection of flames with a face to her opposite side.

"Yes Mama!" They spoke together

Linlin laughed as she pointed at Naruto, "This one up there wishes to hurt your Mama and bring harm to her kingdom! We need to destroy him before any of that can happen!"

"Roger Mama!" They echoed once again

"ATTACK!" Linlin yelled

Within a blink of an eye Zeus had launched a bolt of lightning straight at the captain of the Whirlpool Pirates. The shot of lightning had destroyed the top of the chateau and Naruto had seemed to have vanished until he reappeared in the air above the destroyed area he was previously.

"Shoot him again Zeus!" Linlin ordered which Zeus followed

Zeus had shot a second bolt of lightning at the Water-man, and being defenceless and having no where to hide from the attack Naruto charged up some Electro in his right hand and used his advanced observation haki to make it easier to see the direct path of the lightning bolt. Once finding out which part of his body the attack was aimed for he jabbed his hand covered in electric current at the bolt and managed to deflect the attack in another direction and landed in front of Big Mom at ground level.

Immediately, Naruto ran as fast as he could at the giant woman and charged up haki in his leg and jumped at her to try and land a haki infused kick to the face only for his leg to meet the edge of a sword. Big Mom had summoned the blade from her hat Napoleon and clashed it with Naruto.

"Damn it!" Naruto spoke as he clenched his teeth

Linlin just laughed as she held the sword firmly against the leg of the Water-man, "Now Prometheus! Roast him like a goose!"

"Yes Mama!" The ball of fire said as it blew a blaze of flames at Naruto

The Water-man just kicked off of the sword into the air and put both of his hands together to do his best to block the scorching flames. Since he was a Water-man, most of the flames didn't bother him at all but they still had a little bit of haki within them so Naruto did retain some burn marks on his clothes.

"Look at you! I've only attacked you a few times and I've managed to make you run away from me multiple times! Ma-ma! In a matter of moments I'll have your head on my wall!" Big Mom boasted

Naruto grinned in response, "Do you really believe that I'll go down that easy? Ha! This is just a warm up you over-inflated pink balloon!"

"I think it's time for you to see what I can really do!" He continued as he raised his hand towards Zeus

"Pull!" Naruto exclaimed as Zeus began to be pulled towards him like magic

Once Zeus made contact with Naruto's hand, in a blink of an eye the cloud was incased in a thick layer of ice and rendered unconscious. Big Mom was shocked on how easily one of her homie's were taken out and started to feel a great rage inside of her.

"One down! Three to go!" The captain of the Whirlpool Pirates spoke

"No Zeus! How did you do that?!" Linlin demanded of him

Naruto just grinned, "Clouds are made of water, and I can control water!"

"No matter! I'll destroy you even without him!" Big Mom yelled as she started to drive Naruto back with the swing of Napoleon and the blazes that Prometheus was shooting from its mouth

'Shit!' Was all Naruto could think as he dodged yet another swing of Napoleon

Eventually Linlin managed to make a strike which got passed Naruto's guard and cut him right across the chest. Blood spilled out of the wound as he fell to a knee to catch his breath.

"What did I tell you child! I would beat you! And now I'll use the amazing power of my Devil-Fruit to end you!" The captain of the Big Mom Pirates exclaimed as she stuck out her hand at Naruto only to see nothing happen

"W-what?! H-how can you resist the powers of my fruit!? It's impossible unless you don't fear death!" Big Mom yelled out, shocked

Naruto exhaled, still feeling the pain from the wound given to him by Big Mom, "You're right Linlin. I don't fear death! And I don't fear you! You are a tyrant of this land who has slaughtered thousands! And if it costed me my life to make sure that the people of this world would no longer have a looming fear of death by your hand and I'm able to wash the smudge that is you from the face of the planet then I'm ok with giving my life!"

Big Mom clenched her teeth together, "No matter! Prometheus finish him off!"

