
Pokemon World: Yes I Am Carried by Legendaries

MC gets transmigrated into Pokemon World, a crazy alternate universe of Pokemon where Mega Evolution, Terra, Super Moves (Z-Moves), Fusion (Pokemon + Pokemon) and Synchronization (Pokemon + Trainer) exist. All the major characters from the anime and games also appear. "The strategy for this game is too hard, I just want to be carried by Legendaries and Unbalanced Variant Pokemon" "Uwah! Your Pokemon are so strong! You must be an incredible catcher!" "No, I just know where to find Master Balls" "All of your Pokemon have incredible moves! You must spend an incredible amount of time training them!" "No, I just know where the Hyperbolic Training Chamber is" "AHH! All of your Pokemon are Mega-Evolved!? You must be a science genius!" "No, I just remember the lore from the game, it's actually very simple" Overpowered MC, NO HAREM, Romance Option Vote, Drop you Power Stones in the Bag! :)

OneShotMonk · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Scientific Anomaly

Somewhere in the skyline a few hundred kilometres away from the Institute, a modest Private Jet housing Professor Elm and Professor Sycamore travelled at high speed. The logo of the Institute, a stylized double-helix representing a DNA strand, was on the surface of the jet in beautiful midnight blue, making it observable from the ground.

(Professor Sycamore POV)

'This can't be real'

That was the only thought that ran through my mind as I continued to delve through the data concerning the latest PokeDex entry. It was absolutely unlike anything I had ever seen before, as though it was fresh out of an alternate universe.

'I can only barely understand it'

It really wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Miraidon's internal system was more advanced than the peak of current technology.

From the scans alone, I could make out complex electrical circuitry, a cryogenic conduit network, an back-up photoreceptor system and thermal regulation capacitors.

If I didn't know any better I would've assumed that the quirky-looking bike was some kind of war machine cooked up by Team Rocket.

'And this thing is supposed to be an organic Pokemon?'

It couldn't be real.

'But who would be smart enough to fake something like this?'

"This Team Rocket brat is really quite something"

Seated opposite me was Professor Elm, the weathered scientist reviewing footage taken straight from the Pokemon Training Chamber in the Northern Region of the Institute. 

From the hologram projected above his tablet I could see a rather peculiar scene taking place.

The Training Chamber was made to simulate a high sky environment, Miraidon powering through the air at breakneck speed. Surrounding it on all sides were a large number of flying-type Pokemon, a horde of Fearows and Swallows showering them with a wave of flying-type attacks.

It seemed like every other second, Jay was whispering something to Miraidon, allowing it to sidestep an impending Gust or Aerial Slash. In real-time, I observed an honestly impressive maneuver where Miraidon performed a barrel roll, causing a trio of Aerial Aces to skim it.

"And that kid is apparently some random henchman?" I said with a confusion.

To even dare to do what he was doing, I would estimate you would need to be a semi-experienced Pokemon Trainer.

"The youth are always way more talented than they're given credit for, he probably just needed an opportunity to shine," Professor Elm said distantly. 

"Even still, his story is that he only met that Pokemon a few days ago"

"They seem to be quite compatible"

Professor Elm flicked through the training data, apparently Jay had spent nearly 10 hours inside the Training Chamber performing various drills with Miraidon, something that seemed equally ridiculous.

Another scene was then displayed where Miraidon was gliding on water, a large number of Wailords floating around them, causing the pair of them to swerve and slide across, displaying a startling level of precision and accuracy. 

"I haven't actually had an opportunity to explore the full capabilities of the Training Chamber, I'll have to bring my Totodile along one of these days," Elm said jealously.

'It does look like fun'

I shook my head, trying to concentrate on the matter at hand.

"Where do you think that Pokemon came from, the data on it's biology is unlike anything I've seen before," I confessed.

Professor Elm de-activated the hologram, making eye-contact with me.

"I spoke with Professor Birch at length on that very topic and he said there's no ecosystem in the discovered world that could enable the development of such a Pokemon"

I raised a brow.

"You spoke with Professor Birch already?"

Professor Elm chuckled.

"The news broke out like wildfire, a whole wave of different theories and ideas are emerging"

'Hold on a second'

"There's no habitat in the whole world that it could potentially belong to?"

Pokemon Habitats weren't exactly my expertise but Professor Birch's conclusion didn't seem right to me.

"In the discovered world, Miraidon's internal system is far too advanced for all the habitats we've studied, if I didn't know any better, I would've assumed it was a robot, not a Pokemon"

'He has a point there'

"So where do you think it could have come from?" I queried. 

"In my opinion? Probably some far off end of the earth region that hasn't been discovered yet, you know about the Great Old War, maybe it's a relic of a passed civilization," Elm postulated. 

"Well that's just wrong"

A fundamental fact of history was that technology flowed in one direction, although different societies specialized in different branches of technology, it was never true that a significant technological breakthrough was completely lost to time, the world fundamentally not working that way.

'Especially something on this scale'

"Well what do you think?" Professor Elm asked back.

I thought for a second, a myriad of ideas echoing through my mind.

"Do you remember Turo and Sada?"

Professor Elm scoffed.

"Those two crackpots? You can't be serious," he dismissed, opening up the hologram again.

"Well just look at how advanced Miraidon is! Is it beyond the scope of possibility for it to be from another, more advanced, dimension?" I asked.

"It isn't about the scope of possibility, it's about the plausibility of such a notion, the probability of it being from another world is so infinitesimally small it's not even worthy of consideration"

Debate flared up in my throat as I rose up in my seat, my mood quickly chilling out as I remembered who I was talking to.

"Rigid as ever," I said, exhaling softly.

"Hey, you don't get a Pokemon Prize for speculating about theories, you have to work with the facts, you should know that more than anyone," Professor Elm jabbed, causing me to smirk.

"I still think you're being closed-minded on this, although not on this scale, Iron Hands and Great Tusk are also anomalies"

"I'll change my mind when the science changes," Professor Elm concluded, making me roll my eyes.

'It took him far too long to take Mega Evolution seriously, this is probably the same'

I tilted my head towards the window, seeing the Institute in all it's majesty. 

It was a truly spectacular facility, a massive Nexus constructed in the centre of Area Zero, a series of tunnels and tubes connecting it to the various wings of the structure.

Functional habitats for every discovered Pokemon Type, Preservation habitats for endangered species and Special Energy research zones were all combined in one massive super-structure, making the Institute a scientific and engineering miracle, probably thought impossible only a decade ago.

'I can't wait to see Miraidon in person'