"Of course Mama!" The fire-ball spoke as it charged up a blaze

'It's now or never Naruto, let's go!' Naruto thought to himself as he quickly raised himself on his feet and charged up and attack of his own

"Heavenly Feuer!/Water Cannon!" Both Prometheus and Naruto yelled at the same time, sending both of their attacks at one another at a very high speed

Both fire and water clashed together and created lots and lots of steam which covered the entire area so that no one could see a thing. Big Mom waved her hands in front of her face to try and get the steam to go away but it was no use, it was too thick. Eventually after about a minute the steam did end up clearing enough so one could see and to Big Mom's surprise she say a panting Naruto standing beside an unconscious Prometheus.

"I-impossible!" Big Mom could only mutter at the sight before her

Without any notice, Naruto cocked back his arms and made his hands make the gesture of a pistol and aimed them at Big Mom, "Water Bullet!" He yelled as many small bullets of water were shot at the giant woman at the blink of an eye.

Most of the water bullets, when they made contact with Big Mom, just bounced off in random directions, not leaving any marks on her skin. But a few water bullets hit the woman with enough power to leave very small bruises on her skin.

Immediately after his previous attack, Naruto ran at Big Mom as fast as he could. He had used the water-bullets as a distraction to allow him to get into close range, once in range he coated his hand in haki and shot it forward only for it to meet the fist of Big Mom.

The two titans clashed in a duel of haki, both not wanting to give an inch. "You're haki is strong boy. But not strong enough!" Big Mom exclaimed as she used her advanced form of armament haki against Naruto which managed to tear cracks through the young man and sent him hurling back in a mass of water.

At this point Naruto had been reduced to a bloody mess on the ground in front of Big Mom. Her attacks had had so much force behind them that getting hit by one of them was as devastating as getting hit by Doflamingo's strongest attack a few times over. To Big Mom, the young man in front of her looked to be defeated.

"Ma-ma! I told you that you were not strong enough to defeat me! Now you'll die! Then after you're gone then no one will be able to defend your friends from my wrath! They too will die on this island! Oh and the one you call Reeve, I know that you sent him to my treasure vault. But who knows, maybe I can mold him into a faithful servant. Or keep you alive long enough just to see him die!" Big Mom bragged as she laughed at the downed Naruto

She then spoke between laughs, "Never mind, I think it'll be more filling to see you die!" Big Mom then brought down Napoleon and it made contact with Naruto, just not in the way she had hoped. Naruto had gotten up from the last attack and had crossed both of his arms and coated them in haki to block the strike from Napoleon.

"Never insult my friends you old hag!" Naruto yelled as he pulled both of his arms back in opposite directions creating so much tension on Napoleon that it snapped in half.

"Napoleon! You'll pay for that!" Big Mom responded as she back handed Naruto into the top of the Chateau, leaving various rubble to fall in his collision with the tower.

Big Mom then propelled herself onto the giant Chateau and began to face off against Naruto once again who had dug his way out of the rubble to meet Big Mom face to face for their final clash.

Linlin had coated her hands in haki and stood ready to fight as Naruto took a knee and closed his eyes. He breathed slowly as Big Mom looked upon with with some confusion, "Ma-ma! Is this you admitting defeat?" Naruto just continued to breath despite Big Mom's question which annoyed her a little.

Finally, the captain of the Whirlpool Pirates stuck his hands out in either direction and raised himself to a standing position before the Yonko. Linlin watched as water began to envelope his hands and legs and the rest of his body, expanding his size so that he was the same, if not bigger than Big Mom herself. Not long after Naruto's transformation, the water on his hands and legs began to freeze and turn into ice while at the same time steam began to poor from his water body rapidly. Portgas D. Naruto had changed from a Water-man to a Water-titan.

Big Mom saw an opportunity to strike and took it, lunging her hand at the generating water monster in front of her only for her hand to be blocked by the arm of the now giant Naruto.

The Water-Titan stared Linlin dead in the eye and spoke, "It's a new fight now Linlin! I hope you're ready for round two!"


Elsewhere. . .

"I can't believe that we're stuck on taking out the small fry yet again!" Lucy spoke with some disgust as she hurled another guard into the side of a house

"Tsk! Just be happy you don't have to fight one of the four emperors of the sea!" Gem responded as he punched two guards, both of which had an explosion go off in front of them when Gem made contact with them.

Lucy just sighed as she fought, "But at least the captain has some action! It's almost like we're only back up to him or a writer got a little lazy and forgot to pair us up against any of Doflamingo's men!"

Each crew member present looked at Lucy with a confused stare, "What is that all about!" They all echoed minus Yuri

She sighed once more, "I don't even know what I'm saying I'm just frustrated!"

"Well shut ur yap feathers! I don't wanna hear ya talkin' while I'm fighting'!" Russ said to Lucy as he shot at more guards

Lucy then grew a tic mark on the side of her head and then proceeded to yell at Russ, "Are you trying to pick a fight! Because I'll gladly claw your eyes out!"

Russ then got back in her face and responded, "Oh yea! Well bring it then! I always like the taste of freshly cooked chicken!"

"Enough you two! I see something coming this way down the path!" Rose yelled overtop of Russ and Lucy's argument

Kiji then finished off the final of the guards and walked over to look in the same direction that Rose was looking in and spotted the force that was approaching. Kiji then clenched his jaw together, "It's Big Mom's children! They've come to aid their mother. . . by killing us! Get ready for a fight guys, this one is going to be rough!"

"I recognize the three in the front! It's Big Mom's first son Perospero! Along with Charlotte Daifuku and Oven!" Rose yelled as she looked at the approaching force once again

Russ then ran to the side of his crew mates to look on the approaching siblings himself, "Are there anymore comin'! I can't see a damn thing cuz of all this dust!" He asked as he tried to wave the dust way from his face

"There may be more Charlotte siblings behind them. I can see some silhouettes. Let me put on my goggles to get a better look." Rose responded as she promptly put on her googles and looked back

"What do you see Lucy?" Asked Kiji, not looking away from the approaching siblings

Rose clenched her jaw, "I see Charlotte Mont-d'Or behind them, along with Effilee and Cinnamon!"

"What should we do then Kiji? Naruto's not here and you're First Mate, what are your orders?" Gem questioned as he looked at Kiji for an answer

The fishman then sighed, "Gem. I want you to take care of Mont-d'Or!" The man nodded as he prepped himself for his fight

"Rose! You take Effilee!" Rose smiled as she discarded her blouse to reveal the clothes she would regularly wear on the ship

"Yuri! I want you to take on Cinnamon!" Kiji yelled to Yuri as Yuri got ready for his fight

The three newest crew members then ran off to go and face their opponents, leaving Kiji, Russ, Lucy, and Pedro to be the only ones still there. The first mate then announced to the remaining crew members, "Russ, I want you to be the one to take on Daifuku. And Lucy, you'll be up against Oven!"

"What about you Kiji?" Lucy asked the fish man

"I'm going to take on Perospero!" Kiji spoke with a slight grin on his face

"Ay!" Both Lucy and Russ echoed as they too ran off to go and face their opponents

Kiji was about to go off as well but Pedro spoke up, "What about me? I want to help too!"

"Pedro, I want you to go and find Reeve and help him get what we came for." Kiji answered

The mink then nodded his head and replied, "Ay." Before running off to find Reeve


Back with Naruto and Big Mom. . .

"Eat this you sweet-obsessed mess!" Naruto yelled as he swung the giant ice arm at Big Mom at a surprisingly high pace for something of that size. The giant fist managed to connect with the face of Big Mom and send her hobbling back.

Linlin had never felt a blow such as that hit her in her life, most things that have ever hit the giant woman have simply just bounced off her or hit her and did no damage what so ever. The punch just thrown at her not only managed to hurt her, but it had also drawn blood.

"I-impossible! T-this is my blood. This is my blood!" The giant woman began to freak out

She then started to throw a tantrum and slash violently at Naruto with no particular precision or finesse, she just wanted to see the man die. Naruto was able to use Big Mom's blind rage to his advantage by dodging her predictable strikes and countering with punches of his own which landed. Eventually, she managed to regain some composer and was once again able to hit Naruto square on with haki infused strikes which began to take a toll on the water golem he had conjured up. Before long both sides were tired, Big Mom having blood running down the side of her face and Naruto having chunks of ice at a time falling off of his now giant body.

The captain of the Whirlpool Pirates placed his hand along the ground and allowed water to flow out of his body, which covered the giant woman's feet. He then raised his other hand above his head and charged it with electro and slammed it against the watery ground, sending an electric shock towards and into Big Mom, stunning her.

In response, Big Mom opened her palm and lunged it towards Naruto's icy chest, once making contact, she sent a haki shockwave through his body which finally cracked the ice golem. Naruto's avatar managed to stay together for the most part but the right arm of it was completely blown off. Before the young man could get to his feet, Linlin broke a pillar off of the chateau and swung it at the downed man, cracking the ice golem even further.

Naruto's form had been cracked and heavily damaged by Big Mom's attacks and his ice titan form had been left cracked and in a puddle of water before Linlin's feet. "You are broken Water-man! But instead of killing you I'll make you a deal. Ma-ma! I'll let you work for me as my underling for a little while and allow your pathetic life to continue for a couple more months!" Big Mom boasted as she laughed

Naruto remained motionless on the ground, now being completely removed from the ice golem he was once in. The man in question was more so bruised and battered then what he was a few minutes ago and was laying in a puddle of water produced by the melting ice and blood. Big Mom herself had a few injuries too, she had a few bruises on her arms and the visible parts of her legs, along with cuts all along her body.

Blalalalala! Blalalalala! Blalalalala!

A transponder snail rung from Big Mom's pocket as she pulled it out. As she put the microphone to her ear she began to laugh and smile devilishly, before hanging up. "Ma-ma! It would happen that my children have already tracked down your crew and have begun to face them in combat Water-man! Soon you'll all ether be dead or be serving me! Willingly or unwillingly!"

Naruto then used the last of his strength to pull himself up to stand and look Big Mom dead in the eye, "None of us will serve a monster like you! You may think that we're a bunch of pushovers but you're wrong! My crew can hold their own against anyone that stands against them! So if I were in your shoes right now I'd give up, because we haven't even gotten started yet!"


Back with Naruto's crew. . .

The crew had already been locked in combat with the children of Big Mom for a couple minutes with both sides refusing to give an inch.

"Bomb fist!" Gem yelled as he stuck his fist right into Mont-d'Or's stomach, making him cough up blood and to be shot back a few metres

The book human struggled to his feet as Gem lined up another attack. "Bomb fist!/Book wall!" They both yelled at the same time

Mont-d'Or managed to create a giant book to attempt to block the attack of Gem but instead the giant book just bursted into pieces upon meeting Gem's fist. All that remained of the taller man's defence was burning paper that blew away in the wind. However, the book human did manage to dodge a direct hit from Gem and continued to clash with the well-dressed man.

"Get back here you dog! Stop running and face me you bratty girl!" Charlotte Efflie screamed as Rose was running circles around her

Rose then laughed, "Why would I do that when toying with you is so much more fun!"

Efflie then inspected the device on Rose's boots that made her movements so fast and elected to eliminate it. She brought up her pistol to her hip and fired rapid shots at the girl and managed to nick the device on the side which caused Rose to spin out and be launched overhead.

Rose got up rather quickly and brushed herself off and looked at her opponent, "Well, I have to hand it to you that was a very nice shot but I really liked that invention of mine so you're going to have to pay for that one!"

"No! You'll be the one to pay for coming here and attacking Mama!" Efflie yelled as she drew her gun again only for a robotic arm to come out of Rose's backpack and swat away the weapon

"We'll see about that one!" The inventor exclaimed as she ran at Efflie

Off a couple of metres away Yuri was fighting Charlotte Cinnamon and they were both locked trying to push one another over.

"So you don't talk much do you!" Cinnamon spoke as she tried to force Yuri to fall over

The man just shook his head no and continued to try and force the woman over. "All you men are so dense headed! And that is why you all must die!" Cinnamon exclaimed as she pushed harder which allowed Yuri to trip her up and throw her on her side.

Cinnamon quickly grabbed a boulder to her side and had some trouble picking it up but then threw it at the approaching Yuri. The giant man just kept walking towards his opponent despite the flying rock coming towards him. Once the boulder was about to hit Yuri, he just cocked back his fist and punched the boulder into pieces and kept walking forward.

"Come down from the sky and face me on the ground you abomination!" Oven yelled as he looked at the bird form of Lucy flying out of his Devil-Fruit's reach

Lucy just continued to hover where she was when she responded, "And get burned! That is the stupidest thing I could do in a fight against a hothead like you! And besides, if I did it would be only make it easier to defeat you!"

Though being untruthful about the last part, it was enough to make Oven overwhelmingly mad as he tried to attack Lucy from a distance. However, Oven's attacks weren't able to do much as they were easily avoided by Lucy who would then keep blasting Oven with wind from her wings.

"Dammit bird!" Oven yelled in frustration

Lucy laughed, "Too easy!" She taunted

Just beside them were both Daifuku and Russ fighting it out, both were tired with Russ running constantly to avoid the Devil-Fruit ability of Daifuku and the giant man was injured because of the large amount of bullets he was hit with from Russ.

'Run Run Run RUN RUNNN!' Russ yelled to himself as he quickly hid behind another fragment of a building

"Come out terrorist! Mama wants you all dead!" Daifuku spoke out as he looked at all of the broken buildings surrounding him, listening for any noise that would come from the Whirlpool Pirate's Marksman

Russ then lifted his lever-action rifle upwards and rested the barrel onto the stone and took aim and the giant man and shot, hitting him right in the upper calf. Daifuku dropped to one knee due to the sudden pain and sent his genie over towards where the shot came from and made sure it was destroyed. But Russ managed to escape to another vantage point. Russ was then about to set up for another shot before he noticed the end of his rifle, the barrel of his gun had been completely sliced off and was no longer usable which left the man with only one option, and that was to face the man head on.

'I have to face him head on in order to land any shots on him, but I need to be smart. If he hands even a single hit on me with that genie it could mean game over.' Russ thought quickly to himself as he made his presence known to his enemy

Finally, engaged in a heated fight was Perospero, the eldest child of the Charlotte family, and Kiji. Both had exchanged blows like there was no tomorrow, and like everyone else fighting, were exhausted and running on fumes.

'Who would've thought that candy could be so destructive!' Kiji voiced in his thoughts as he looked upon the battlefield between himself and Perospero. The land around them had been altered so that shards and pillars of rock candy stuck out of the ground like a mess.

"I must say fishman. . . you are quite the formidable foe! Most would've died at my hand already, but not you, you have survived everything that I've thrown at you! Why not join the Big Mom pirates? We could offer you everything you desire, and you wouldn't have to die at my hand!" Perospero spoke as he addressed Kiji

"No." The fishman responded firmly, "Back on Fish-man island I had to fight for my life in the streets and often went days or even weeks without food. I never stole from anyone except for one time, and it was the best decision I've ever made in my life. You see, when I stole what I stole I was chased down not by one of Neptune's guards or anything but a man I would come to respect over the passing months. The person who caught me was Naruto, Portgas D. Naruto, my captain, and he didn't see a thief in me, he saw the good in me. Since that time we had met back in Fish-man island and I had joined his crew he had never turned his back on me or anyone else and protected all of us. I owe my captain a life-debt for all of the good he's done for me and my friends, and if he asks me to face off against a Yonko I'll do it. . . no questions asked!" Kiji told Perospero as he got back into a fighting stance

"So be it." The candy-man said as he and Kiji clashed once more


Back with Naruto. . .

All of the water close to the chateau began to rise up the tower and hover above Naruto which left Big Mom in shock at all of the water that had gathered in front of her. The Water-man then put back both of his hands towards the water and made a quick motion forward at Big Mom. In a blink of an eye, all of the water rushed through the air and made contact with Big Mom which forced her back to the edge of the tower.

"This is it Linlin! The big finisher!" Naruo exclaimed as he started to run at the giant woman

He then expanded the size of his fist and froze it solid in ice as he cocked it back, "Say goodnight!" Naruto yelled as he made contact with her face

The punch had enough force behind it that it launched Linlin down towards the ground at an insane speed. Once hitting the ground and making a giant hole, water began t flow into it which affectively knocked her out due to her injuries and the effect the water had against her Devil-Fruit.

The shockwave caused by Big Mom hitting the ground felt like it shook the world, and everything and everyone remotly close to the chateau looked on to see a heavily injured Water-man Naruto standing over the unconscious form of Charlotte Linlin.

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